Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 697 Familiar Demon

The Ever-Changing Demon Lord, who was immersed in fighting the demon of Slaanesh, mobilized the power of witchcraft. After a blue terror used its own life to block the sharp crab claws that were attacking the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord released a powerful witchcraft. The spell instantly sent the Great Demon of Slaanesh back to his master.

The battle between the two great demons ended, and the demons of Slaanesh were gradually consumed by blue flames and sorcerous storms.

The battle between the Ark Eldar and the Chaos Space Marines, and the battle between the Daemons, they all took place in the same place, but they were very separate, because the two wars seemed to take place in different places and did not interfere at all. .

But at this time, the battle on the devil's side was decided first.

The demon king realized that it had been materialized, and it slowly turned around to look at the visitor.

The original body carried a shield and a long sword, standing twenty meters away, waiting for the demons to lose their numbers due to internal fighting.

The famed god of death in the warp stood nearby holding a chainsword.

Qin Mo has always been curious about the power comparison between the great demons of the dark gods, such as whether Tzeentch's Changing Demon Lord is more powerful or Slaanesh's Keeper of Secrets.

But now he found that there was no need to worry about it, because the battle was not a purely numerical competition.

What's more, the disordered creatures born in the disordered subspace cannot be quantified at all.

"Look who's here, my old friend." The demon army raised its hand, and the surrounding demons who were about to swarm or escape all stood still.

"Do you know him?" Ryan looked at Qin Mo.

"The blue-haired silly birds all look the same, how do I know who it is?" Qin Mo replied, raising his hand to release lightning to send the devil away.

But the Demon Lord's next words made Qin Mo stop.

"Remember me? We met on the Tailong 2." The Demon Lord's scepter tapped lightly on the ground, and an illusion appeared.

The vision is of a demon possessing a human girl.

"Wait a minute." Qin Mo slapped his head, "Kaye? It's impossible, am I going to kill you?"

The demon in front of me is a familiar demon.

It was the demon Keye who possessed the daughter of Governor Tyrone on the Tyrone II.

The master of this demon is Tzeentch, but it has a strange characteristic - it can only speak the truth.

But Qin Mo clearly remembered that he had erased Keye, and it was at that time that he discovered that he could kill a demon forever instead of banishing it.

"You must find it strange." Keye looked at the humans and Eldar who were fighting, "They can't see us. Only you and the original body beside you can, because the environment here is no different from the highest sky. They will do whatever I want them to do.”

"I'm not surprised about this, I'm just curious about why you didn't die." Qin Mo asked.

"No demon will die." Kaye's four eyes looked outside the dome, "Just like the destroyed demon world Orisu, it will be destroyed, it will not be destroyed, it is fragile, and it is eternal. ."

Qin Mo suddenly realized something and fell into deep thought.

Orisu outside the Ark of Otanza, Kaye resurrected in front of his eyes... all this is a kind of proof, a kind of proof of nothingness.

There is no point in killing more demons, they can be resurrected.

Destroyed demon worlds can also reappear.

As Kaldor said, nothing he did...



Qin Mo suddenly thought of something. The essence of the devil is a part of the Four Gods, rather than an independent individual that emerged with the birth of the Four Gods.

There is no doubt that Kayah was wiped out by himself, but this does not mean that it cannot be resurrected, because Tzeentch can create another Kayah at any time.

Assuming that it was not Kaye but Carlos who was obliterated by him, and Carlos appeared in front of him again as he was after crawling out of the Well of Eternity, rather than as he was before being thrown into the Well of Eternity by Tzeentch, then only There is no point in killing demons.

Think again about why Kaye was resurrected, why he appeared here, and how he met him in the Ark of Otanza by such a coincidence.

What a coincidence that he is next to the reshaped Olisu?

"Does your master want to use you to make me fall into nihilistic self-denial?" Qin Mo asked Keye.


Kaye's head bobbed up and down.

"Although it also feels that such a clumsy method is useless, it just wants to take some time to have some fun, because it cannot see whether you will really see through such a clumsy method. Even if he can predict the direction of this matter, But it just wants to see it, because there are many possibilities for change."

"As for me, I am indeed the resurrected Kayah, but technically I am the second demon named Kayah."

"It would be better if I could deceive you. It doesn't matter if I can't. At least my master is still looking forward to it before I say these words."

After listening to Keye's simple and straightforward truth, Qin Mo cursed Tzeentch ten thousand times in his heart, but he didn't want to say it out loud to make Tzeentch feel happy.

Ryan, who was standing aside, rubbed his eyes: "Is this devil so honest?"

"Anyway, it would be better to have more demons named Kaye."

Qin Mo was too lazy to dwell on it and began to take advantage of Keye's characteristics.

"Why didn't Slaanesh's lackeys show up during the Battle of Commorragh?"

"There is chaos in the Supreme Heaven. The Lord of Changes is facing the attacks of three other brothers and sisters at the same time. From the past to the present to the future, the entire timeline of the real universe will be much more stable."

"How will your master interfere in this war?"

"I don't know, but for now we will stay from the Well of Eternity to the end of the Crystal Realm. Maybe the disputes among the gods will end in a long, long time, and we will have time to intervene at that time."

After asking what he wanted to ask, Qin Mo raised his hand, preparing to use flames to obliterate this second Keye.

"Will you believe what I say?" Kaye asked.

Qin Mo shook his head: "No, because I don't know if you, the devil who was created to make me fall into the self-denial of nothingness, and the clumsy plan you implemented, is a small plan in another big plan. So I just listen.”

Kaye suddenly let out a burst of contented laughter.

The disgusting laughter lasted until Kayah was burned to death in the fire.

After Kaye died, the battlefield where the demons were fighting suddenly had an effect similar to broken glass, and then the Eldar who had just wiped out the Chaos Space Marines noticed this.

The Eldar warrior that Ryan had seen before looked like a strong skeleton, wearing white bone armor and killed him. He quickly killed the remaining demons with heavy weapons.

All the Eldar people present gathered around.

The very evil-looking Eldar warrior was obviously a leader who was extremely respected by his people. He was the first to stand up and express his gratitude to the humans who brought reinforcements.

Qin Mo looked at the spirit warrior.

He knew very well that although this guy looked evil, he was actually a very positive person.

The warrior branch of the Eldar, the Phoenix Lord of the Dark Death Sect, and the Soul Reaper - Morgana.

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