Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 778 Omen of the Demonic Primarch

Corax visited the newly created Titans on the Savior after it became a Mechanicum forge world.

At this time, the Titan where the beheading team is located does not know what model it is, but Clone Corax guessed based on his memory that it is probably similar to the Warlord type.

The interior space is equally huge.

Some Titans have weapons and ammunition factories inside, but there is none in this weird Blood God Machine. There are just layers of arenas, cages, and arena-like buildings that contain lava, seas of blood, and worship objects of the Blood God's faith.

"Follow us! We just need you to help us or be on guard!"

The Gray Knight mentor took the lead.

After careful analysis, the Thunder Warriors of the two combat teams concluded that the Gray Knights, a professional anti-demon force, were obviously more experienced in dealing with such supernatural situations, so they did what the Gray Knights instructor said, retreated, and Follow the Gray Knights.

As the Gray Knights identified traps and dismantled blasphemous barriers, slaying all creatures they encountered and advancing upward, the clone Corax peered through the cracks within the Skull Titan.

Just like what I saw before riding the airdrop pod into the Skull Titan, the Ohm Messiah Blade Titan Army is fighting these Skull Titans, and they are at a disadvantage.

Except for the Martian Witch, almost every Titan was damaged. The War Dog-class Titan guarding the Martian Witch was completely scorched black, and its left shoulder was burning.

On the side of the Titan Legion, the various skull cannons located on the scorched earth proved that the Titan Legion was not defeated by these strange skull Titans, but because the enemy had other arrangements.

If the power of those skull-shattering cannons were not weaker than the general cannons, it would be a miracle that the Ohm Messiah Blade Titan Legion could still survive to this day.

"Thunder Warrior!" The Gray Knight mentor stepped up to Corax and looked up at him, "I hope you and your men can focus on the battle we are fighting!"

"Yes, Master." Corax nodded.

He is a clone of the original body. He can do two or even three things at once. Even if he is playing games, he can still kill enemies at the same time.

But Clone Corax didn't defend himself, he just walked in front after being persuaded by the Gray Knight mentor.

But who would have expected that when Corax took the first step, the mentor of the Gray Knight stretched out his hand and used spiritual energy to drag Corax back to the gap.

"Is that the war machine of your Tyrone people?" The instructor pointed outside the gap.

Corax squinted his eyes, and his pupils shrank when he saw the unexpected situation outside.

In the depths of the blood mist directly ahead, a row of giant war machines were marching with heavy steps toward the place where the Titan Legion and the Skull Titan were fighting.

Those giant war machines are much taller than Titans.

They are like the giant fighting bodies in the Iron Man Army, but not so... "material."

These war machines seemed to be living creatures. They moved across the plains, their bodies burning with black flames, and their sharp-fingered hands holding heavy weapons.

On one of the war machines, a sturdy metal skeleton was stepping on the head structure of the giant war machine, holding a missile launcher with eyes in its arms.

At the feet of those Titan-like war machines, just like the ground troops accompanying the Titan legions in the Apocalypse-level war, are those Space Marines whose bodies are burning with fire.

In addition to the fire-burning Space Marines, there are even huge armies composed of metal skeletons.

Among the ground troops composed of flaming space warriors and metal skeletons, there was a warrior nearly five meters tall, standing on a flaming chariot and holding a sledgehammer, wearing flaming armor.

"He...he..." Corax felt that the warrior wearing flaming armor looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

"Praise the God Emperor." The Gray Knight mentor kissed the double-headed eagle sign hanging around his neck. "Those fire warriors help us fight. I have been saved by them before! They are the messengers of the God Emperor! But as for those skeletons …What the hell is that?”

Corax didn't know what those iron skeletons were.

He didn't even know what those Fire Space Marines were or where they came from.

"Those iron skeletons seem to be my kind." Heat Death suddenly said, its mechanical head turned towards the giant war machines that suddenly joined the battle, "I can't tell clearly."

The Gray Knight instructor looked at Heat Death, remained silent for two seconds, and then continued on the path of searching for the killer weapon in the Skull Titan.

However, ever since the airdrop pod crashed into the Skull Titan, Killer has known that many uninvited guests have appeared in his proud creation, but he has no time to deal with these people yet.

Compared with the intruders who may not be able to find the command deck of the Blood God Machine, those giant war machines and ground troops that suddenly appear to join the battle are the killer weapons that need to be dealt with urgently.

"Ubundlak! Send me some of your ground troops to defend my Blood God's machine!"

"Now! Immediately! Immediately!"

Killer stood directly on the throne and shouted frantically to his friend.

Ubundlak was still fighting Angron, who he thought was the Thunder Warrior. The two fought so darkly that they forgot the surrounding situation.

It was the killing weapon that drew the attention of Lord Drakasi back to the entire war.

"I don't know why you fight like crazy, but yes, I will move the troops."

Ubundrak blocked Angron's attack and subconsciously stood there and gave orders. It wasn't until his order was conveyed that he discovered that the suppressive effect of the black stone had weakened. If it had been placed in the past, it would have been impossible for this kind of command to be received immediately after it was issued.

The Demon Prince suddenly thought of something and fell into ecstasy. He no longer paid attention to the orders or strategies, and just focused on the ferocious fight with the five-meter-tall warrior in front of him.

On the battlefield between ground troops, even the weakest mortals seemed to be going crazy, fighting desperately just to kill the enemies they targeted.

The will of mortals is no longer broken by the carnage caused by the Daemon Prince. The cavalry of the Krieg Death Corps and the long-range troops of the Astra Militarum who are responsible for fire support even dare to launch suicide attacks on the Plague Marines.

The intensity of the war between giant war machines has also escalated.

A Skull Titan was blown to pieces by an unknown war machine that suddenly entered the fray.

Except for the crew of the Martian Witch, all other crews in the Titan Legion launched a desperate attack, even the usually calm and indifferent legion director Omuen. The Glory of Agrippina was emitting a deafening whistle and heading towards the killing The skull Titan where the weapon was located rushed over, and the giant chain saw weapon located on the Titan's right arm buzzed.

The intensity of the war has reached a certain level.

The hatred, sadness and other emotions of those warring parties came together to form a strong resonance.

In the Leviathan command car, Ezekiel, who was researching ways to break the blood mist, suddenly discovered that something was not quite right.

After consulting some information in the Dark Angel's secret database, Ezekiel was surprised to find that this was not the first time that Skull Fortress appeared on the battlefield, and every time it appeared, it was not accompanied by blood mist.

But the blood mist surrounding Broome's second continental plate is there.

It was not until after making some prophecies that Ezekiel suddenly discovered that the existence of the blood mist was not due to the establishment of the Skull Fortress, and it indeed had nothing to do with the fortress.

Finally Ezekiel came to the conclusion.

The blood mist is an omen.

This omen is not necessarily blood mist, it may come in various forms, but at its root...

It was to announce the arrival of a daemon primarch.

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