Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 759: Steady and Steady

"The Void Dragon returns to the flagship."

The prompt sound from the main control intelligence and an illusion appeared at the same time in the bridge.

That was exactly the image of the void dragon Magradros, only not as tall as usual, but equal to the height of a space warrior.

"The enemies near the landing point have been killed."

"If I still have to crush some bugs next time, I won't mind too much. After all, I can improve our war efficiency by going off personally after Blackstone is deployed."

A cold voice came from the mouth of the void dragon's illusion.

Many people in the bridge were still immersed in the shock that the Void Dragon had just brought to everyone. Not everyone in the bridge had seen the Star God fight for the first time, but no matter how many times they had seen it, Everyone will feel extremely shocked.

Putting aside the transcendent power belonging to the Star God, the mere fact that the seemingly omnipotent existence in the real universe is currently cooperating with human beings is an exciting thing.

"My people will immediately continue to expand the occupied area and build more black stones." Ryan looked at the Void Dragon and said, "But if you can join the subsequent expansion battle, our efficiency will definitely be improved to a higher level."

The Void Dragon refused as expected by Ryan: "I am only willing to move within the effective range of the black stone, because excessive spiritual energy will give me a sense of nothingness, like a fish trapped in a shoal."

After being rejected, Ryan looked at Qin Mo aside.

The Void Dragon's eyes also turned to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo stood there without saying a word.

"If you people can't even deploy the Black Stone Obelisk, then why don't we directly rely on the Forgers to deploy the Black Stone Obelisk, and after the Black Stone is deployed, we will personally participate in the battle until the Eye of Terror is completely closed." Void Dragon asked.

"That's not bad." Ryan crossed his arms on his chest and nodded in agreement, "Maybe you star gods can open up another front..."

"Of course that's good!" Void Dragon interrupted Ryan's words, "As long as you nod in the name of the human war commander, indicating that the people you brought are trash, and provide their souls for us to eat, we star gods Naturally, I will do what you need to do for you.”

Ryan was silent.

"You've done what you have to do, leave here." Qin Mo finally said, "Don't worry, I won't let any of your Catans fight in an environment where Black Stone is not deployed. Never."

"There is no Catan who does not believe the words of the new forger." The phantom of the Void Dragon flashed twice, cutting off the connection with the bridge, and continued to build more black stone equipment on the lower level of the tail of the flagship of the Glory of Humanity and waited for the next battle.

The Warmaster's eyes fell on the tactical table and looked at a large shiny land mass displayed on the three-dimensional model of the planet Broome, which showed the occupied area.

The engineering force began to build more black stone obelisks at the four corners of the land plate.

On the ground, in the canyon.

In rivers, in deserts.

The black stone covering formula calculated by the Void Dragon is being applied by human engineering troops. More and more black stone obelisks are being built, and the role of the black stone obelisk at the initial landing point has reached its peak. But it is not yet to the point where a section of Broome can be turned into a real universe.

"With all due respect, Golden Expedition Logistics and Senior Combat Unit Manager." Ryan raised his head and said to Qin Mo, "I think your Star God partner definitely saved a hand, the black stone obelisk on Cadia and it gave us The obelisk is completely different."

"Magradros has no reservations." Qin Mo spread his hands and responded to Ryan in a calm tone, "It's just incomplete. It still uses black stone because it can control the power of unrefined black stone. Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible." Talking about the black stone obelisk, even the black stone clods cannot be rubbed out.”

"Is the Black Stone so difficult to get?" Ryan rubbed his forehead, looking rather troubled. "I have read the detailed report on the Battle of Cadia. It said that the Word Bearers are suspected of using Black Stone to make portals."

"They have a first-mover advantage," Qin Mo said.

"We don't have one? What have the Adeptus Mechanicus been doing?" Ryan complained. "In addition to sending black stones to the traitors on the Underworld No. 8, have they done anything with the black stones?"

On this issue, Qin Mo and Ryan also wanted to complain.

The Adeptus Mechanicus have been studying the Blackstone, but like some other things they study, not much progress has been made.

The Word Bearers can take full advantage of the black stone's ability to amplify psychic powers. There are various applications of the Obsidian Crown.

As for the Empire, during the Battle of Cadia, Caul should have studied the Black Stone Obelisk and learned to open the Obelisk under the guidance of Trazin the Endless.

But we have to admit that the Word Bearers, who can call upon the power of chaos to directly use the Black Stone, have an advantage over the Mechanicus.

"It is conceivable that there must be a lot of black stones in the Word Bearers' lair." Guilliman suddenly interjected.

Ryan wanted to ask what happened, but after thinking about it carefully, he smiled: "You mean, we can use the black stones in their lair. After all, this thing is a double-edged sword."

"Of course." Guilliman nodded and smiled, "Perhaps we will be able to hit the Word Bearers soon after we pull away from Broome and continue the attack, and then the Star Gods can go directly to destroy this deployment. The enemy-occupied world of Black Stone, but only if we can use the Black Stone on it in reverse."

"We can watch the fireworks then." Ryan was looking forward to the moment Guilliman was talking about, but he did not think too much about reaching the Word Bearers' lair in the future, but immediately focused all his attention on The current war has also become very serious.

"Build more black stone obelisks to consolidate the occupied areas, establish supply bases and fortresses, and then advance towards Broome's enemy-occupied areas."

"My orders must be strictly implemented. Anyone who dares to seek credit will have only one end, and that is to be punched by me and his head will fly thirty meters away."

While speaking, Ryan opened the communication with his descendants and all mortal regiments, but everyone knew that the Lion King was talking to his descendants.

Ryan would never worry about the mortal corps rushing to take credit and lead to the collapse of the originally steady and extremely smooth strategic plan, because when he got along with the Astra Militarum, he discovered that strict compliance with discipline was what these mortals relied on to defeat powerful enemies.

As for the Dark Angel... Ryan feels that his descendants need to get used to the existence of the Gene Father. The change from the chapter leader and company commander making independent decisions in ten thousand years to everyone must obey the orders of the Gene Father.

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