Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 711 Psychic Contest

The clone masters acted individually according to the strategy formulated by Ryan.

Perturabo, who ran to find raw materials to make weapons and equipment, found a lot of good things in the laboratory.

A kind of novel production equipment that seems to be modeled after some kind of production equipment. It is the size of a house and is connected to a huge warehouse.

The printing port of the production equipment is placed in a 13-square-meter glass cover, and then the things you want to manufacture can be quickly manufactured as long as the diameter does not exceed two meters.

Although a lot of materials are wasted, although every printing can make the lights in the laboratory flicker, and although the speed is slow... no matter what, this thing is convenient, which makes Perturabo very interested. .

He even squatted down while printing weapons and equipment, staring at the novel equipment and thinking about it.

Wouldn't it be nice if this thing could be improved and used to build a line of defense?

Should I disassemble this thing and take it with me when I'm running away?

Perturabo was very serious.

So much so that he never thought that it would be inappropriate for such a thing to take up a huge amount of space in a biochemical laboratory.

While Perturabo prepared the weapons for his Primarch brothers, Guilliman and the Lion were planning the overall situation.

Guilliman integrates all the intelligence obtained on the battlefield, analyzes it, and then provides Lion with any suggestions that are most feasible.

Ryan, on the other hand, listened to the advice and used what he had learned throughout his life to command the freaks created by biochemical technology.

The situation of the battle was turned around almost instantly.

Although those monsters are as numerous as sea water, and although compared with the number of enemies, they are like the vast ocean and a leaf, all they will do is rush up in a swarm, like a swarm of Angron.

Very silly.

Ryan prepared containment, detour and other tactics for these freaks, and passed these tactics on in real time through the master control terminal.

However, turning the tide of the battle does not mean turning defeat into victory.

But it means that at least the enemy needs to spend more time fighting, and the man who commands the iron men is General Ran Dan in Clone Lane's implanted memory.

After the tactical arrangement is implemented, the man cannot stand on the head of the giant whale. In addition to making cool movements, he just snaps his fingers twice. He must focus on bombarding anything with the terrifying power that looks like psychic energy. A monstrous strongman who rushed up from an unnoticed corner.

Although it is impossible to turn defeat into victory and prevent the enemy from entering the laboratory, it can at least be delayed for a while.

As for Magnus.

Prospero, the planet with the largest number of bachelors in the galaxy, is the palace of knowledge that stores the most knowledge.

Its owner, Magnus, was sitting cross-legged on the ground, using his psychic talent with his eyes closed to detect every situation on the battlefield at the same time.

He found that he didn't know why, but felt a little powerless.

And when using psychic powers, he felt that he was incomplete and missing something important.

just like……

A cloned creature with no essence.

But Magnus is Magnus, and even if he's out of his depth, even if his psychic powers are obviously not as powerful as they once were, he can still do a lot.

"Five minutes later, the enemy found the base where biochemical warriors were released in area B4, and they went to destroy it."

"The enemy's giant battle body will turn into a giant earth-penetrating instrument in ten minutes."

"In seven minutes, the enemy's shining golden warriors will launch an attack on a test tower."

Magnus can directly use his psychic talents to predict various future actions of his enemies.

Then he discovered something embarrassing.

This is of no use.

Because every step taken by the enemy is completely different from what was predicted.

Ryan originally wanted to praise Magnus, but he was scolded angrily by Magnus's prophecy, which was like "the inner ghost is exerting his power", and he almost took action.

Mortarion on the side also sneered at Magnus, telling him to stop playing with those magical spiritual powers and quickly accept that he was a real creature.

Magnus was wronged.

He clearly saw what the enemy would do next, and this prediction method had been tried and tested time and time again. Why was it unreliable this time?

In order to make the prophecy more accurate and not be a hindrance, Magnus increased the use of his psychic powers and viewed the enemy from an almost sideline perspective.

"Let's retreat."

"It seems that we really can't win here."

The old man who looked like Malcador's subordinate suddenly spoke.

Another iron man also spoke to persuade.

The person they persuaded was the man standing on top of the giant whale, holding a scepter.

"They want..."

Magnus was so excited that he almost blurted out the future he saw, but then the man standing on top of the giant whale holding a scepter became increasingly blurry.

until a white shadow forms.

Eventually the entire screen starts to tear apart.

It was as if someone had turned a page in front of Magnus.

The reality in the psychic vision just turned. In the strange and turbulent space, a roaring factory replaced the surface environment of Broome.

Then the iron man holding the scepter suddenly appeared. It was hundreds of meters tall, and Magnus saw it reaching out to him.

"not good!"

Magnus only now realized that the Iron Man had actually used psychic powers to shape a false future, just to lure him to "bite the hook" with all his strength.

But at this time it was too late to open his eyes and return his consciousness to reality.

The psychic iron man grabbed Magnus and held him up to his eyes.

"You are much weaker than the other you I met before." The psychic iron man's mouth made a sound that penetrated into the depths of Magnus's soul.

Magnus looked at the psychic iron man in surprise.

He looked at the opponent carefully, and then after comparing all the illusions he had seen since he studied psychic powers and all the enemies he encountered on the battlefield, he had to despair. I found that I had never met this iron man before, and I couldn't find a way to deal with this iron man in my memory.

"The other... me from before...?" Magnus felt his soul burning, "What do you mean?"

"Riddle boycott protocol only works on friendly targets."

Iron Man said another strange word, and then psychic flames ignited from its hands.

However, before Magnus was about to be burned out, the Psychic Iron Man seemed to hear something and dispersed the psionic flames, using only force on his hands.

Magnus was crushed to pieces in an instant.

Magnus, who was underground, trembled for a while, and then fell to the ground.

"Magnus!" Angron was startled by the sound of falling to the ground and turned around. Seeing his brother fall, he immediately rushed over and picked up Magnus' body.

Magnus turned pale.

Of course, others couldn't see any "paleness" in this red-skinned original body.

But Magnus was indeed weak.

He looked at Guilliman and Lion, who were also looking at him, and warned: "Be careful..."

After saying that, he passed out.

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