Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 715 Scholar’s ​​Opinion

After four tera hours.

The timer carried by the Iron Man known as the Scholar that worked under the influence of the Warp elapsed for 14,400 seconds, rather than time actually passing and being counted in the Eye of Terror.

This hellish place is just like subspace. Even the rules of physics have become a joke here, let alone time.

"Heat Death and 025 are already searching the laboratory's information database, searching for information on all Fabius's creations, including the New Human Project."

"There are also many places on this planet where armies led by new humans are gathering, but it doesn't matter... Once we decipher the genes of the new humans, weapons against them can be manufactured, and then among the stars in the real universe spread between.”

"Until the abominable creation of Fabius is completely annihilated among the stars."

Scholars and Iron Lords walked in the corridors of the laboratory.

The purpose of Qin Mo's coming to Broome was not just to find the original clones.

The issue of cloning the original body has been half solved, and there is still one thing that needs to be solved urgently on Bloom.

That is the new humanity.

Therefore, Qin Mo and his party cannot leave this ghost place of Broome for the time being.

And after thoroughly investigating Fabius's laboratory, and then figuring out the entire new human plan, as well as every detailed step of the plan and every detail of its implementation so far.

As scholars say, Heat Death and 025 are already doing this.

Although UR025, this Iron Man who has experienced the dark technological age of mankind and the golden age, is just an Iron Man guest general in the Tyrone Sector, his responsibility for fulfilling the orders of the Lord of Tyrone is not even comparable to that of the Burning Falcon, which does not belong to the Sector Army. Battle groups within the system.

But it really does its best.

But at this moment, what Qin Mo wants to do is not about new humans. The genetic contaminants created by Fabius do not require him to work hard at all.

The new humanity is said to be cold-blooded and powerful?

Let the Iron Man and the New Thunder Warrior teach them what true cold-bloodedness and strength are, and they will not have the glory of bathing in thunder and raging flames for the time being.

At least not for the time being.

"Those primarchs..."

"The clones have been sent back to the place where they woke up, but I guess they are awake now and very angry."

When Qin Mo asked about the cloning originals, the scholar immediately revealed its arrangements.

Qin Mo was also going to where the original clones were.

But he had many doubts.

Although he had saved these original bodies from Eisenhorn, and even inexplicably aroused the goodwill of the old inquisitor because of this incident, Qin Mo couldn't help but feel worried.

He didn't know how Guilliman would react if these clones were brought back and he learned that the other version of himself was still alive.

Is it rage? surprise? Or rush over with the Emperor's Sword and kill the clone?

"With your iron-clad computing power and your mastery of subspace psychic powers, do you think it was the right decision for me to let the clones survive?"

Qin Mo suddenly stopped and asked the scholar.

The scholar also stopped.

This slender man, who was wearing a black robe for some unknown reason, touched his chin, and then gave an extremely certain answer: "That's correct."

"Huh? I ordered you to tell the truth." Qin Mo looked questioning.

Qin Mo would not completely believe what the scholar, an iron man, said.

It's not that the scholars will deceive him, but because there are some things that the scholars don't know or are unsure about. In order to make Qin Mo have a positive mood, the scholars will say nice things.

For example, once, Qin Mo asked a scholar if he could predict when he would have good luck, because he wanted to put aside everything on the day of good luck and devote a day to climbing the rankings in a strategy game.

Qin Mo asked several times, and the scholar answered several times.

After realizing that the scholar was just trying to comfort himself, Qin Mo stopped asking.

But the situation is different now. Qin Mo just wants to listen to other people's opinions.

"As you said before, Clone Magnus is a man who could sit on the throne if necessary."

"And the cloned Sanguinius was originally going to be used as a soul vessel for the real Sanguinius."

"As for other people, they all have their own uses. There is always a place for them to be useful. That's what you think, isn't it?"

The scholar just told Qin Mo's plan to help him strengthen his determination.

But after Qin Mo thought about it, he also revealed the biggest reason for his hesitation at this time: "I'm worried that they will eventually fall into the hands of the enemy."

"Perhaps there is no need to worry." The scholar slowly shook his head. "We have always had plans related to the Soulless. For example, the final form of Heat Death is an Iron Man Soulless. Perhaps we can make these cloned originals with survival value also …”

Iron Man's transformation into a soulless person was a plan that had been in progress for a long time, even before Iron Man's transformation into a psychic being.

The Personality Matrix, a necessary tool for advanced iron men, is actually a semi-finished product. The true complete state will give advanced combat units the ability to counter psionic energy, like the Soulless.

But this plan ran into a bottleneck, because the technology used by the Deceiver, the Star God, to make soulless people appear in humans is the same as the Burner's Webway technology and the Forger's mass production technology. It is either unique knowledge or involves The unique skill of the user's nature.

But the Soulless Matrix is ​​not the only hope.

The new Thunder Warriors formulated by the Star Gods are born with the ability to be immune to the influence of the subspace. At the worst, it is not impossible to have the clones reborn with the ability to be immune to the influence of the subspace. It is not impossible to settle for the second best.

"Taking a step back, even if they can't be turned into soulless beings, the original clones have no subspace essence. To put it bluntly, aren't they just a group of clones? If they are likely to betray humans, or they were born As far as the restrictions imposed by the people who cloned them... it wouldn't be difficult to erase them."

Qin Mo nodded.

The two quickened their pace and walked towards where the original bodies were.

After entering the laboratory used to store clones, Qin Mo saw all the original clones.

Including those who were locked in jars and fell asleep, as well as those who woke up.

And the people who are inspecting the clones.

This person is not a scientist from the Tyrone sector, let alone a star god who came to the Eye of Terror. The person who uses his knowledge to undertake this scientific research task is a warrior.

The commander of the new Thunder Warriors - Bendis.

"All of these primarchs are normal."

After saluting Qin Mo, Bendis spoke about the situation of the original clones.

He has examined every clone primordial, and finally came to a conclusion: Fabius's creation of clone primordial is not like building weapons for himself, but more like pursuing some achievements, or...

Show off your skills.

I will update three times today, because I have to move out from my work today, and moving is very time-consuming. However, starting from the day after tomorrow, I will update six times a day for a week. After the move, I won’t have to work the night shift. It’s rock solid, don’t worry.

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