Inside the Eye of Fear.

The world of demons, Dracasi.

An Imperial Navy Tempest-class battleship arrived above the demon world, rushed straight towards the surface, and finally stopped one thousand meters above the surface.

This extremely reckless behavior would have dire consequences in the real universe outside the Eye of Terror, but within the Eye of Terror, in this crimson demonic world called Drakasi, such behavior is nothing.

The battleship stopped a thousand meters above the ground.

This Imperial Navy frigate did not attract the attention of the military forces in the demon world. The Drakasi people just inspected the ship and then left, allowing the people inside the ship to do whatever they wanted.

The captain of this frigate is Natalia.

An ordinary name, a woman who seems to have no characteristics, but what she does is amazing.

At the end of the Battle of Cadia, the predecessor of the Glory of Mankind and the first cruiser of the Tyron Navy destroyed the Black Legion's Vengeful Spirit in a suicide attack.

Natalia was in command of the frigate that participated in the entire void battle and tried its best to stop the two cruisers.

But this Void Lady with great military exploits doesn't have much hostility towards the current demon world.

Natalia flew out of her battleship on a transport plane and flew towards the surface of Drakasi below.

The soldiers guarding Natalia also had expressionless faces, not feeling anything wrong at all.


The sound of vicissitudes of life came from a compartment inside the cabin.

Natalia, who had always had an expressionless face, reacted at this moment and immediately turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Then, a white-haired Space Marine wearing purple armor walked out of the cubicle.

None other than Fabius Bayer.

Fabius did not die after his head was blown off by the original clone.

He was not reborn in his lair, Broome, but on Natalia's battleship.

It was under the order of Fabius that Natalia took a frigate to the demon world in the Eye of Terror.

"Father." Natalia said softly, "This is not the first time I have come to Drakasi. There is no need for you to come here in person. Even if you don't help us authenticate our identities, we will not be attacked."

Fabius chuckled and looked at his creation.

This Imperial Navy captain named Natalia was the new human being he created and spread throughout the empire, and Natalia was obviously the most outstanding of the many new humans. She had become a ship The captain of the frigate.

"I didn't come here personally to help you certify." Fabius walked to the window of the transport plane and looked down at the demon world Dracasi below. "I have my own things to do."

Ninety-nine percent of this absurd demonic world is a red ocean, an ocean made of blood.

There are scattered cities scattered in the endless sea of ​​blood.

Those cities looked like disks floating on the sea of ​​blood in the air, floating on the sea of ​​blood. They didn't even have foundations but could be stacked up to a thousand meters high.

Drakasi is such an extremely absurd demonic world, but in the eyes of fear, even if this level of absurdity reaches its peak, there are still things more absurd than it.

"Father, why don't you let me take you away from the Eye of Fear forever?" Natalia asked suddenly.

Fabius could have left the Eye of Terror forever long ago, he did not completely die on Bloom.

For a mad doctor who keeps technology in his head and works alone, he does not need to defend a planet to the end like those Chaos Commanders in the eyes of fear.

If Fabius is willing to leave the Eye of Terror, he can go to the Maelstrom.

Huron would have gladly accepted a high price for Fabius.

Facing the inquiry from his creation, Fabius was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly.

"There's someone in Bloom that I care about..."

"And those who care about me."

The transport plane entered the tallest and huge city on the blood sea, flew past many arenas where brutal duels were taking place, and finally entered the top tower of the city and landed on a solid plane made of blood.

Fabius and Natalia stepped out of the transport plane.

The moment the hatch was lowered, Fabius saw the person he wanted to see.

A demon prince.


"Fabius Bayer!"


The demon prince looked very excited. He shouted Fabius's name excitedly, then raised his arms and cheered loudly.

Fabius did not feel at home because of the enthusiasm of this demon prince. He only felt disgusted because he remembered that this demon prince was a very calm and normal person before he became a demon, but now he has become almost like Lucius and the others. .

"Ubundrak." Fabius introduced the demon prince to Natalia, "the Lord of Dracasi, a noble lord."

Natalia listened carefully. Although she had come to Drakashi more than once, this was the first time she met the owner of Drakashi.

As a world built on a sea of ​​blood, Drakasi is not exactly a Khorne or a follower of Khorne.

There is even some order in this demonic world.

The chiefs of various tribes, a few Daemons, Chaos Space Marines, mortal slavers, arena masters, and a Daemon Prince make up the ruling class.

Although the Chaos Space Marines often have uneasy relations with each other, the daemons dislike each other, and there are constant infighting among the mortal slave masters, at least they know that some things do not have to be solved by killing each other.

When the ruling class encounters a crisis that is about to break out a large-scale civil war, they will go to parliament, and then the leaders elected by each force will sit down and talk.

However, there is still a master on Dracasi who can have the final say at critical moments and can carry out his own will.

That was the demon prince in front of Fabius—Lord Ubondrak.

"My slave predicted your coming, I am waiting here, and I know why you came."

"Bloom was attacked, and you are here to ask for help!"

Ubendrak told Fabius's purpose straightforwardly, and he was very correct.

Seeing Fabius nod, Ubendrak continued: "I will give you support, but you must let me get what I want from you."

"I know." Fabius nodded indifferently, "If you want the technology to create new humans, you can, but you must help me get Bloom back first."

Regarding Fabius's request, Ubondrak agreed without any hesitation: "Are you sure this is a deal?"

"OK." Fabius nodded.

Ubondrak nodded with satisfaction.

Somewhere along the way, an agreement that cannot be broken as long as either party survives comes into effect.

I was busy moving until noon today, so I just wrote two chapters and posted them. Although I am very tired today, I will still update six chapters. I will do what I said, but I will post them a little later.

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