Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 713 The Clone Wars

The war fought by the clone Primarchs has changed from siege to defense.

The giant whale is still lying on the entrance, and the golden warriors and iron men are still guarding the giant whale and the entrance.

The entrance to the laboratory has been opened.

The only benefit of only three people daring to enter the laboratory where countless more powerful twisted monsters are hidden is that there are more monitoring equipment in the corridor of the laboratory, and the clones no longer need to pass through flying units and certain reconnaissance units. Only then can you see the enemy's movements.

Perturabo has made a set of weapons and equipment for all his brothers.

But the Lord of Steel's mission was not over yet, and he was assigned by Ryan to build defenses on the route to where everyone was.

Perturabo cursed and went to work.

The situation was critical at this time, and Mortarion stopped standing far away. Angron also calmed down. The two stood behind Ryan and Guilliman, who were sitting cross-legged, and observed the situation on the data board with them.

"Shall we go?" Mortarion asked.

"Don't worry yet." Ryan held the master control data board and awakened all Fabius' creations left in the laboratory, whether they had been created or were undergoing experiments.

Freaks far more powerful than Space Marines swarmed from the Awakening into the narrow, booby-trapped corridors.

In a small spot in the corner of the data board, you can see a three-dimensional roadmap of the lab.

Densely packed red dots rushed to the entrance from several routes, and then converged into a dazzling red light on the corridor where the entrance was located.

"Stop them."

"Stop them."

Lion began to whisper, while his eyes kept going back and forth between the data pad in his hand and the data pad showing the screen in Guilliman's hand.

The data pad in Guilliman's hand is connected to the monitoring program, and the picture can be seen intuitively.

The dense corridors are packed with disgusting things.

Through previous battles on the surface, Ryan was already familiar with the combat power of those gadgets. Not every one of them was more powerful than the Space Marines, but most of them were.

I don’t know why, but most of the creatures that can be controlled by the master control protocol are combat-type creatures.

"The starting point works, okay?" Ryan breathed heavily.

In the surveillance footage, the three who entered the laboratory were obviously enemies heading straight for the original body.

They walked slowly and leisurely, exploring the route as they went.

Then, when the freaks who crowded the corridor rushed towards them, the man holding a chain sword and a scepter stepped forward and slammed the scepter on the ground.

The floor under his feet, the walls on both sides of him, and the ceiling above his head were instantly ignited by fire.

Then, while the flames continued to engulf along the corridor, thunder and lightning burst out.

These two attacks will instantly turn the powerful monsters crowded in the corridor into powder, whether they are combat or reconnaissance types, huge or the size of flies.

The man raised his scepter, raised his head and glanced around, and his eyes suddenly fell on the surveillance screen.

"Cut off that monitoring device!" Ryan ordered with a roar.

Before Llane could roar, Guilliman had already turned off the surveillance equipment.

Fabius is indeed a person who believes in the truth of the empire. The laboratory monitoring equipment he used on the planet called Broome in the Eye of Fear did not use psychic technology, but used signals to transmit images.

Before the signal was completely cut off, Qin Mo sensed the end of the signal propagation.

"Those things that include gland hounds, regardless of why their owners developed them, I can only say that they are of limited use."

Ryan put down the data pad, rubbed his blond hair vigorously, and then fell into distress.

Ryan's judgment on Fabius's creation is simple.

More than the inferior, less than the superior.

Most of them are better than Space Marines, but unfortunately they are really stupid.

Ryan found that unless he could micro-manage each combat unit in the past, present and future at the same time, he would not be able to use these guys to deal with such a powerful enemy.

It's not that those gland hounds and the like can't do anything without command... It might as well be that they can't do anything without command. At least combat units that fully obey orders will no longer be wild after issuing a retreat order. The onset is delayed by one millisecond.

"But it's not over yet."

Ryan picked up the data pad and activated a new batch of experimental subjects in the master control program.

That stuff is weird.

It is an extension plan called the New Humanity Project.

This new extension of humanity has an almost human appearance, but they are colder-blooded, stronger, taller, and more brutal and bloodthirsty.

There is only one new fighting human being, who is three meters tall and lies in a four-meter-long jar, but the owner of this laboratory has cloned a huge number of new fighting humans.

After activating the clone army, Lion looked back at Mortarion.

Mortarion nodded and left with Angron to lead the clone army to fight in person.

Qin and Mo walked into a huge space.

Four corridors form the four sides of the space. There is a railing in front of the three of them. They look down into the abyss. When they look up, they cannot see the top at all. But there are not only four corridors and four forks, but one layer after another. Know how many layers are stacked.

Before moving on, Eisenhorn and Qin Mo looked at each other and realized that this was an excellent ambush location.

Then a flash point appeared far ahead, followed by a ray that struck across a distance of a hundred meters.

When the beam was about to penetrate Eisenhorn, it suddenly deflected, hit the heads of the three people, and created a one-meter-deep pit.

Then more and more firepower came towards the three people.

Re Ji stepped in front of Qin Mo and intercepted the incoming firepower. At the same time, all the appendages holding long-range weapons on his body fired at various locations in the darkness.

There was a slight sound of flesh breaking with each firing.

After detecting the location with the largest number of enemies or where heavy weapons are hidden, the heavy cannon extending from Heat Death's chest will fire, creating explosions that raise mushroom clouds in the darkness layer after layer.

"The enemy is very organized and they are changing their positions." Resolute Hui reported.

Fortunately, the battle situation is not particularly severe. No matter how powerful the creature is in long-range shooting, it cannot compare to Iron Man.

"This is the original cloning body." Qin Mo looked at Eisenhorn, "Even if they have no essence, they are still superhuman. I can't even imagine what kind of trouble these guys will cause us if they fall into the hands of the enemy."

"It seems that he must be killed." Eisenhorn nodded.

"Indeed." Qin Mo also nodded and raised his hand towards the layer-by-layer layer-like space in front of him.

Thunder and lightning shot out, sweeping from the top to the bottom, not missing every level.

Whether it was a bunker or a fortress, whether it was a void shield or an ion shield, they were all shattered or overloaded.

Until a big hole was blown out of the darkness in front of the three people by lightning, and the living metal on Heat Death turned into a hairspring and slowly floated.

Most of Iron Man's armor was stripped off, forming a bridge for walking on the "abyss".

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