Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 710 A little emotional intelligence, but not much

While Perturabo went to make weapons and equipment for everyone, the remaining primarchs began to prepare to use their talents to mobilize the twisted freaks created by Fabius.

However, there is one more thing to do before strategic command, and that is to confirm their respective responsibilities.


"Perturabo is already occupied."

Just as Guilliman was about to talk about Perturabo, he was interrupted by Lion, who wanted to go with him.

As he spoke, Lion glanced at Guilliman, his eyes filled with hostility and suspicion.

However, Guilliman could clearly feel that the hostility was not towards him, the lord of the Five Hundred Worlds, who had painstakingly managed his own territory and legion.

But another kind, status hostility.

"So Perturabo's job is to make weapons and equipment."

"As for me, I will lead the strategy, and Guilliman will handle all kinds of intelligence information on the battlefield for me."

"Magnus, you are responsible for using your psychic powers in the best possible way."

At this point, Magnus raised his hand.

Ryan nodded: "Say."

"What's the best way to put it?" Magnus asked.

"You're using psychic energy, but you don't know what's going on?" Ryan asked.

"I should use my spiritual power to crush your dog's head first." Magnus said coldly.

From Magnus's perspective, Ryan had been sarcastic and condescending towards him since he woke up, which naturally made him feel very unhappy.

At this moment, Clonline has not yet experienced the baptism of sleeping for ten thousand years.

He immediately stood up and confronted Magnus: "Do you think you are powerful? You are very dissatisfied with your father's decision at the Nicaea meeting. I want to ask what is the reason for your dissatisfaction? You use Psychic energy led to our discovery, and if it weren't for you, we would have at least had some initiative just now."

After hearing this, Lord Prospero also stood up and looked at the Lion King: "Since you think psychic powers are not good, then you still let me use my psychic powers in the best way. Is there something wrong with your head?" ?”

"We have been discovered." Ryan spread his hands, "If your spiritual power cannot play a role at this time, then there is really no need for you to exist."



The Lion King and the Lord Prospero were silent and hostile to each other.

There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and Perturabo, wearing a pair of newly made steel boots, walked over and placed all the weapons he had made for his brothers on the ground.

As soon as Perturabo bent down, he suddenly smelled the smell of gunpowder in the air, and then raised his eyes slightly to glance at Ryan and Magnus.

Seeing the reaction of the Lord of Steel, Guilliman quickly focused on Lion, Magnus, and Perturabo at the same time.

The Lord of Ultramar even pricked up his ears.

"How about I wake up the Warmaster." Perturabo straightened up. "Horus is still in the laboratory. It's probably fine to just let him out."

Ryan took a deep breath and shook his head: "I said, don't release them easily, because we don't know what the standard release process is."

Mortarion on the side agreed.

Mortarion, who had been observing from the sidelines from beginning to end, felt that Lane just wanted to be in the limelight, but he had to admit that Lane's reasons were very reasonable.

Mortarion was the first to wake up. He saw half of the other brothers' awakening process. Nearly a hundred medicines were injected continuously under the operation of the purple-armored space warrior.

If you rashly awaken other original bodies, even if you make a mistake in the medicine injection process, it may be fatal.

If he didn't feel that something would happen if he directly broke the potion and released his brother, Mortarion wouldn't care what Ryan called him there.

"So do you want to be like Horus and truly shoulder the responsibility of commanding the brothers, or do you want to continue to bicker with Magnus here?"

asked the Lord of Steel.

Faced with the question, Ryan took a deep breath and remained silent with an unhappy expression.

Perturabo stared at Lion, waiting.

Magnus cast a kind look at Perturabo.

He has always shown "extraordinary" attention and kindness to Perturabo, and now this kindness has been reciprocated.

"Huh? Ryan?" Perturabo continued to ask.

"..." Ryan was silent, staring at the two data tablets, as if thinking about strategy.


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"You stepped on a nail! Ryan!"

A burst of laughter suddenly broke the dull atmosphere.

Everyone turned their attention from Lion to Guilliman.

It was Guilliman who laughed.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, Perturabo is actually quite interesting. He seems cold and indifferent, but that's just a look.

Wherever emotional intelligence is needed, Perturabo never lets up.

Just like when he came back just now, he immediately saw the problem between Magnus and Ryan, and then immediately thought of standing up for Magnus.

But Perturabo is prone to putting people on the spot.

At any rate, Guilliman's laughter broke the silence.

Ryan turned to Perturabo and said: "If you think I don't want the Warmaster to wake up and lead us, then you can just break the jar directly, or you can find those colorful potions yourself and put them in for him."

"If I didn't think that those of us who don't know the awakening process would rashly wake up the Warmaster, it would turn the Warmaster into a freak, I would have woken him up long ago." Perturabo stretched out his fingers and touched Ryan's chest He clicked: "You think I'm willing to listen to your arrangements? Huh?"

After saying that, the Lord of Steel left among the brothers.

Then he came back immediately with a simple long sword specially made for Ryan.

Ryan took the sword and half-hunched over the data board with the sword in his hand.

Magnus said nothing more.

Both of them felt strange.

This anger comes quickly, but it also goes away quickly.

"Mortarion, Angron, I want you to stand by as warriors."

When Lion looked at Angron and Mortarion.

Mortarion stood against the wall and looked at him.

Angron was lying in the corner, talking about the World Eaters Legion.

Why did he know that Kahn and the others were looking forward to the return of the Gene Father, but what came back was a tyrant just like the emperor. They must be very disappointed.

Nothing was known about Lotala, and he was afraid that she might die while I was missing.

This and that.

"He should be responsible for lying down." Ryan had a headache.

I don't know why, but Ryan, who doesn't understand people's hearts, can sense Angron's mentality.

Angron went crazy until the end of the Great Crusade, and suddenly turned into a normal person. The cruel things he had done, and the crazy decisions he had made that made the legions hammer nails just like him. ...These things were enough to break Angron's psychology.

He hasn't even broken down yet, which is proof of his mental strength.

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