Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 665 Savage World

The pterodactyl knight's eyes fell on Prophet Uslan again. He immediately jumped off the pterodactyl, walked to the tree and stretched out his hand.

The tree roots with holes release water like faucets.

The knight took a handful of water and returned to Uslan, pouring the water on Uslan's face.

The prophet woke up instantly and subconsciously raised his hand to release spiritual energy to resist the attack, but found that he was very safe now.

Then the prophet remembered that he was not dead after all.

Seeing Qin Mo standing not far away and staring at him with squinted eyes, he recalled the scene where he explained the funeral affairs to him before...

Uslan couldn't hold himself tight and showed a smile with extremely complicated meaning.

"Prophet." The pterodactyl knight knelt down on one knee in front of Uslan and saluted respectfully.

Uslan put away his smile, looked at the knight in front of him, and asked with the dignity of a powerful prophet of the Eldar Craft World: "Are you from the Na'vi tribe of Pandora?"

"Yes." The pterodactyl knight replied respectfully.

Qin Mo was not surprised to see that the Savage Spirit Clan, which was completely different from the Ark Spirit Clan, was so respectful to Uslan.

The Wild Spirit Clan relies heavily on the protection of the Ark Spirit Clan, and the two parties also share their needs and have always had a good relationship.

Uslan is respected here obviously because he has done a lot for this planet called Pandora.


Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn't help but complain in his heart: I have long thought that the Wild Spirit Tribe is not much different from Avatar, but there is actually a wild world called Pandora in this universe. It's really...

"It's over." Wuslan looked at Qin Mo, "We are 17,000 light years away from your star area."

"Aisha's Prayer Craftworld is active around here."

"I can contact their prophets and ask them to pick us up."

"But before that, there's one thing I have to do."

In order to make up for his mistake, Uslan proposed a way to leave the planet.

"Are you kidding?" Qin Mo spread his hands: "You don't need to contact other Arkworlds. I just need you to pull your butt out of the ground quickly, and I can find a way to get both of us out of this hellish place! "

Uslan was obviously thinking about something, but he thought very quickly and stopped thinking about it in an instant.

I saw Uslan raising his hand, and a stone appeared in his hand: "This is the Dream Stone. I want to give it to the leader of the Na'vi tribe as a gift. Can you give me a little time to solve this matter? I'm sorry for bothering you. .”

The reason why Qin Mo has a good impression of Uslan is that he is quite polite, relatively speaking.

So Qin Mo nodded: "It won't take much time anyway, so it's okay."

Uslan smiled and reached out to hand the dream stone to Qin Mo: "I brought two dream stones, and this is a thank you gift to you."

The so-called dream stone is a creation similar to the soul stone. This thing can protect the Eldar from Slaanesh in their sleep at night.

As soon as he saw this thing, Qin Mo thought of the spirit bone material used by the Spirit Clan to make things.

The spirit bone material is the same as the dream stone soul stone. It is essentially an application of subspace energy in the real universe, but the spirit bone can have a function similar to Geller's position and can isolate subspace creatures.

Just as it was said that magic should be used to deal with magic, Qin Mo thought of the iron scholar he made to "deal with magic".

It might be useful for the dream stone.

"Although this is of no use to me, I still reluctantly accept it. After all, the relationship between us is not so good that I can agree to your request without accepting anything." Qin Mo said and stepped forward to pick up the dream stone. Just throw it into your own dimension.

Uslan smiled again, stood up and ordered the pterodactyl knight: "Take me to see your leader."

A warrior of the Wild Eldar Tribe, the Dragon Knight, he flies over the beautiful planet Pandora on the large pterosaur he grew up with.

Qin Mo was shocked when he stood on the back of the pterosaur with Uslan and looked down at the scenery along the way.

Floating islands made of brightly colored special magnets float in the sky. Almost every floating island is covered with flowers. Blue reflective waterfalls pour from the floating islands to the ground, forming a pool.

As far as the eye can see, there are towering trees, towering trees that are not exaggerated at all.

Every tree is almost as majestic as the giant building in the capital of the Tyrone sector.

Among the sea of ​​trees, there is a tree that is far larger than other trees. Although it looks like a native plant, Qin Mo felt the electromagnetic flow from it, which means that it is actually A technological device.

The dragon knight controls the pterosaur to fly between trees with huge depressions. These trees will release gas, just like fixed propulsion devices arranged for the pterosaur.

All the plants in this entire world seem to grow according to the wishes of the wild spirit tribe.

In fact it is.

Although the Savage Eldar have chosen a more primitive lifestyle and social form, in fact they are still Eldar after all, and cannot tolerate being reduced to smacking teeth with wild beasts, so they will make the environment in the world the way they want it to be. Shape it that way.

The dragon knight drove the pterosaur to a stop at the roots of the largest tree in the sea of ​​trees.

The tribesmen of the Savage Spirit Tribe, who were gathering wild fruits, polishing wooden furniture, and training how to control dragons, gathered around. When they saw that the person coming was Uslan, they all saluted him.

Then the Wild Spirit Tribes retreated a way, and their leader came out.

He was a very young man, with a clear and foolish light shining in his pupils.

"Where is your father?" Uslan asked in Eldar language, "Go, Tukaron, tell your father and ask him not to hide from me. I will not take away a certain pair of twins this time, so he can rest assured! "

"He is no longer here, Prophet." A young wild Eldar named Tu'Kalon shook his head seriously, "He went to support Aisha's Prayer, but never came back."

Uslan was struck by lightning.

He glanced at the Eldar around him, who blinked at him, who hoped that the Ark relatives would bring something good.

Uslan could not believe that the burden of commanding such a large tribe fell on the shoulders of young Tukalon. Whether he could bear the weight of the crown was a question.

"What are you talking about?" Qin Mo asked curiously.

Uslan shook his head and said a few more words to Tukalon.

Then Tukalon spoke a few words loudly to his tribesmen, and the surrounding wild spirits suddenly became active, slapping their mouths vigorously and making whining sounds.

Finally, a large group of people rushed towards Qin Mo, lifted him up and rushed all the way to the top of the giant tree.

"What did you tell them?" Qin Mo looked at Uslan who was walking beside him.

"I said you were the warrior who saved Elsa from the Dark Gods." Uslan replied with a laugh.

"I'm not interested in playing the role of primitive man here. You call his father out and give him the Dream Stone, and then I'll set off back to my people!"

"woo woo woo woo!"

Qin Mo's voice was drowned out by the shouts of the wild spirit tribe. Uslan looked around and ran towards the top of the tree with great interest.

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