Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 696 The Absurdity in the Eye of Fear

The core of the craftworld Otansar.

Infinite loop ahead.

The warriors of the Eldar faction used simple bunkers to resist the attacks of the Chaos Space Marines.

Almost all of these warriors from the Arkworld of Otanza are wearing red armor with a touch of purple on the armor.

The color red commemorates the blood of every ancestor who sacrificed to protect the Arkworld when the entire Arkworld was in the Eye of Terror and was constantly attacked by Chaos.

The purple reminds them that they can never get rid of the influence of the Eye of Terror, and what is the source of the tragedy of their entire Craftworld.

Eldar and Chaos Space Marines fight to the death.

In the corner, the demons were happily slashing at each other.

No one noticed that behind the Chaos Space Marines, a green aura emerged out of thin air in the space, and then a total of twenty-two people appeared out of thin air.

The leader of the new Thunder Warriors is Bendis.

He held a spear and walked towards the enemy who had just noticed it.

The nearest one was a ten-man Black Legion team. Just as they turned around, an old friend of Bendis who had fought with him until now and became the new Thunder Warriors stepped forward first.

This veteran warrior, who is experienced in combat even without virtual training, holds a huge sword.

All the soldiers in the Terminator team were cut in half in one slash of the giant sword before they could fire.

Bendis did not need to give orders, and there was no communication device in the helmet he wore. He just thought of how he should lead his men to fight in microseconds.

The pineal gland located in the brain structure of the New Thunder Warrior removes useless information from the brain's thinking activities, leaving only the most important parts and spreading them through the feeling that should be ethereal.

Then the twenty warriors who followed the Lion King all realized Bendis's strategy at the same moment.

They spread out and faced the enemies they were supposed to deal with. In a few breaths, they disrupted the offensive of nearly a thousand Chaos Space Marines against the Otansa Eldar, turning the battle between them and most of the enemies. melee between.

Although the New Thunder Warriors are undoubtedly powerful and are very qualified as a high-level combat unit, the number of warriors who came here is only twenty after all. If you want to fight with twenty people in a head-on conflict on a flat terrain, It is not easy for the troops to quickly eliminate nearly a thousand Chaos Space Marines.

Therefore, Bendis's strategy is to use their individual combat strength advantages to contain the Chaos Space Marines as much as possible and turn the battle situation into chaos. Then those Ark Eldar can have a chance to breathe, and can then launch a counterattack to cooperate with their own side to eliminate them. enemy.

As the commander, Bendis himself participated in the battle.

Like all new Thunder Warriors, he wears armor made of energy metal, a metal made from Saranoga that can accumulate energy during battle and then transfer the energy to the wearer himself or the wearer's weapon. use.

The spear made of living metal is not only used as a cold weapon. Bendis can also control the spear to become a new weapon or change a muzzle at the tip of the spear, using the energy accumulated in the armor to kill those in front of him. The Master Executioner of the Cult of Khorne has a huge hole in his head.

When Bendis was targeted by a wizard, he crossed hundreds of meters to reach the wizard in one breath.

When the wizard raised his hand to release psychic lightning, the black stone fragments in Bendis' body were activated by the biological organs growing in the body of the new Thunder Warrior in the form of mechanical structures.

The rushing purple lightning instantly turned into electric current that dissipated in the air, and then the wizard was chopped into charcoal by the lightning released by Bendis.

During the battle, Bendis can also sense the situation of each of his subordinates in real time, including what they are doing, where they are, and all the information they see and collect on the battlefield.

This information is transmitted to Bendis's brain at an extremely fast speed, and then he makes decisions and issues orders based on the information, adjusting the position and target of each subordinate in real time.

This kind of command and coordination ability is not unique to Bendis. The Thunder Warriors' combat team is a group of five people, and the captain also has the same command and coordination ability.

It's just that when the number of people is sparse, Bendis prefers to make detailed and precise fine-tuning for each person, rather than ordering the four captains who were teleported with him and Ryan to do what.

This is similar to the command and coordination capabilities of Tyranid node units that are the work of Saranoga.

Saranoga was inspired by the Tyranids.

While the New Thunder Warriors and the Otansa Eldar were fighting a bloody battle against the Chaos Space Marines, two more powerful combat units walked towards the demons fighting in the corner of the dome.

There are a huge number of demons, including big demons such as the All-Changing Demon Lord and the Keeper of Secrets. They are obviously not enemies that anyone except Qin Mo and Ryan can deal with.

"I guess those thunder warriors aren't enough to kill that damn thing." Ryan said, staring at the secret keeper who was killing the blue demon.

Qin Mo rolled his eyes.

The original body has to make careful decisions when encountering the Archdemon. The new Thunder Warrior is strong, but it is not a combat unit that can compete with the Archdemon.

The reaction of the demons at this time was as confusing as why they appeared here. They were completely addicted to the conflict with each other and regarded the two approaching enemies as nothing.

Qin Mo was not in a hurry to kill those demons and looked around silently.

The battlefield is located under a dome, which is obviously not the full view of the Craftworld.

The buildings of the Arkworld can be seen outside the dome. The Arkworld of the Eldar is literally a huge moving world.

Further beyond the dome is a strange scene.

A crouched man, whose body was morbidly obese, floated side by side with another dark purple demonic world.

Qin Mo was extremely sure that he was absolutely right. The morbidly obese man was floating in front of the planet, even larger than the demon world next to it.

The fat man was a world unto himself, the demonic world of Slaanesh, named Orissu.

It's incredible to think that a fat guy is the devil in the world, that devils and traitors are actually living in this bastard's body.

But in the eyes of chaos and terror, this is only the most common absurdity, and there are absurdities that are even more difficult to understand and imagine.

Qin Mo remembered that Orissu should have been destroyed in a military operation called the Abyss Expedition launched by the empire in the 37th millennium, but it still existed intact in the Eye of Fear.

This can't help but make Qin Mo think deeply and recall.

When Qin Mo was resting on the back of a giant whale with Caldo Diego during the subspace journey, the Gray Knight Grand Master said many powerful things he had done.

Destroyed Tzeentch's Impossible City, burned Nurgle's Gardens, and slain many demons.

Kaldor then says that there is no point, since those he destroyed will be rebuilt, and those he killed will be resurrected.

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