Two seconds passed before the shock subsided.

Lion, who had put down the data pad and stood behind the defense facility with Perturabo and Guilliman, saw Mortarion and Angron running back.

Mortarion supported the injured Angron.

Ryan didn't expect the two to come back so soon, but he didn't say anything.

No praise, no anger.

The Lion King picked up the long sword printed by Perturabo for himself, and wearing armor that had no function other than blocking bullets, he slowly walked out of the defense facility and came to the center of the corridor.

Mortarion raised an eyebrow.

Then Perturabo and Guilliman picked up the unconscious Magnus. They waved to Mortarion and Angron, then turned and left.

"What decision have you made?" Mortarion followed without hesitation, but still asked.

"Ryan will find an opportunity to talk to the enemy, and then he will detonate all the melta bombs at his feet," Perturabo said.

"Are we just going to leave him to die?" Angron broke away from Mortarion's support and limped back with two axes.

"This was Lion's own idea," Perturabo said. "He even drew his sword to kill Guilliman, just so that he could be in the limelight again before he died."

Angron showed no reaction and limped to Ryan's side.

Perturabo and Guilliman looked at each other.

The two looked at Mortarion again.

"Guys." Mortarion thought carefully and then said: "If the enemy can release lightning that can instantly annihilate an army, then it is meaningless where we hide and how long Ryan delays."

Mortarion looked at Llane as he spoke.

Then Mortarion, Guilliman, and Perturabo walked back at the same time.

By the way, Magnus was also carried on his shoulders.

"For my father." Guilliman walked to Lion and said, raising his sword.

"..." Perturabo threw Magnus to the ground and said nothing.

"For my brothers and sisters." Angron raised his axe, supporting the body that had just been swept away by the aftermath of lightning.

Mortarion glanced at Angron: "We don't really want to say for whom here, we just have to shout a word before we die, otherwise we will die quietly."

The Primarchs all stared straight ahead.

The atmosphere gradually became very heavy.

The entire corridor was extremely quiet.

Then, footsteps came.

A tall figure with six arms appeared in the dim light around the corner.

Then the iron man who appeared in the surveillance video walked out of the corner.

Heat Death walked slowly, all the arms holding swords stretched out, sparks flew, and the sword blades left scratches on the walls on both sides.

"How do we deal with it? One hand against one hand? But Magnus is unconscious." Mortarion lowered his body and glanced at each of Heat Death's arms.

"Maybe he swung the sword and cut himself down," Lane said.

Heat Death seemed to hear this and responded.

It danced a beautiful sword flower, and then continued to move forward.

Ryan held the sword harder: "Pretend I didn't say anything."

As Heat Death slowly approached, Lion, Angron and Guilliman stared ahead, and they confidently handed their backs to Mortarion and Perturabo.

Perturabo glanced behind him from time to time.

Having paid attention to both the front and back, Mortarion glanced from the front to the back and glanced left and right.

Then he saw two people gradually emerging from the wall beside him.

It was like two people emerging from the water.

Before Mortarion could even utter the words to remind his brothers, the rushing lightning covered all the clones, causing them to fall to the ground and twitch.

"Why don't you just kill them?"

Eisenhorn savored the wonderful feeling of emerging from the wall, then took out his bolter and put it against the head of the clone Guilliman.

Qin Mo said nothing and stood silently.

His eyes fell on the face of the clone Guilliman.

Guilliman was angry and surprised. In short, he struggled, trying to "drive out" the electricity in every cell, and then got up to fight to the death.

"Don't blame me, Guilliman, it was you who asked me to kill you." Qin Mo said with difficulty.

Guilliman glared at Qin Mo.

Qin Mo felt no pain when the Demon Prince hit the Tianling Cap with a hammer on the Russian satellite decades ago, but the look in his eyes made him feel pain.

Many years ago, during Guilliman's first trip to Tyrone, the War Ministry molded the scanned primarch into a training dummy, and then found the Lord of Tyron, hoping to ask the Lord of Tyron to use this dummy for training. one time.

Qin Mo asked why.

