Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 694 Otansa Ark World

After the Death Army and the Harlequin Troupe went to the Golden Expedition Fleet, the entire fleet did not proceed to the next step as planned, but stayed in the Cadia galaxy.

Those fleets that cannot be accommodated in the galaxy are sent to the Bellis Corona sector for parking.

Because the Harlequin Troupe found something for humanity, the expedition could only be postponed for a few days, but fortunately for the traitors in the Eye of Terror who had no concept of time, it made no difference whether the expedition arrived early or late.

In the meditation room of the Glory Humanity that originally belonged to the Iron Man Scholar, almost the leaders of the entire expeditionary force gathered here.

Seer Yenaard Evrene, Guilliman, Qin Mo, Lion, and of course the Veilwalker.

Ryan sat cross-legged in the center of the meditation room, with his hands on his knees, looking helplessly at the other people who were focusing on him.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Go and save your kin's craft world without sailing there with a dimensional engine or walking through the webway."

"You're all here staring at me. Do you expect me to help you lead the way?"

Ryan wanted to knock Hillandre's head off.

And Guilliman was just as confused as Lion.

Ephrene helped Hillandre, who was still speaking in riddles even though she wanted to speak simply and directly, to explain: "If you want to go to the suffering Otanza, normal means will not work. It The location is very special, so we have to use some special means to get there."

"What method?" Ryan asked.

"伱." Efreni raised her hand and pointed at Ryan.

Ryan was stunned for a moment, then laughed angrily: "If you just want to use pranks to entertain me, then it's not too late for you to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise I will really show you some shame."

"No, Prophet Enard is right, you can indeed do it." Qin Mo walked up to Ryan and helped him recall, "Do you still remember why you appeared in Karis? Do you still remember why you suddenly disappeared from the scene? Do you want to go from the inside of the Tyrone Sector to the outside of the Sector overnight?”

The brains of the original body are very smart, and Ryan almost instantly figured out what he could do to save Otanza.

That weird teleportation.

The Lion had teleported more than once, and had a bizarre experience decades ago when he was helping Guilliman integrate the Astra Militarum.

That is, being in a battleship, hundreds of light years away from the next target location, and then waking up in front of a group of frightened officers.

This is why Ryan fell asleep in the Stone Fortress and woke up in Karis on the edge of the empire.

But Ryan himself couldn't control it. He couldn't teleport when he wanted to. If he didn't want to teleport, he might lose the idea.

The Lion King didn't want to say that he couldn't do it, so he changed his way of rejection: "Why should I save Otanza? Don't you have many dead relatives? What's so special about Otanza? Why can't I die?" ?”

"Don't ask!" Qin Mo shouted.

Although the Harlequins are outspoken about the purpose of coming, and they don't know whether it is true or not, they will most likely not say anything about the history and past of their relatives.

Just as Qin Mo thought.

The clowns suddenly and strangely gather together.

I don't know whether it was because of the influence of the equipment they were wearing, or because Xilego was exerting his strength, but the lights at the scene suddenly dimmed.

With an Eldar dressed in white as the protagonist, the members of the Harlequin Troupe began their hearty performance.

During this performance, Otanza's history is revealed.

A long time ago, when the ancient spirit empire fell, the empire's territory exploded into the Eye of Terror. All the existing Eldar are remnants, the wild Eldar and the Eldar who were far away from the Empire, as well as the Eldar who were the first to leave the Empire on the Ark, survived.

The craft world of Otansa was unlucky. It was a step too late and was sucked into the Eye of Terror.

The other Craftworlds thought Otansa was finished. Only the Phoenix Lord Moganla of the Otansa Craftworld still persisted in looking for his people, and then he really found them.

The fact is so outrageous. The craft world of Otansa disappeared for ten thousand years in the place closest to Slaanesh, known as the Lady of Thirst or the Prince of Darkness by the Eldar, but they did not fall. Although only a few people survived, After all, it was not completely extinct.

Otansa was once the sister ark of the Uthvi ark world from Uthlan. Uthvi and several other ark worlds contacted Otansa and then dealt with them for a period of time, but soon Otansa Disaster ushered in again.

"According to your human millennium calendar, at the beginning of the forty-second millennium..."

"The psychic screams caused by the seventy-seven servants of the Dark God at the complete end dragged Otenza back to the Eye of Terror. Why they were dragged back to the Eye of Terror is unknown for the time being."

Efreni explained beside her so that the human audience would not be too confused.

"So this Arkworld called Otansa is very familiar with the Eye of Terror and can be used as a guide?" Ryan's eyes lit up.

"Yes, that's why they deserve to be saved." Hillandre took a step forward, "We must also figure out why Otansa was pulled back to the Eye of Terror, and the seventy-seven dark gods. How the end of The Stooges came about.”

The end of the seventy-seven servants of the Dark God.

The beginning of the forty-second millennium.

Qin Mo licked his dry lips and looked at Guilliman.

Guilliman was also looking at Qin Mo, recalling the seventy-seven demon princes and demons that Qin Mo had taken to Ortelson in the last battle of the Plague War.

"It was an end that could not be observed, but one thing is certain, the place where the end occurred is probably close..."


When Hillandri tried to ask his allies more, Guilliman interrupted.

The Primarch took out a booklet with the logo of the Association for Historical Research and asked the Curtain Walker: "What does the word Otansa mean? Let me record it for others."

"Uh." Hillandry pinched her waist with her right hand and touched her helmet twice with her left hand. She seemed to be struggling with how to explain.

Efreni was obviously better at dealing with humans than Hillandry, and immediately gave an explanation: "In the Eldar language, the word Otansa means rescue, escape, twists and turns, and it is generally used to describe us. Elsa, the mother goddess, and her husband Kunos, the hunter god, escaped from the imprisonment of Kane the Bloodhand."

"Okay." Guilliman quickly jotted it down, and then put the notebook of the Association for the Study of Letters into the compartment of the Armor of Destiny.

The topic of the catastrophe caused by the termination of the seventy-seven servants of the Dark God was successfully transferred.

"Only you can save them." Hillandre said to Ryan, "They are extremely familiar with all the cursed scars in the real universe. If they can be saved and join the expeditionary force, a lot of unnecessary trouble will be reduced."

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