Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 712 Candidates for the Throne

"Don't kill the clone Magnus."

The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky killed the huge number of gland hounds that suddenly came from the weak direction of the defense line.

Raising his hand, Qin Mo, who saw the traces of electricity wrapped around his hand gradually dissipating, repeated once again not to kill clone Magnus.

"I didn't kill him, I just knocked him unconscious."

Although he couldn't understand why the Lord of Iron immediately said not to kill Magnus again, the scholar still obeyed because it was an order from the Father of Creation.

Eisenhorn on the side couldn't understand either.

But he thought about it based on the information he had, and suddenly felt shocked, and then ecstatic.

"The cloned Magnus can still sit on the throne for the Emperor, right?" Eisenhorn asked.

Qin Mo was first surprised that Eisenhorn could even think of this step.

Then he realized that Eisenhorn was not a popular face. Although he had not yet become a top judge, his adventures were enough to let him know more things.

For example, the Emperor once wanted Magnus to sit on the Golden Throne.

But leaving aside the matter of information, Qin Mo faced Eisenhorn who had no expression on his face but was so excited that he was trembling all over.

Facing the expectations of his most respected judge.

Qin Mo could only shake his head helplessly: "Magnus may be able to sit on a throne-like device, but the Emperor will never come down."

Eisenhorn's enthusiasm and expectations were poured with cold water.

Like a prairie fire suddenly extinguished by a heavy rain.

The momentary ignition of this hope and the instantaneous extinguishment made Eisenhorn extremely uncomfortable.

It was even as uncomfortable as when he regressed Bei Kun's consciousness back to before the two met, and then regretted it so much that he wanted to stab himself twice, but felt that this was the right thing to do.

"Why?" Eisenhorn asked.

"You are too radical..." Qin Mo shook his head helplessly. Although he knew that the inquisitors were only radical and those who were already radical, Eisenhorn was still too radical.

Eisenhorn didn't say anything, but Qin Mo could guess how Eisenhorn planned to get the emperor to come down.

Give the Emperor a few blows and kill him.

Just like Lord Cypher's plan.

"This is not feasible."

Qin Mo didn't want to be the Riddler, but he was sure that he shouldn't let Eisenhorn know about the Lord of Darkness, so he could only find another way to explain it.

"The Imperium of Man, the human species, has continued to provide faith to the Emperor for ten thousand years."

"You should know the consequences if a person is worshiped to this extent. Even my sword and scepter became sacred objects within a hundred years of being worshiped by the Tyrone people."

With that said, Qin Mo pointed at the chainsword and scepter.

"One of these two things was taken from the useless captain who was so cowardly that he ran away from the gene stealers at the sight of him, but ended up killing himself first."

"The other one was taken from the blind psychic servant of the useless captain. That unlucky guy didn't accomplish anything. He was blown up by a cannonball in the middle of his words."

"Of these two things, one has made the Tyrone people worship the Warmaster, and the other has become a leader's certificate that can prevent the holder from being hit by cannonballs and bullets as long as it is held in the hand."

Eisenhorn understood, and then realized that his idea of ​​letting clone Magnus sit on the throne and then let the Emperor come down was not really appropriate.

"I understand what you mean. You mean what the emperor was ten thousand years ago. He will become a god ten thousand years later, right?"


"Then what would happen if the Emperor stood up?"

Qin Mo's face darkened.

He realized that Eisenhorn was "asking for a price."

Ask the Emperor what price he wants to pay when he stands up, and then see if the current human race can afford it.

If it were young Eisenhorn, he would never ask this.

But...the judges only have those who are already possessed and those who are about to become possessed. This is the tragedy of being a necessary evil.

"The price may be that humans follow in the footsteps of the Eldar." Qin Mo still answered the price to Eisenhorn, "With Terra as the center, the subspace rift exploded is enough to tear the galaxy into several pieces."

"I see."

The judge hurriedly said these four words at a very fast speed.

Just like a poor man facing expensive luxury goods, after hearing the price of the goods, he quickly retracted his longing eyes and stretched out his hands for the goods.

Even if that price is just a casual comment from someone who thinks that poor people will definitely not be able to pay the price.

"Although it is impossible to clone Magnus to replace the Emperor, he can be used as a backup to sit on the Golden Throne when a second Golden Throne is necessary. Otherwise, where can I find a ruthless character with psychic abilities." Qin Mo said with a strong smile.

Eisenhorn's mouth twitched a few times, seemingly forcing a smile.

"But my lord, this Magnus is helplessly fragile." The scholar stepped forward and said, "He is too weak."

Hearing this, Qin Mo had to admit that the scholar was right.

But there is a reason why he asked the scholar not to kill clone Magnus instead of killing him after a trial.

"He simply lacks the essence of the Warp, like all clone Primarchs."

"If our plan to clone Sanguinius to house Sanguinius succeeds..."

"We might be able to get the clone Magnus to accommodate Magnus."

After hearing the words of the Iron Lord, the scholar was speechless.

It's not that it didn't expect this, but it doubts whether it's really feasible.

Iron Man does not consider whether it is possible, but only considers the probability of success and failure of what needs to be done, and then compares it to draw a conclusion about how feasible it is.

If the body of cloned Sanguinius can accommodate the real Sanguinius, it does not mean that the idea of ​​cloning Magnus to accommodate Magnus has a 100% success rate.

Because there are variables.

The essence of Sanguinius remains loyal to humanity, and Magnus, who has become the Red Devil, certainly is not.

The former is willing, the latter resists.

Taking a step back, even if the Red Devil is willing to enter a clone body...for example, the design makes his broken souls feel that they are very smart and can get a good container, but in the end, the cleverness is mistaken for the cleverness...

Even so, even if the clone Magnus only needs to be pressed on the Golden Throne after being possessed, the Red Devil's soul is not broken into slag, it still has a body.

Think about it.

Scholars can only classify the matter of letting Magnus sit on the throne as an act of desperation, that is, a must-try when there is no other way and failure to reverse the situation is a dead end.

Qin Mo thought the same as the scholar. He didn't really intend to choose a candidate for the spare throne that he might get in the future when he was not in a desperate situation.

"The entrance to the laboratory is open."

Heat Death suddenly emerged from the ground, then transformed from a digging machine into its usual form.

A tunnel was left behind him, and at the end of the tunnel was the entrance to Fabius' laboratory.

Heat death has cracked the portal.

Qin Mo's worry about whether forcing his way into the laboratory would cause it to self-destruct is no longer necessary.

"Guard the entrance." Qin Mo said to the scholar, then looked at Heat Death, "Follow me alone."

Re Ji nodded, unfolded all the appendages on his body and took out all weapons, preparing to follow Qin Mo into the laboratory.

"Take me there." Eisenhorn suddenly grabbed Qin Mo's hand, "I am also a psychic. If we encounter those..."

Qin Mo glanced at Eisenhorn meaningfully, then nodded: "Okay."

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