Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 758 The Power of the Star God

Early in the preparations for the Golden Crusade, all Space Marine Chapters began to learn how to fight alongside the Tyronian armies and navies.

Those manuals have already explained some transcendent beings that may fight alongside humans, such as the Star Gods, and also how powerful these transcendent beings can play after the Black Stone is deployed.

They are no longer existences that need to be concealed, because these guys have appeared too many times and have shown powerful effects, and they cannot be hidden within the Tyrone star sector.

But it was not until this moment, after fighting side by side with the transcendent existence of the Star God on this battlefield, that those present realized what true power meant.

Even before the Black Stone was deployed and established, the Star Gods were not even willing to leave their warships and arrive on the surface to assist in operations. It is not known whether they were afraid of the environment of the Eye of Terror or disliked all the filth related to the subspace... But after the Black Stone was established and activated, , they participated in the war as everyone expected before the first war of the Golden Crusade began.

Azrael watched everything on the battlefield.

The Supreme Master of the Dark Angels no longer gives orders to anyone, because the battle here at the landing point is over.

For them "mortals," it was over.

The second large company of the Death Guard sacrificed themselves to cover the retreat of the first large company, leaving all the hell beasts and demon engines behind.

But when the armored troops of the Second Company of the Death Guard faced the Void Dragon, the star god, a fragment of a once complete star god, they unsurprisingly turned into ants.

In Azrael's eyes, the First Company of the Death Guard was crumbling in a state that did not belong to any war situation.

In a war, even a party that is crushed by a powerful opponent will at least have time to make strategic adjustments, and then advance layer by layer to alternately cover its retreat.

Even the Death Guards who have become followers of the Dark God will never be so stupid as to be like walking zombies, unable to even do the most basic things of communicating and covering each other.

But no matter what strategy the Death Guard used, they all seemed weak and powerless in front of the Void Dragon.

The muscular body made of silver living metal just waved the spear and swiped it lightly, which was enough to chop all the armored vehicles it saw into charcoal with lightning in an instant.

A Plague Marine operating a heavy self-propelled cannon tried to attract the attention of the void dragon, sacrificing himself in exchange for the evacuation of his comrades.

He succeeded.

The Void Dragon stared at the brave warrior, and in less than a breather, he used the beams from his eyes to instantly reduce the warrior and nearly a hundred tanks around him to ashes.

Under the massacre of the Void Dragon Magradros, except for a very small number of people who were able to retreat with the Plague Warlock, most of the enemies who looked very ferocious in the previous battle were completely killed by it.

On our side, the warriors whose limbs were torn off by the hell beasts received perfect mechanical limbs made of metal. Those who were torn to pieces but not completely dead had their original fragile flesh and blood replaced by mechanical structures, even to the point of being torn apart. Armored vehicles and equipment that were on the verge of destruction have been repaired.

Whether it's Space Marines or Astra Militarum soldiers, armored vehicles from those Astra Militarum regiments or Deathwings, all have been restored.

But the Void Dragon, who was doing this thing like a gift, glanced at everyone coldly, appearing indifferent.

It is just using its own way to help these humans regain their fighting strength quickly so that they can get into the next battle as soon as possible.

"Now it helps us."

"What if one day it is our opponent?"

Looking at this transcendent existence, Azrael had to discuss an extremely serious issue with Ezekiel.

The Grand Master clearly has something in common with his genetic father, that is, as the Emperor and executioners of the Empire, they need to think longer than any other chapter.

"Fighting it with psychic energy will probably give us a chance of winning." Ezekiel said calmly, "At least if we want to attack here at this moment, if we don't let the Black Stone Obelisk be deployed, we still have a chance of winning."

In a psychic way.

Azrael nodded silently, he could understand what Ezekiel was thinking.

Using psionic energy instead of other methods is not because psionic energy has a higher winning rate than other methods, but because only psionic energy has a winning rate compared to other methods.

To fight against this guy who can distort the laws of physics, even if materialistic technology reaches its peak, it may not be effective if some surprising tactics are not used.

"Why would you consider fighting me?"

The ethereal voice sounded directly in Azrael and Ezekiel's heads.

It was a method of making sounds and transmitting communication directly through biological organs. To a certain extent, the two dark angels were talking to their own brains.

When the sound sounded, the Void Dragon floated over and looked down at the two humans.

"Why do you think about such meaningless things?" Void Dragon continued to ask, "Have you reached the level of the Ancient Saints, or are you a people whose strength is equivalent to that of the ancient Eldar Empire or the Necrons in their heyday? Generals in civilization, so that you need to think about how to face the terrorist threats that your race may face?"

Being stared directly at by the Void Dragon, even an Astartes of Azrael's level couldn't help but feel intimidated.

That is not a fear caused by a weak will, but a fear that originates from physiology, just like eating and drinking, but this fear can still be hidden.

"We have to think about it, because this is the duty of us human warriors." Azrael said forcefully.

"Don't waste energy on such meaningless things. From an efficiency perspective, you should invest the limited energy of a creature like you into the things you are facing." The Void Dragon said and raised his hand.

Seeing the transcendent being in front of him raising his hand towards him, Azrael subconsciously wanted to defend himself.

But only the communication component within Azrael's armor has been changed. Now Azrael only needs to move his mouth, and his orders will be conveyed to the ears of the person who should receive the orders.

Not affected by distance.

The Void Dragon's finger moved up and lightly tapped Azrael's helmet: "Now, extend the influence of the Black Stone Obelisk to all the land plates in Broome. This is what you should spend. Something about your limited energy.”

"When the black stone obelisk on Cadia is turned on, it can shrink the entire Eye of Terror by half, but your black stone obelisk can only affect a piece of land?" Ezekiel asked at the side.

"The black stone on Cadia was made by me, but it was me in my heyday." The Void Dragon looked at Ezekiel, "In my heyday, I could have made it with my bare hands and crushed a psychic warrior like you like an ant. Dead bipedal war consumables, but now I can’t do it, for a reason.”

After saying that, the Void Dragon turned into a green light and disappeared near the landing point in an instant.

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