Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 757 Deploying the Void Dragon

"The Blackstone Obelisk is enabled... good."

Ryan stared at the battlefield displayed on the tactical table with a smile on his face.

The small black stone obelisk built by the engineering force has the advantage of being deployed quickly. Although its effectiveness may not be very good, as long as it is turned on, there is still no problem in suppressing the psychic energy of an entire land plate.

Based on the characteristics of black stone, Ryan had formulated corresponding plans a long time ago.

When the Black Stone is deployed and activated, the victory of a local war is certain, because there will be more powerful combat units than the conventional army to clean up the place where the Black Stone Obelisk takes effect.

"Robo." Lion suddenly raised his head and called Guilliman's name softly.

Guilliman was stunned for a moment when he heard this title, because only Lady Jotun had used this title, and even Qin Mo only called him Roboute.

Except for the bold businessman named Soleimani during the plague war, no one would directly use the name Robo.

"What?" Guilliman asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ryan crossed his fingers.

Guilliman leaned forward and leaned beside Lion, listening quietly to the secret words that his good brother was about to say.

At this time, Qin Mo, who was also on the bridge, also noticed Ryan's abnormality and looked at the war commander in confusion, wondering what Ryan was doing.

"Lord of Tyrone." Guilliman listened to Ryan's whisper and said directly to Qin Mo, "The Warmaster hopes to use me to persuade you to deploy the Star God. He also told me very worriedly that he was afraid that you would not agree. , so let me speak for him."

"Oh, that's what the War Commander said." Qin Mo nodded thoughtfully.

Lion, who wanted to let Guilliman pass on the message, stood awkwardly, lowering his head and pretending that he was staring at the tactical table, thinking about when to get some trouble for Guilliman and take revenge on him.

The reason why Ryan asked Guilliman to tell Qin Mo about deploying the Star God was really a decision he had carefully considered.

Perhaps the new Thunder Warriors could be commanded by the Empire in an emergency, but the Star Gods definitely could not.

Regarding the deployment of the Star Gods, Ryan didn't know how to organize his words so that Qin Mo sounded like he was just suggesting the deployment of the Star Gods, rather than ordering or forcing it.

Guilliman happens to be good at communication, but Guilliman wants to tell Ryan that his caution is not necessary, because it is wartime, and Qin Mo is also the most understanding person who can distinguish the situation clearly. To put it bluntly.

"The Warmaster and I have the same idea." Qin Mo nodded and ordered the main control intelligence everywhere in the bridge, "Deploy..."

He wanted to talk about deploying the Star God, but he was troubled by which Star God he wanted to deploy.

Saranoga and Burner are in the branch fleet led by Sanguinius and Jaghatai, and he only has Narrator, Mimic, and Void Dragon here.

The guy who wrote the Narrator was urging Lorgar to write the Book of Sacred Words.

Mimicry is relatively leisurely, but considering that Bloom is still in the Eye of Terror, even if the Black Stone Obelisk has been deployed at the landing site, there may be something bad going on...

After thinking about this, Qin Mo ordered: "Deploy the void dragon."

"Received, the command has been transmitted to the location of the Void Dragon." The main control intelligence responded.

on the ground.

The obelisk that was built and used immediately took effect.

The movements of the Plague Marines were no longer dexterous, and their bodies, which were severely corroded and riddled with various diseases, began to resemble their appearance, becoming very cumbersome and painful.

The attack speed of the armored troops of the second largest company of the Death Guard also slowed down. A tentacle had just rolled up a Dark Angel Terminator and was about to send it into the mouth of the chariot. As a result, the mouth closed due to lack of support, and the tentacle was limp. It is also unable to move because there is no internal bone support.

The Plague Warlock that Ezekiel observed began to exert force at this time.

The Book of Disaster, which could have been used to tear apart rifts in the real universe, was used again, and the majestic psychic energy was mobilized from other unaffected areas on Broome and directly infused into all the servants of Nurgle present. .

The paralyzed tentacles gradually regained their strength.

The wailing plague warriors gradually calmed down and continued fighting.

However, the plague that emerged with the arrival of the Plague Warriors did not receive the supply of psychic energy, and directly turned into a weak germ that could be disinfected by ashes.

The battle continues, and the Dark Angels, who have paid the price to resist the attack of three large companies of the Death Guard, must continue to persevere.

Until among the main fleet of the Golden Expedition, which was fighting the Plague Fleet in the void, a green light broke away from the black stone battleship and fell towards the landing point on the surface of Broome.

The green light fell directly in the middle of the fearlessly advancing Plague Soldiers.

Sensing the emergence of a powerful threat, all the large companies of the Death Guard that were attacking the landing point stopped, turned around, and looked towards where the green light suddenly appeared.

A fit giant slowly stood up from the green light and floated.

It holds a spear with flashing green light in its hand, and has wings behind it. Green pixel-like floating structures surround its body, giving people the feeling that its toned body is being broken.

The imperial troops on the battlefield recalled that before the war began, the military affairs department issued a manual for identification of the Tyrone forces, which included this muscular giant.

Void Dragon - Magradros.

All the Plague Marines focused their fire on the Void Dragon at the same time. The armored troops of the second largest company of the Death Guard even ignored the Otansans who were gradually destroying tanks one after another. They attacked the Void Dragon desperately.

When the Black Stone Obelisk is in effect, even if the psychic energy still exists and is still being instilled, it will not affect the Star God from exerting his power.

Violent artillery fire exploded around the Void Dragon, but no ammunition fired from any weapon could get close to within one meter of its body.

While floating and enduring the bombardment unscathed, the Void Dragon looked at Ezekiel, who had always used psychic powers to suppress the Titan.

The latter realized something in an instant, and then released the influence he had exerted on Titan.

Then the void dragon moved.

The star god's body appeared in front of the Titan in an instant, and the Titan was split into two with a single sweep of the spear in his hand.

After killing the Titan, the Void Dragon suddenly disappeared and flashed out amid the heavy siege of two large companies of the Death Guard.

Its body rolled and danced very elegantly, and it quickly waved the spear in its hand.

Green lightning was released from the tip of the spear and surged across the ground, turning countless enemies into ashes with each roar.

Faced with such combat units, as long as the power of Blackstone suppresses the subspace on the battlefield, no matter how many plague warriors and mutated heavy war machines there are on the battlefield, it is meaningless.

At least near the landing site, the Death Guard's defeat was certain.

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