Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 695 The Lion King’s Unique Skill

According to the original strategic vision, the Golden Expedition Fleet would start from the edge of the Eye of Terror and gradually encroach on the center.

But this is an ideal situation, and any changes may occur in war.

Ryan had to prepare for the worst case scenario that the expeditionary force might encounter, that is, when the black stones provided by the Star Gods failed or were counter-used, the entire expeditionary force fleet was trapped in subspace.

Although she didn't want to admit it, what Hillandri said did make sense. The expeditionary force needed Otanza.

After careful consideration, Ryan nodded: "I'll try my best, but I don't care what the Otansa people think. If they can be saved, they must participate in this expedition, otherwise they will die in front of those scum traitors."

"When the Death Army joins the expedition, Otensa will participate, because their ability to survive in the Eye of Terror is due to the protection of Death," Efreni said.

Ryan felt a little more relieved now and closed his eyes.

Guilliman signaled everyone to leave, so after the gate opened and closed, Ryan was the only one left in the entire meditation room.

The Lion King sat cross-legged on the ground, trying his best to recall his experiences and feelings during each teleportation.

A ray of light pierces the darkness.

With his eyes closed, Ryan saw a forest in his spiritual world and an old man fishing on the lake in the forest.

The old man was dressed like a king, with a golden crown on his head and gorgeous clothes.

It's just that he is too old, the crown is covered with dust and tattered, and the gold and jade strands on his body are also damaged in many places.

Now Ryan knows that the old fishing king is his father, and he can also understand the meaning of this scene.

The emperor of mankind once walked among all living beings and established great achievements, but now he sits on the golden throne and is desperate for life and death.

Ryan could guess these, but he felt that his father had more profound meanings, but he really couldn't understand them.

It would be great if Jaghatai could come in with him.


The king looked at Ryan with empty eyes.

At the moment when the last syllable was uttered, Ryan heard many kinds of names, requests, praises, and curses.

Some voices are asking Ryan to go to the Golden Throne to liberate his father, and some voices are cursing Ryan to die, and even saying that his first tool is not suitable to be used as a warmaster.

There are also voices praising Ryan for understanding his brother, praising him for having matured a lot after ten thousand years, and for not being too passionate and leading to a civil war that could completely destroy the empire.

Among the countless voices, there is one voice that is extremely clear.


Ryan did as he was told, and he chose to accept it.

It's an attitude.

Face it calmly and accept it calmly.

There was no hesitation at all, no resistance at all.

Everything in sight disappeared.

Ryan found himself in a dense forest, and a ray of light penetrated the gaps between the tree canopies and fell on his face.

Then the light magnified, and everything in front of him changed.

There was gunfire everywhere.

The warriors of the tribes who practiced the way of warriors formed a defense line together with the militiamen, guarding the red tower under a broken dome.

In front of the Eldar warriors were a group of traitors who betrayed the Human Empire ten thousand years ago, as well as a large number of mortal servants with abnormally twisted limbs and crazy minds.

The Lion King had no way of figuring out what faction these traitors belonged to. Anyway, they were just a group of colorful guys gathered together.

As for the mortal servants of the Chaos Space Marines, at first glance, it seems that there are several Astra Militarum regiments that have betrayed the Empire in the past ten thousand years, and there is also a group of people who should have lived in a severely corrupted environment of Chaos since childhood.

In addition to these people, Ryan also saw a group of blue and purple demons meleeing in the corner.

Ryan thought everything in front of him was an illusion. He glanced at everything in a daze and saw a man he thought was a demon but was fighting side by side with the Eldar warriors.

It was a warrior wearing white armor, holding a heavy weapon in both hands and firing as he walked.

The white armor looks like a skeleton, the helmet is a skull, the left and right pauldrons are skulls, and the breastplate is made of ribs.

This scary-looking guy looks like all the fallen traitors Ryan has seen.

I don’t know whether it’s because I felt like I had to have a new look that I thought was fashionable after my fall, or because I just wanted to write the word evil on my face in some way. In short, the costumes of these scum often have something in common.

As Ryan approached, the large skeleton-like guy suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look at Ryan.

The next second, Ryan found himself back in the forest, and the dazzling light restored everything around him to look like a meditation room.

Ryan found that Guilliman and others who had gone out earlier had returned, looking at him anxiously.

"I probably didn't succeed." Ryan looked around, "otherwise I should be where I want to be now."

"What did you see?" Curtain Walker asked.

Ryan briefly described what he saw.

Hillandre nodded: "You succeeded. You did disappear just now. What you saw was not an illusion."

"Did I disappear just now?" Ryan stood up in surprise, and then suddenly grinned in discomfort like an old man stretched to his waist, and sat back, "It's impossible. If it succeeds, then I should be at that place, and Not being sent back again.”

"Maybe when you were there, your subconscious felt that you were not ready yet, so you came back." Efreni said.

Ryan was lost in thought.

Qin Mo, who was silent on the side, looked at Ryan. He realized that Ryan should have accepted his subspace nature and awakened some of his own strange abilities, just like the Crow King Corax 10,000 years ago.

Every primarch has a warp essence, and as long as the primarch accepts his own warp essence, he can gain greater power.

Teleportation is Ryan's special skill.

Guilliman also has his unique skills, but he is extremely resistant to his subspace nature. Both his mind and subconscious firmly believe that he is just a larger human being. What's more, he doesn't even know that he has a subspace nature.

"The plan is very simple." Ryan thought about the whole plan for a while. "We will bring a group of ruthless people to kill them. I shouldn't be able to bring too many people, so the more powerful the people who come with me, the better."

As he spoke, Ryan looked at Qin Mo. After sweeping his eyes, he saw Qin Mo not moving at all from the corner of his eye, and looked at him again.

Although I just looked at it, the meaning was obvious.

Seeing the Lion King's crazy hint, Qin Mo stood still and said calmly: "Twenty new Thunder Warriors, can this number be teleported?"

Ryan was a little disappointed, but he still considered whether his teleportation could bring more than twenty people, and then nodded: "Okay."

Seeing that Qin Mo was unwilling to follow Ryan and only sent out new Thunder Warriors, Guilliman wanted to follow him, but Ryan motioned him to stay with his eyes, and then looked at the Eldar allies, his meaning was very clear.

Guilliman could only stay.

When the twenty new Thunder Warriors led by Bendis entered the meditation room, Ryan stood there and closed his eyes, preparing to teleport all participants to the Ark of Otansa.

At this moment, Qin Mo suddenly took out the chainsword from the dimensional space, stood in front of Ryan, and then gave Guilliman a look that reassured him.

"I didn't ask you to follow me." Ryan said and glanced at the chain sword in Qin Mo's hand.

He knew the name of the chainsword - Warmaster's Sorrow.

Qin Mo looked helpless, thinking who was hinting at me just now.

"It's cool, Lao Deng."

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