Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 720 The City of Desire of the World

The Golden Expedition is still in the preparation stage because this military operation is too huge.

Also because this military operation is so huge, it is simply impossible to conduct a secret operation.

When the four fleets led by the four primarchs have arrived at the edge of the Eye of Terror, and each fleet has established many operational bases and supply stations in several sectors, the news of the impending war has reached the Eye of Terror. In the ears of every inhabitant.

Even the most unknown mortal slave in the most unknown demon world knows that the largest military operation in the real universe in 10,000 years is about to begin.

The four loyal Primarchs and their powerful allies will lead armies and warships into the Eye of Terror, completely cleansing the stain of this reality and the universe, and all the disgusting things in this stain.

Under such circumstances, even mortal slaves know that as people who live in the Eye of Fear, they should at least unite when facing a powerful enemy, even if it is only for this period of time to form an alliance to tide over the difficulties together...

But even a mortal slave knows that this is an impossible hope.

The Black Legion fought fiercely with the descendants of the fallen primarch Fulgrim. The two sides fought bloody battles one after another over the ownership of dozens of mortal slaves in the demon world.

After Mortarion's death, the Death Guard and all subsequent warbands who joined Nurgle's faith began to fight for control of the Plague Planet.

The followers of Khorne took advantage of this chaotic stage to declare war on all forces. The home world of the traitors of the Thousand Sons was raided and massacred for no reason by many followers of the Blood God.

Only the truly wise can realize that many forces within the Eye of Terror are still engaged in civil war even when the enemy is at hand. The reason is not because they are unaware of the importance of unity, but because the so-called chaotic civil war they are engaging in is itself Influenced by the four gods fighting each other in the warp.

Gods influence the will of believers.

The civil war between the forces of Chaos within the Eye of Terror is like the war between the Dark Gods in the Warp.

In such an extremely chaotic situation, there is still a peaceful and prosperous place in the Eye of Fear.

That was Melham.

The past and future home of the Black Legion.

"Several warband warships have arrived in Melham, demanding weapons and equipment from us."

"As usual."

In the Void Port outside Mellum, a veteran wearing a Terminator armor with fangs entered the main control station.

This veteran of the eternal war bowed to Vashtor who was standing in front of the observation screen.

"I understand, take them to Melham and take whatever they want."

As always, Vashtor, the lesser god of the Warp, showed his generosity.

Any warband, regardless of whether they have had conflicts with the Black Legion or had unpleasant things happen, as long as they are willing to dedicate their strength to protect the Eye of Terror, they can receive weapons and equipment on Mellum.

Even the equipment painted according to the style of their respective warbands.

Although weapons and armor have mutations, people who are already in the Eye of Terror don't care about the mutations.

"But this warband is the remnant of the Oathbreakers warband. They once betrayed the Black Legion in the Battle of Cadia." Another veteran in the main control station said.

"If your Warmaster was still here, his choice would be the same as mine." Vashtor turned around and looked at the veteran who questioned him, "Could it be that before the Battle of Cadia, the Oathbreakers warband and you Is your relationship good?"

The veteran was silent.

He was not speechless at what Vashtor said, but he was choked by the word Warmaster.

Most people in the entire Black Legion are looking forward to the return of the Warmaster.

The Warmaster's lieutenants searched across the galaxy for a way to resurrect the Warmaster.

The Word Bearers, Thousand Sons, and other forces have once offered an olive branch and offered to help resurrect the Warmaster, but with Horus's experience, who would dare to let the followers of the dark gods treat Abaddon, the second warrior? How handsome?

In contrast, the Black Legion still believes more in Vashtor's ability to resurrect the Warmaster.

This lesser god of the Warp has fewer outlandish powers and personalities, and he is generous, especially to the Black Legion.

Outside the Void Port where everyone is, the world called Mellum is a gift from Vashtor.

Mellum, once the home of the Black Legion, was destroyed in the First Black Crusade, and its fragments were even used to attack the fleet of the "Sons of Horus", the predecessor of the Black Legion at that time.

But now Melham has been rebuilt.

Huge fragments of the world were dragged and glued together by giant demonic machines attached to ferocious flesh, and subspace energy was guided to repair the cracks between the fragments of the world.

Factories rose from the ground on Melham, emitting continuous roars of steel and strange and heart-rending roars amid the steam and billowing heat waves.

A steady stream of weapons, equipment and ammunition, new demon engines, and even battleships are being born from the factories on Mellum.

Those Chaos Knights and Chaos Titan legions who cannot get supplies can get a steady stream of supplies, Titan or Knight accessories without going to Tamboria to lick the shoes of the bastards of the Mechanicum.

The Black Legion is expanding and many warbands are joining the Black Legion.

The people of the Black Legion do not have a big structure, but as long as Vashtor says that this is a decision that Abaddon whispered to him, those veterans of the long war will not protest too much.

Just like this, Vash'tor mentioned Abaddon, and the veteran could obediently take the warband who had conflicts with the Black Legion to collect weapons and equipment on Mellum.

"Don't limit yourself to the past. The past is meaningless, only the present is meaningful."

"Right now we need more manpower to deal with the trouble between us and Fulgrim, and to deal with the next attack that may completely destroy the entire Eye of Terror."

Vashtor stared at his rebuilt Melham the entire time he spoke.

Finally, the Lord of the Forge said to the veteran behind him who had just questioned him: "This is what your Warmaster meant, McCain. I am indifferent to the conflict between you and another war gang, no matter you choose revenge , or accept it, I don’t care.”

Hearing this, the long-time war veteran named McCain nodded: "Compared to the Warmaster, I am very short-sighted. I can understand his thinking, because the Black Legion has indeed gradually grown because of you and his generosity. We also have better material conditions.”

McCain and Vashtor stared at Melham in front of them.

A world where even if you are outside orbit, you can see the giant factories layered on top of the planet.

Its shape is not a sphere, but more like a giant city built on a broken continent.

McCain had heard that many within the Eye of Terror would make pilgrimages to the Word Bearers' homeworld to experience the grace and power of the true gods in the universe.

But McCain has nothing but contempt for the Word Bearers, because he knows that what is lacking in the Eye of Terror is not faith, but material.

New Mellum, which can produce countless weapons and equipment in every blink and breath, is the real holy city in the Eye of Terror, the real city of desire for the world!

Sorry, brothers, I'm too tired, so I have to slow down a bit. Counting these two chapters, there are four chapters in total, and there are two chapters left.

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