Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 760 Nurgle’s Will

Outside of Broome, the Plague Fleet, which is currently fighting the main fleet of the Golden Expedition in the void, has entered its most critical state.

Typhonse sat on the command throne, using his psychic powers to see the whole situation.

Then he saw that the fleet on the opposite side did not use any improvised tactics or any battle formation. It just fired at his own plague fleet while getting as close as possible to the shortest distance.

They even airdropped armies to Broome while the void battle was going on.

Even Typhons can hardly help but think that his plague fleet has been underestimated, but it is also hard for him not to think that his fleet should not be underestimated.

The Plague Fleet had lost many warships in previous wars. Although many were added later, it was still very few compared to the main fleet of the Golden Expedition.

"damn it!"

"I just can't figure out how those bastards built so many battleships?"

"They can also obtain battleships through subspace?"

Typhons stood up from his throne, his empty armor making a hollow crashing sound with every step, and the Nurglings on the tumor roared and questioned.

The adjutants on the command deck were all silent.

Until a person who was promoted from a plague warlock to an adjutant of Typhons spoke: "If we can also have a certain demon from the Blood God who can forge weapons or battleships as a friend, we may not have to be in the plague. The planet is waiting for the battleship to be dragged into the subspace and flow to the vicinity of the planet."

"It's a pity that the big demons we know are either hopelessly stupid, or naive enough to want to be friends with the enemy." Someone else added.

Then a burst of laughter erupted from the bridge.

Everyone thought of those idiotic demons who liked to laugh and laugh and always did stupid things among the demons under their loving father.

Some people even shouted while laughing: "We should call Kugas over. He must have a lot in common with us when it comes to criticizing those big demons."

As soon as these words came out, even Typhons couldn't hold back.

When Kugas, the big devil, goes out with other big devils, he is simply an unhappy and brainless group. He will always scold his colleagues who are laughing and playing around, and then curse and do it while his colleagues are holding them back. Smash everything.

Just like when they invaded the hospital world of Ultramar during the Plague War.

After the laughter, the bridge gradually fell into silence.

The heavy tension and seriousness drove away the joy and ridicule just now. No matter what their responsibilities were, everyone had to be serious about everything at the moment.

"We... can hold on for a while," Typhons said.

He is good at using psychic powers and can see farther than others.

Although the Plague Fleet will be defeated, it is not always easy to determine the winner in a war between the largest war machines such as the Void War.

It is true that the huge fleet of the Golden Expedition is advancing and attacking with unstoppable momentum, but the Plague Fleet still has enough thinking time to consider its next plan.

However, before starting to think, Typhons thought that he should first ask his omnipotent father to guide him on what decision he should make next.

"Prophecy," Typhons ordered to the Plague Warlock.

The warlock who was promoted to adjutant immediately took out the same Book of Disaster as his colleague on Broome, and then began to hold a sacrilegious sacrificial ceremony on the New Terminus.

Direct dialogue with the dark gods has always been a privilege that only belongs to a very small number of powerful or favored people. The favored person who can directly talk to the four gods is not in the Eye of Terror at this time, but is in the maelstrom. , none other than Huron, the Black-Hearted King.

But for Typhons and the others, it is not difficult to talk to Nurgle and get some guidance.

The Plague Warlock sacrificed a healthy newborn born into the demon world of Nurgle, and then saw things he could not see and heard things he could not hear.

In the chaotic high heaven, the gods are engaged in an eternal battle spanning the past, present and future.

One of the Dark Gods, Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, is suffering vengeance from his brothers and sisters. Nurgle is naturally the first to bear the brunt. He has even united with Slaanesh. Both gods can't help but think that they are marked by measure. Brand is inseparable from Tzeentch.

This is also a fact. After all, when the weird star god in the mortal world enters the subspace to face the gods, Tzeentch will always help indirectly or directly.

But this internal strife throughout ancient and modern times is just the status quo in the High Heavens.

Sitting atop the Brazen Throne, the Blood God looked away from the internal strife of his brothers and sisters in the High Heavens, as Tzeentch used his most hated machinations to respond to the attack with deception, even Slaanesh and Nurgle were deceived by him. Leading the way by the nose, but also fighting back with intrigues.

The Blood God finally cast his gaze beyond the highest sky, observing a place called the Eye of Terror, because a war that could attract the Blood God's attention was breaking out here.

On Broome, the Death Guard's situation is in dire straits.

After losing two large companies in the war with the C'tan, the Death Guard could no longer contain the demon prince Ubondrak of Drakasi, but Ubondrak took the initiative to stop the attack because of the current situation of the demon world it ruled. This proves that he is by no means a person who knows nothing but killing, killing, slashing and slashing.

A temporary collaboration between two gods in the highest heaven.

In the Eye of Terror, two armies of Chaos forces above Broome had no choice but to join forces to face the enemy.

"Go to Broome."


"Go Broome!"

"I cannot accept the failure of my servants in the Eye of Terror rather than in the real universe!"

After a series of pictures and information, there were several commands. This was not a language spoken using vocal organs, but the concept of four commands was forcibly instilled into the Plague Warlock who was prophesying, so that he would be like an ant. The weak and humble will will not collapse and become paralyzed.

"How do we win the Broome War?" Typhons knelt down to the Plague Warlock and asked softly, "I will stick to it because there are sacred objects on it that must be recaptured... But I must also know whether we will Are they all buried there, or can we leave after obtaining the sacred artifact?"

Typhons had to ask, lest he actually went to Broome only to find that the benevolent Father God had not spared any energy to help his loyal servants, just like before when the plague fleet collided head-on with the main fleet of the Golden Expedition. Same.

What Typhons responded to was the words of the Plague Warlock.

"The Blood God will not just watch."

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