Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 754 Legionization Practice

When two large companies of the Death Guard suddenly teleported out and attacked the landing site, Ezekiel psychically informed his genetic father, asking him to send some reinforcements.

The Dark Angels are not so weak that they have to apply for support when facing two large companies, nor are they so determined that they dare not make sacrifices to win.

But Ezekiel still felt that he should proceed with caution because he was worried that the plague warlock holding the Book of Disaster would bring him a little "unexpected surprise."

"Let the Titan Army..."

"never mind."

Ryan originally wanted to mobilize the Ohm Messiah Blade Titan Legion to assist the ground forces, but this Titan Legion had special responsibilities in his strategy, so he still did not choose to send the Titan Legion.

After thinking about it, Ryan asked Guilliman, who was concentrating on dealing with many complicated matters: "Can you help me mobilize the Otansa Eldar?"

Hearing this, Guilliman hesitated.

There is no need to mobilize the Eldar allies in the craft world of Otansa now, because there are many anti-armor regiments in the main fleet.

But Guilliman also realized that Lion had his own considerations.

The Spirit Tribe people of Otansa Ark, who had been rescued by Qin Mo and Ryan before, and vowed to participate in the Golden Expedition, should show their sincerity and strength.

"Okay." Guilliman nodded and ordered Calgar, "Ask the Death Prophet to mobilize those Otansa people."

Guilliman did not directly let Calgar run to the Craftworld where the main fleet was firing at the plague fleet and directly issue orders. This was also his decision after careful consideration.

Naturally, Calga strictly followed the order of the Gene Father and went to find Efreni in person.

But when he went to the Death Army, he learned that the Otansa people had already gone down to join the battle.

The defenses established by mortals and space marines are under attack.

The commanders of the mortal corps such as Azrael and Creed commanded the battle calmly. They were not in a hurry, because the reason why the attacker was the enemy instead of themselves was to protect the construction of the Black Stone. As long as the Black Stone was established and functioning, then those All attackers will be organized and annihilated.

At this time, the Dark Angels were already fighting as a legion, but their number was still small compared to the Death Guard.

The Dark Angels fight in companies, and so do the Death Guards, but the latter's company is completely different in size and concept from the former's company.

After the failure of the Horus Heresy, the Traitor Legions and Traitor Primarchs hid in the Eye of Terror. Although there was no Codex Astartes on the Rebel side, there were still several Traitor Legions that fell apart, and even some splintered derivative forces. It's worse than a war group, it's just a gang.

The Death Guard is one of the three traitor legions that has maintained its intact organization. The other two are the Word Bearers and the Black Legion.

There are seven large companies under the legion, each with its own characteristics and responsibilities.

If Imperial scholars wanted to study the organization of the Legions during the Great Crusade, the best place to study them would be the Death Guard.

Mortarion is very traditional. In terms of retaining the legion system, his Death Guard definitely exceeds that of the Black Legion and the Word Bearers.

Ryan's choice to let his children take the lead is completely correct, because the Dark Angels have been secretly trying to preserve the Legion's structure as much as possible, but it is impossible for them to be completely unaffected by the Astartes Codex written by Guilliman, and the mother No matter how close the relationship between the regiment and the sub-regiment is, it is still different from the situation when they fought side by side during the legion period.

During the command process, Azrael gradually discovered many problems when the Lion Prince Heirs were not completely organized into a legion. For example, in the process of issuing and transmitting orders, some sub-groups rigidly verified the authenticity of cross-challenge orders as in the past. .

Some sub-regiment commanders forgot to report certain things when they were not adapted to legion-based operations, resulting in incomplete information received by the command level, resulting in some minor errors.

These are the Dark Angels who retain the legion's traditions as much as possible. If they were replaced by the descendants of certain primarchs whose sub-groups have no contact with the parent group, I am afraid that they will all start to fight their own ways at this time.

Azrael solves these unearthed problems one by one, in the name of the Lion King.

All the descendants of Lion quickly adapted to the formation of legions and fought, and were able to fight evenly with the attacking Death Guards when there were mortal legions participating in the battle.

The only slightly dangerous place was the defensive point where the first company of the Dark Angels, known internally as the Death Wing, was facing the attack of the second company of the Death Guard.

Various armored units in the Deathwing faced the attack of numerous giant tanks of the 2nd Company of the Death Guard, assisted by the 87th Armored Regiment of the Tyron Army, the Lord's Choice of the 8th Company of the Cadian Assault Army, and a small number of Ventrilian noble troops. With the Space Marines.

When the battle situation was at its most critical, the Ventrilians arrived, and then the Deathwing Space Marines discovered that these were not anti-armor infantry at all. The Ventrilians, who had never been equipped with anti-armor weapons, directly hung their rifles on the power behind the armor, and then took out a variety of anti-armor weapons.

Some of these Ventrillian nobles even wore Tairon's custom-made heavy power armor, holding super-heavy weapons that even Space Marines had never seen before. In an instant, they exploded together with the missile launch nests on the shoulders of the power armor. Destroy three heavy tanks with firepower.

Then the noble among the nobles will retreat to the rear under the cover of armed servants wearing power armor, and start loading ammunition for super-heavy weapons and missile launchers, and so on until he and his servants are killed together. A tank with a big mouth and tentacles eats it.

The Cadian people thought that the nobles of the Ventrillian noble army were unlikely to have a strong will to fight, until Sergeant Kyle, Creed's deputy personally selected by the Lord of the Lord, discovered a noble wearing power armor holding a strange The bomb, shouting for the emperor and the family, rushed towards a mutated tank that was killing everyone and detonated the bomb. The strange black light released instantly turned everything within a fifty-meter radius into quicksand.

Then Kyle realized that the bomb the noble carried for the suicide attack was an antique, a weapon made by high-tech human civilizations in some desert worlds during the Great Crusade that could wipe out groups of Space Marines. However, such an item sold for The antique that would definitely make a lot of money for the Adeptus Mechanicus was actually carried to the battlefield by that noble.

Kyle had to admit that in terms of military, the nobles in the Ventrillian noble army were better than most nobles in the empire. Those nobles in Necromunda's nest who wore power armor to go down to the nest to hunt erect apes were not even close to them. Not even a single hair on his body can compare.

My eyes hurt. I’ll update two chapters later. I’ll check it out later.

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