Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 666 Soul of the World

It was already night by the time the Wild Spirit Clan carried Qin Mo to the top of the tree on their legs.

At the top of the giant tree wrapped in the blue warm current, there is the mansion of the leader of the Na'vi Tribe of the Wild Spirit Tribe.

Tukalon's mansion looks like an ordinary treehouse, just erected on the top.

The treehouses of his people are distributed around the top of the giant tree, and they are built wherever there is space.

These enthusiastic barbarian spirits who were not without reason raised a bonfire and provided Qin Mo with everything that their tribal leader could enjoy.

Some fruits that look as delicate as gems.

A plate of meat that can be grilled over a campfire.

"Give us something to cheer us up." Uslan held the helmet, smiled and hugged a girl from the Wild Spirit Tribe, and winked at the top of the tree.

The girl understood immediately and ran to the tree to pick a piece of fruit that looked like a helmet.

Uslan put the fruit on his head, and the spiritual energy rippled in the space, and then an illusion appeared in front of Uslan.

The effect of this fruit is to directly display what the user wants to see most.

In the illusion, humans, Eldar, Necron, Tau, Star Gods, Eldar Gods...all orderly creatures in the real universe who pursue survival and future are united.

The prophets released their psychic powers to predict the direction of the war, the powerful living metal warriors of the Necrons advanced in the burning world, and the Space Marines descended from the sky in airdrop pods and smashed into the demonic army.

Uslan was really excited. He saw what he wanted to see most in this illusion, and his whole person was immersed in the illusory world created by the fruit.

As time passed, the helmet-shaped fruit began to wither and rot.

"Does this thing still have such an effect?" Qin Mo picked up the fruit and put it on his head.

Nothing appears.

"Fuck it." Qin Mo casually threw the fruit away.

An Elf girl rushed to where the fruit fell, stretched out her hands worriedly, breathed a long sigh of relief after catching the fruit, and collapsed on the ground.

It can be seen that the fruit produced by this tree is very important and rare.

Qin Mo was a little embarrassed, but the spirit girl didn't blame him. She just stood up and shrugged at Qin Mo with a helpless smile.

This girl's face is quite beautiful, but her figure is really unacceptable to humans.

Strong body.

Arms, stomach, legs, you can see strong muscles everywhere.

"You saved our mother goddess Aisha." Tukaron, the leader of the tribe, sat next to Qin Mo holding a bowl of leaves like a water bowl. He held the leaves in both hands and handed them out, while using human language to describe and praise. explain.

Qin Mo took the leaf and drank the water inside.

The water was so sweet that it numbed the tongue and almost made Qin Mo spit it out.

But this was not Tukalon's intention to embarrass him. He and his tribe drank the same water.

"It's me, but it's a long story." Qin Mo put down the leaves and recalled, "When Aisha was found by me, the way she was tortured... I feel numb when I recall it. "

Tukalon observed that the expression on Qin Mo's face was obviously not good when he talked about Aisha, so he stopped continuing the topic of Aisha and instead talked about their wild spirit tribe.

It is said that when the Ancient Eldar Empire had fallen into complete indulgence and depravity, some fierce critics appeared in the society, but these critics were considered by the mainstream of Eldar society to be extreme lunatics.

In the end, the critics angrily cursed that their kind would be doomed sooner or later, and then left the Ancient Eldar Empire first and established a new homeland in primitive form.

Then the Wild Spirit Tribe will establish a good relationship with the survivors of the fall of the Spirit Tribe Empire, that is, the Ark Spirit Tribe, because the Wild Spirit Tribe has no ability to defend against enemies from outside the world.

However, the Wild Eldar themselves still have weapons, such as dragon knights. Literally, warriors who ride dinosaurs or operate weapon platforms mounted on huge dragons are called dragon knights.

Although Tukalon is young, he is very talkative and has no prejudice against humans.

Qin Mo knew all these background things. He was too lazy to listen and looked at Uslan: "When will we leave?"

There was only a burst of crying in response to Qin Mo.

The fruit on Uslan's head has completely rotted. He broke away from the beautiful illusion created by the fruit and returned to the cruel real world.

The Eldar's ability to feel emotions is so strong that Uthlan is overcome with pain and wails.

If it were a human being, he would probably express his emotions and squeeze out a few tears, and that would be it, far from what Uslan was like.

Seeing Uslan crying, beating his chest and almost rolling over, Qin Mo looked at Tukalon helplessly: "Has he always been like this?"

"This is the first time I've seen a prophet like this." Tukalon said truthfully.

"Tell him, if he doesn't come with me right away, I will leave him here. I have the ability to travel faster than light, but he doesn't." Qin Mo said.

Tukalon complied and repeated the words exactly as they were told.

However, Uslan is still in grief and unable to extricate himself.

Qin Mo was silent and grilled meat on the bonfire.

Tukalon also fell silent. He found that Qin Mo was not interested in the stories of the Wild Spirit Tribe, so he stopped talking about those stories.

After thinking for a while, the young leader talked about what was before him: "Are you interested in this tree?"

Qin Mo glanced at Tukalon, raised his eyebrows and nodded helplessly.

He wasn't interested either because he knew the background of the tree.

But Tukalon didn't know that humans don't express emotions directly. He didn't notice it and told Qin Mo while he thought he was unusually interested.

"After we die, our souls will enter the soul stone, and then the soul in the soul stone will be placed in this thing called the world shrine. This tree is the shrine."

"The souls will form a collective consciousness called the soul of the world. The soul of the world will penetrate into every corner of this world. Then our ancestors and parents will use the environment here to protect us future generations."

"In your human terms... Gaia consciousness, this is what it means... I'm sorry... my human language is not very good."

Qin Mo shook his head after hearing this: "No, it's pretty good. To be honest, I'm surprised that you guys can learn our language. After all, you guys..."

"What are these..." Tukalon asked carefully.

"It's nothing." Qin Mo shook his head, "Are you very familiar with Aisha's Prayer Arkworld? That Arkworld once promised me that he would come to help me as soon as there was anything I needed, but the result was as if he was angry."

"We are very familiar with each other." Tukalon nodded vigorously, "We are also half a clan of believers of Mother Goddess Aisha. Not only do we trade with each other, we even participate in each other's battles."

"But this Arkworld is very weak and often has too much time to take care of itself."

"Before Bietan fell, they would often help us weak relatives in the wilderness world and the Ark World. But then Bietan fell, and we and Aisha's Prayer could only hold each other together for warmth."

"Occasionally, the relatives of Aisha's Prayer will come over as guests, driving their big spaceship..."

Before Tukalon could finish his words, he was interrupted by a sudden explosion in the sky.

Then a huge burning aircraft plummeted towards the ground.

The right side of the aircraft, facing the giant tree, is engraved with a red heart-shaped logo.

It is the symbol of Aisha's Prayer Craftworld.

"But it's usually not like this when you're a guest." Tukalon stared at the falling aircraft with a look of horror on his face.

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