Among the many Plague Marines and armored units of the Second Company of the Death Guard that were attacking the landing site, a Knight named the Corrosive Soul was guarding the Warlord-class Titan with ten other colleagues.

The ground is shaking, and every time the giant war machine lifts its foot or lands, the mortals on the battlefield feel terrified.

That disgusting Titan looked like a patient covered with putrid tumors, rather than a divine machine born from scattered parts in a foundry.

The auxiliary combatants from the Adeptus Mechanicus' forge world could not tell whether the machine soul of the Warlord-class Titan had rebelled, because what they saw was that the transmission system and joints composed of countless sarcoma tentacles had completely replaced the original Titan. Some dilapidated structures.

Even the weapons on the arms of the Warrior-class Titan were replaced with green whips covered with spikes, and a living weapon with double-eyed gun barrel-like mouthparts extending from the corrupted flesh.

Since our own Titan legions have other uses, those fighting the Death Guard can only find ways to resist the Titans' firepower and use various heavy weapons to carry out weak counterattacks.

The only advantage is that the warrior-class Titan is not a member of a certain legion, and there are only ten knights guarding it around it.

The mutated creature-like warrior-class titan bombarded as it advanced, and various heavy artillery and missiles from the defensive positions also exploded on the void shield around it.

As the Titans and the defensive positions gradually approached, the firepower of the War Commander Titan became a big problem that had to be solved. Ezekiel left Azrael's side and came directly to the position to face the War Commander Titan attacking from several kilometers away. .

The most psychically powerful of the Dark Angels has many names.

The chief mentor of the Think Tank, the guardian of the Book of Redemption, and the person who opened the Holy Vault of the Stone Fortress.

Some ordinary warriors in the war group believe that Ezekiel is not a personal name, but a title like Lord Cypher. Others believe that the name Ezekiel is the name of a person, referring to the person who was investigated by the previous think tank. Brain, a powerful psyker who ended up collapsing his think tank.

But whatever the name means, Ezekiel must have been a man of great spiritual power.

Facing the Titan that stepped forward and poured huge amounts of firepower into the position, Ezekiel closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Countless cannon fire exploded around him.

The fortifications were shattered and the ground torn apart, but these weapons failed to hit Ezekiel.

And when Ezekiel opened his eyes again, his pupils were covered with a layer of light, and the surging spiritual energy was being mobilized by him.

A ray of light gradually enveloped the Warmaster Titan.

The cannonballs launched by the Titans that looked like green energy balls wrapped in mosquitoes exploded in the light. The corrosive liquid and energy filled the cover formed by the light. The terrifying attack that was enough to turn a bunker into green water in an instant did not occur. Can damage the Titan that releases it, but the Titan cannot move or attack.

To others, Ezekiel's face was expressionless, as if displaying such powerful spiritual power was nothing to him.

But in reality Ezekiel was in pain, feeling things that others couldn't when he was using his psychic powers.

Outside of Broome, in the void of the Eye of Terror, the Blackstone battleship released the power to suppress subspace energy in the battle with the Plague Fleet, but even the battleship constructed of Blackstone was inferior to using the planet directly as its base point. The complete black stone obelisk array formed by the black stone technology developed by the Void Dragon.

In the void, the subspace energy and the realm created by the black stone confront each other. The confrontation between the two completely incompatible ones continues in a strange periodic law.

As a psyker, Ezekiel feels that his mobilizable psychic power may be extremely abundant in the next second, or it may be reduced a lot, or it may be extremely abundant in the previous second, and it may be curbed in this second.

This strange cyclical law brought great pain to Ezekiel.

Just when Ezekiel was trying his best to suppress the Titans, the ten knights guarding the Titans seemed to be guided by something strange, and they rushed towards Ezekiel desperately.

Many Plague Marines also followed the knight as if they were suddenly guided, trying to penetrate the front line composed of Space Marines and mortals, and kill the hateful psyker forever.

At the same time, the evil beings in the subspace are also peering at Ezekiel's soul that has released a dazzling light.

Ezekiel's battle against the Titans trying to break free became a battle between him and the Titans and the evil beings of the Warp, as he heard whispers and felt something's lust for his soul.

The countless terrifying beings lurking in the Sea of ​​Souls, whether they are the lackeys of the Four Gods or those chaotic beings that cannot be classified, have cast upon Ezekiel enough malice and threats to make others feel overwhelmed.

"Support the Great Master!"

The think tanks of the Dark Angels parent group and sub-groups on the battlefield, no matter how far away from Ezekiel they were, all looked at Ezekiel at the same moment, and then rushed to Ezekiel's side to try to provide him with spiritual assistance.

Just like during the Battle of Baal, Mephiston, who is equivalent to the Librarian of the Blood Angels, blocked the Great Demon of Khorne Kabanha back into the subspace with the assistance of his apprentices and colleagues. Now Ezekiel will also do the same. Mephiston usually gets help to achieve what he wants to do.

But just when Ezekiel was about to get help, time seemed to suddenly stretch infinitely.

When he opened his eyes and tried to see what was going on, a terrifying existence exuding decay stood in front of him.

Just catching a glimpse of the tiniest, most insignificant, and non-threatening tip of the iceberg of this terrifying existence almost made Ezekiel's will defense line collapse.

Ezekiel sensed fear.

The terrifying existence in front of him was actually filled with fear.

It is precisely because of fear that it loses its calmness, composure and optimism. It squats in front of the ant like a giant who is afraid of ants crawling on him, preparing to stretch out his hands to kill him.

But at the moment when the terrifying existence was about to take action, a white light suddenly appeared, and then Ezekiel saw a dazzling sun, but this sun had no temperature.

Soon everything in front of him disappeared again and turned back into a battlefield filled with smoke.

After recovering, Ezekiel maintained his suppression of Titan while recalling his previous situation.

He was scared and excited at the same time.

What I was afraid of was that I might have been targeted by one of the dark gods just now because of my use of psychic powers, and faced the threat of being killed by him.

Excitedly, now my soul is no longer threatened by subspace creatures because it is near a cold but dazzling sun.

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