The War Department said that although our relationship with the Empire has been eased due to the intervention of the Regent, this does not mean that this harmony is permanent. Even for a one in ten thousand possibility, the War Department still needs combat intelligence, because this This is the meaning of the existence of all war departments in the sector.

Qin Mo thought about it, and it was right.

So he went to war with the Guilliman dummy.

That dummy was so real that when he was knocked down, he couldn't believe it and was frightened. He kept asking why over and over again.

Qin Mo refused to take action, and then the simulated battle ended. The Ministry of War collected intelligence on the strength that Guilliman could exert at his most extreme state.

Although the two Guillimans were looking at each other differently, Qin Mo still felt uncomfortable.

Because this situation made him see what he least wanted to see.

Two friends were fighting for the same phased cause - to allow members of the human species to at least live like humans first. But before the cause was completed, the two started fighting.

Clone Guilliman could not stare at Qin Mo for long before he fell into a coma like his brothers.

"Someone in the Inquisition thinks you are another Emperor, or the Emperor's brother, and the Empire should follow you."

"But I don't think so, as do almost everyone except a few people."

"Just like I don't think of you as an alien god, but as a person who uses divine power."

Eisenhorn slashed the clone Guilliman's forehead with his bolter, casting complicated eyes on Qin Mo.

"Compared to the master of humanity who doesn't feel tired even if he does 100 million tram problems, you are still a little too human."


The bolter cracked softly.

The loaded bolter didn't fire.

Eisenhorn picked up the bolter and looked at Qin Mo with questioning eyes.

"Those in the Inquisition who think I am the second Emperor are overthinking."

"Tell them you're right."

Qin Mo raised his hand, and the Inquisitor's bolter turned into a puddle of powder, and then regrouped into a bolter at his waist.

"I would find excuses to leave my residence just to enjoy the feeling of being admired, even if it would cause the internal security department of tens of thousands of people to have to work overtime overnight to provide me with protection that I didn't need."

"I am a person with a strong natural ability to empathize. I can empathize with the experiences of others. When I see the experiences of people who are bullied and bullied, I will be itching to hate them."

"When the Tyron Unification War has just ended and various precepts have not yet been perfected, it is inevitable that some evil people will take advantage of loopholes and escape punishment. You know, after all, even AI has not been widely popularized at that time... Then I will punish those evil people, I was the wanted 'lynching butcher' in the Tyrone Galaxy."

Eisenhorn didn't want to hear it.

He didn't want to be the second person to know that Lord Tyrone, the master of a sector, secretly went out to lynch those who took advantage of the situation.

But Qin Mo didn't think he had to explain or persuade Eisenhorn.

He was persuading himself.

"I even asked one of the guards who admired me the most to register a game account in the name of his daughter to prevent me from being recognized. When his daughter found out that she couldn't register a second account with her own identity, I would just snicker."

"But I never try to cover up or suppress my humanity."

"Because if an inhumane guy with transcendent material power becomes hungry for other people's souls because of his power, he will not even think of eating him because he is one of my people and my kind. , it’s not over anymore.”

With that said, Qin Mo looked at the clones who had fallen to the ground and were unconscious.

"If these Primarchs are obviously corrupted by Chaos, I will personally erase them, because only I can erase them completely."

"but now……"

"Even if it's just to give the still-living original body an extra container that can be used for resurrection..."

"Even if it is to have more possibilities in some aspects..."

After listening to Qin Mo's words, Eisenhorn suddenly laughed.

His face had long been paralyzed by torture, but the corners of his mouth could still twitch and laugh.

It's just that this smile looks very weird.

“Don’t let down your guard against the Inquisition.

Eisenhorn said suddenly.

"They still think you are a powerful enemy who is ready to eat all human souls, and they are looking for every way to target you."

"If there is any progress in the Inquisition... let me enter your sector alive and meet the Praetorian Guards."

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The Inquisitor did not stay to take care of the matters of the original clones. He turned and left: "I will tell others that the original clones are dead."

Qin Mo nodded, then glanced at each unconscious original body.

In fact, it was not entirely out of reluctance that he didn't kill them.

He really saw a lot of possibilities.

But in any case, it is still unclear at this moment whether these clones can completely survive.

Small risk, high insurance, this is exactly Qin Mo's style of doing things.

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