Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 719 Fabius’ plan

After completing the transaction very neatly, Fabius boarded Natalia's frigate and left the demonic world of Dracasi with his creation.

Navigating the Warp, Natalia asked her Creator what she was most curious about.

"It seems that you have already made a deal with Ubondrak, so it went very smoothly just now..."

"Did you already expect that Broome would be invaded at the beginning of the Golden Expedition, and have you found reinforcements for this?"

Natalia responded with two laughs.

Fabius shook his head: "Of course I can't, but the first day I came to Broome I realized that one day this place would be attacked, whether the attacker was the Empire or Taifeng, who had been anxious about me. They, or the Black Legion..."

"So I was prepared."

"There are many predators on Broome that I created with my own hands. The invaders were overwhelmed as soon as they arrived in Broome, but these are not enough, far from enough."

"They don't have much intelligence, so I release the clones and let them discover step by step that they can control the predators."

"I replaced their memories so they actually thought the intruders were their enemies."

"I did a lot."

Fabius recounted his entire plan.

Natalia looked at her creator in surprise and realized that this was a set of defense processes that had a wide range of applications. No matter what enemy attacked, the clones could be used to direct the predators to attack the opponent. To delay time, or even directly reverse the situation of the battle.

As for the next thing to do, that is to mediate among the many forces in the Eye of Terror, and then find reinforcements just like going to Drakasi.

In the end, Broome was recaptured with reinforcements...

Natalia thought about this and suddenly realized that Fabius might not think so. She asked curiously: "Can the Dracasi help us take back Broome?"

"Why should we count on the Dracasi?" Fabius asked.

Natalia was confused: "But we just..."

"No, no, we don't really need to count on the Dracasi people." Fabius shook his head repeatedly, "No matter who attacks Broome, it is completely unrealistic to recapture Broome."

Hearing this, Natalia became even more confused.

"Do you think I will really honor the agreement I made with Ubendrak? Really give him my blood? What a joke!"

Fabius continued.

"I can feel that the enemy attacking Broome this time is unusual. We can't expect Ubondrak to really drive the enemy away from Broome."

"We're going to let Ubondrak go to Broome, with his servants, to fight and bleed, but we can't count on them."

A pre-programmed projection was projected from Fabius's Scepter of Pain.

At the center of the image is Bloom.

There are many names and labels for the forces in the Eye of Terror listed around Broome.

Drakasi and Ubondrak are just one of them. The power of the other powerful believers of the dark gods, and the current power of the many legions who betrayed the empire ten thousand years ago, are all listed in that image. .

In the image, these forces are connected to Bloom by many lines.

"We want all the forces that appear here to go to Broome to fight like the Dracasi people." Fabius explained.

Natalia stared at the image for a while, then suddenly realized what her maker had planned.

That is to make Broome a battlefield where one force after another continues to join.

Until a war broke out in Broome, a world with little strategic value at all.

As for Bloom itself, it is not important, what Fabius cares about is important.

As long as Broome can be turned into a battlefield for a big war as planned in the video, Fabius will have plenty of opportunities to secretly steal his own efforts while all parties are fighting.

But there is a very serious problem with this plan.

"But father, the Black Legion will not be as friendly as Ubundlak, let alone those plague pigs." Natalia frowned.

Fabius shook his head slowly, the Staff of Pain touched the ground lightly, and another image was projected.

"We don't need to go to the Black Legion like we went to Dracasi, and I don't need to make verbal deals with the leaders of forces like the Black Legion."

This image clearly indicates the relationship between the various forces within the Eye of Terror, as well as what they value and care about, and what they will do at all costs.

This information was enough for the Inquisition to obtain it at all costs.

"I just have to get them to Broome to fight and bleed, that's all."

Fabius explained his plan in great detail.

After listening and thinking carefully, Natalia suddenly realized that this whole plan was not impossible.

Take the Death Guard, for example. Although they have recently gathered their forces to protect important worlds including Anthrax and Plague planets, they will soon have reasons to go to Broome to fight.

Because Natalia had helped several other new humans steal the Death Guard's holy artifact, the Plague Ark.

That thing is in Bloom now.

Another example is the Black Legion. What allows them to go to Broome to fight is not only the existence of a clone of Horus, but also the clone of Abaddon. News is circulating throughout the Eye of Terror that Abaddon is not dead and will eventually return. , for the sake of power ownership, the current leader of the Black Legion will definitely kill the clone Abaddon at all costs.

As for how to spread the news...that's easier. Natalia knows a few Alpharius who are willing to do things for her.

Immediately, Natalia realized why her creator explained the entire plan to her in such detail, that is, he needed her help.

"I won't let you down." Natalia saluted respectfully.

"Of course you won't." Fabius nodded.

This is not a word of comfort.

Natalya herself is not a common new human. She consumes more of Fabius's efforts than her brothers and sisters, and naturally has more abilities.

Intelligence and courage alone cannot make you gradually become the owner of a frigate from a naval battleship worker.

"From now on, my dagger-class frigate named Vesalius will also be under your command." After saying that, Fabius turned and left, shutting himself into a small, narrow room.

Natalia will be responsible for all the complicated matters.

Fabius only needs to think carefully about one thing, that is, if Broome really becomes a battlefield for all parties, how can he quietly take away all the hard work he has put into Broome.

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