Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 753 Plague Warlock

"The Dark Angels have all been dropped on the landing site!"

Ryan, who was at the tactical table, heard the report from the bridge communications staff.

And this is just a reminder. The original body's reaction and thinking ability have allowed Ryan to judge the information that has not yet been displayed on the tactical table.

Choosing to let his heirs participate in the first wave of landing battles was not just because Ryan wanted the Dark Angels to first adapt to the tactics of the Legion era and reorganize them back to the scale of the Legion era when the Holy Code was now useless, but also because he had great feelings for himself. The descendants are so familiar that they can predict the next change in the battle situation by comprehensively considering the characteristics of the descendants.

When the airdrop pod Azrael and Ezekiel were riding in crashed into the place where the Death Guard and Drakasi were fighting, and launched attacks on both sides at the same time, Lane had already begun to prepare for the follow-up strategy of the landing battle.

In this golden expedition, the human side has many strategic weapons or personnel, which is why Ryan believes that this is a rich battle.

First there are the four primarchs, who will personally participate in the battle if necessary.

Then there is the Blackstone Fortress in the Tyrone Sector, the Iron Man Army, the Star Gods, and the Lord of Tyrone, the Celestial Engine.

The Burner among the Star Gods and Saranoga were in the fleet led by Jaghatai.

Blackstone Fortress was taken away by Sanguinius. Sanguinius would only wake up from his coffin to participate in the battle when his branch fleet was in crisis. Therefore, the armed forces in Blackstone Fortress and the branch fleet were The actual controller is still Dante.

The main fleet does not have weapons like the Blackstone Fortress that can suppress subspace energy within a range of nearly a hundred light years when activated, but after all, there are two primarchs and their powerful descendants, as well as the Lord of Tyron who can single-handedly The existence that turns the tide of battle.

The celestial engine is used to function in the most extreme situations: the demon world where the black stone is effective cannot return to normal, so it uses material weapons to destroy one galaxy after another.

Thanks to these strategic forces that could be relied on, Lane, who was coordinating the overall situation, quickly thought of a backup plan to deal with all emergencies.

At the same time, Guilliman was handling the dispatch of supplies and various non-combat or auxiliary combat personnel. His processing speed was comparable to that of the main control intelligence.

Qin Mo, on the other hand, commanded the naval fleet with Tai Lung Admiral Adam to continue fighting against the plague fleet.

The already intense war on Broome is becoming even more intense.

on the ground.

The first person under the Primarch of the Dark Angels Chapter, the Grand Master Azrael, and the Chapter's powerful psyker Ezekiel descended to the surface in the same drop pod.

They then engage nearby enemies and receive and process intelligence from other combatants during the engagement.

Due to the well-chosen airdrop location, after unplugging some planetary defense weapons and deploying anti-aircraft fortresses, the entire chapter and sub-group successfully landed from the strike cruiser to the surface without many deaths in the process.

However, according to the intelligence provided by the reconnaissance team in the battle group, those plague warriors are sweeping over at an alarming speed.

This was the feeling brought to him by all kinds of intelligence compiled into Azrael. It was as if the Plague Marines had already been deployed near the landing point, waiting for the enemy to come down and kill them.

But their combat performance didn't look like they had planned an ambush in advance.

After thinking for a moment, Azrael decided not to think too much. He felt that the ghost place under his feet was in the Eye of Terror after all, and it was no surprise that the Plague Soldiers grew directly from the ground.

Then just as Azrael thought, the Plague Marines did appear in an unexpected way.

After Azrael and Ezekiel rode in the airdrop pod, the fungus suddenly flourished on the ground and wrapped around the entire airdrop pod. Eventually, as the fungi rotted, a large group of Plague Marines dropped from the empty airdrop pod. The cabin rushed out.

But the sudden appearance of these guys was not enough for Azrael and Ezekiel to focus their full attention on them.

Someone will take care of it.

Twenty-five veterans wearing Terminator armor came in groups. Six of them used heavy weapons called the Spears of Caliban. They quickly relied on their superior numbers and firepower to quickly drop the airdrop pods. Kill them together with the Plague Marines who somehow emerged from inside.

The Plague Marines who suddenly appeared suddenly died all of a sudden. Apart from hearing the war cries of the Dark Angels for the First Legion and Caliban, they had no time to listen or do anything.

Even the rotten corpses scattered on the ground after they were killed were burned by the fire weapons blessed before the war.

"This is not right." Ezekiel just glanced at the corpses burning in the sacred flames on the ground, and then his eyes were covered with a layer of light. Although he did not turn his head, he could examine everything around him from a more advanced perspective.

The airdrop pod used by the Plague Marines had been blessed by the Ecclesiarchy personnel led by War Apostle Mathieu before the war. Logically speaking, it should not be used by the enemy.

Moreover, it is directly corroded and turned into something like a teleportation base station, allowing plague warriors to emerge out of thin air.

And this method of utilization has no practical benefits, it is more like showing off skills.

"There may be a powerful Plague Warlock nearby." Ezekiel was ready to deal with a powerful enemy and start a spiritual battle with the enemy psyker who showed off his skills just now.

While searching for the plague warlock, Ezekiel discovered that the other party's goal was not to behead him at all. Through some special means, he saw that the warlock left after corroding the airdrop pod and went further away to carry out a more important mission. Task.

In psychic vision, Ezekiel looked at him.

He saw the twitching muscles on the other person's decayed face and interpreted it as a smile.

Those Plague Marines that emerged from the airdrop pod just now were indeed just an evil warlock showing off his skills. But now, this warlock is standing seventy kilometers away from the landing point, pulling the power of the God of Darkness to once again launch a new war. Technique.

Ezekiel saw that the other person was holding a book in his hand.

The cover of the book is a twisted and wailing human face, which seems to be the source of the warlock's power.

Eventually the sorcerer conjured a portal of festering limbs across the plains, from which an army of plague poured out.

The armored troops of the second largest company of the Death Guard Legion. Each tank in these armored troops is morbidly huge, and like all the guys blessed by the plague, they are covered with mutated limbs.

The Third Company of the Death Guard, an infantry army known as Mortarion's Iron Felt, advances together with the armored troops. The soldiers of this company are extremely good at attacking tough battles.

After the two large companies, a Warlord-class Titan and ten Plague Knights who chose to believe in Nurgle ten thousand years ago were teleported out. Behind these war machines were more heavy-duty combat machines such as Demon Engine Hell Beasts. unit.

Ezekiel told Azrael what he had seen.

Azrael was silent.

Above the airdropped Dark Angels, the transport ship carrying the Mortal Corps took the place of the original strike cruiser.

Several armored regiments of the Cadian Assault Army and the 87th Armored Regiment of the Tyrone Army were directly dropped to the surface in larger airdrop pods.

Then there are the infantry regiments among the mortal troops.

The position was quickly established, and the engineering team built the position under the protection of the Emperor's Angels and combat troops. According to the Warmaster's plan, they would build a fortress directly on the continental plate beneath their feet.

Not for defense, but for the purpose of building a black stone obelisk.

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