Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 664 When the City Burns

"This damn thing has to be as big as two galaxies!"

"Damn reptilian bastards, why are you building such a big city?!"

When Qin Mo and Uslan appeared inside the solar structure of the celestial engine, all the star gods who had been waiting here were discussing being pulled to the core area of ​​Commorragh in the real universe.

That place was as big as two galaxies, and even the gravity of the celestial bodies was affected, but before the celestial bodies disintegrated, the star gods used their own power to stabilize the celestial bodies.

"We can't send that part of Commorragh in this galaxy before the Big Bang." Saranoga pointed to the other half of the galaxy, the real universe eroded by the subspace, "We can't even sense it. We need to have a base point and a scope to exert our power, otherwise we will accidentally send the surrounding galaxies back to before the Big Bang, and the reality membrane will be completely destroyed."

"How about attacking it directly with the celestial engine?" the narrator suggested.

Burner immediately refuted: "If the celestial engine can have an effect on Commorragh, why should we find a way to peel off this part of the core? Just blow it up in the webway."

Listening to their conversation, Uslan, who came with Qin Mo, recalled the scene when the celestial engine attacked Comoros in the webway.

Comoros seems to be surrounded by something. It has no defensive effect on orbital bombardment, but it can dissipate greater energy.

"I will personally enter the core of Commorragh to guide you in using your power." Qin Mo interrupted the discussion of the gods.

The gods thought for a moment and then nodded.

Otherwise there is no other way.

When Qin Mo proposed the plan to destroy the core of Commorragh when he was still in the webway, Saranoga calculated how much weakening the reality membrane would be caused by sending the core of Commorragh back before the Big Bang.

If it were not for repeated time travel in a short period of time, it would not have weakened the reality membrane to the point where it could be invaded by demons.

After all, it’s not just the reality membrane that wraps the real universe, there’s also the curtain.

Whether it is a forward or reverse time travel, no matter how large the scale, as long as the number of times is small, it will not weaken the reality membrane to the point of rupture.

Otherwise, even if you shuttle back and forth between the last second and the next second, too many times will cause the reality membrane to rupture.

To put it bluntly, in this galaxy, even if the reality membrane is broken, the consequences are acceptable.

"That's it." Qin Mo turned around and teleported himself and Uslan to Comoros.

Uslan's mission is to find out as much as possible what the defense mechanism of Comoros is, and then find a way to crack it. Even if he can't crack it, he can use his psychic power to give Qin Mo a warning.

After the two teleported into the core point in the core area of ​​Commorragh, the gods began to infuse the weapons of the Celestial Engine with the power to distort reality.

The Deceiver and Nightbringer fragments are responsible for supplying energy to the weapon system, drained to the point where the screams can please the Burner.

"Look!" Qin Mo suddenly pointed to a nearby protrusion.

Uslan, who was thinking about how to crack the defense mechanism, followed the sound and found the front part of a giant battleship, and then exclaimed: "Planet Killer?!"

"This giant ship did not appear in the Battle of Cadia, but was killed by the city of Comoros that suddenly ran out..." Qin Mo sighed, and just said that when he started to fight for those in the celestial engine, The Star God provides base points and range.

This is just to spread one's own power and form a very clear coordinate and area in the feelings of the Star Gods.

What Qin Mo didn't know was that Saranoga had tried to do this, but its power couldn't take effect in the half of the area that was completely eroded by subspace.

"It's true that characteristics are more important than anything else. Even the weakest spirit god can be alive and kicking in the subspace, right?" Qin Mo sighed.

"This involves many issues, and I can't explain it simply." Uslan nodded helplessly.

The celestial engine released a power spanning several light years, covering the entire core of Commorragh, and then time, the law of the real universe, was distorted.

Uslan, who released his psychic energy to detect the surroundings, suddenly realized something was wrong, but he had no time to think about it. The extremely fast reaction of the Spirit Race made him subconsciously unfold the psychic barrier covering himself and Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also noticed something was wrong. This feeling was very familiar. It was the moment he felt when he was pulled into the subspace by the Blackstone Fortress during the Tailong Defense War.

The moment he noticed the familiar feeling, Qin Mo yelled to Uslan not to worry about the power, but it would take time for information to be transmitted.

The psychic energy that unfolded into a subspace rift instantly shattered Uslan's defense and sent the two of them into the subspace.

At the same time, the core of Commorragh was also sent before the Big Bang, and was annihilated by the power of the real universe in the next second.

After a while.

In a world full of life, psychic energy tears apart space to form a passage.

Qin Mo and Wuslan slowly walked out of the passage.

The moment the psychic door closed behind him, the Eldar Prophet fell to the ground.

Qin Mo quickly took off Uslan's helmet to check his condition and found that the prophet was in a trance and his soul was on the verge of death.

"It turns out... it turns out that... the Star God... was sent into the subspace... that was... that defense mechanism..."

Uslan's mouth trembled as he said something shocking.

Neither Qin Mo nor Uslan expected that the defense mechanism would open a rift leading to the subspace in an instant.

Qin Mo had experienced it at the Blackstone Fortress. He thought it was a suicide attack by the Eldar souls in the fortress. He did not expect that such measures would also exist in Eldar facilities.

"Why did you release the psychic barrier?" Qin Mo hugged Uslan's upper body.

"I know you entered...subspace...it's okay...but I...didn't have enough reaction time..." Uslan replied tremblingly.

Qin Mo lowered his head and fell silent.

Maybe other star gods would have trouble entering the subspace, but Qin Mo himself wouldn't, and Uslan knew this.

So just now he subconsciously opened the psychic barrier, whether it was for subconscious protection, or whether he was worried that the sudden outpouring of psychic energy was a means of attack. It's hard to say.

Qin Mo lifted Uslan's upper body up with one hand, and reached into his pocket with the other hand to take out the potion containing Aisha's power and give Uslan a shot.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was caught by Uslan.

"The Eldar...Humans...their destiny is together..."

"For...the real universe..."

The prophet's handsome face was distorted by the torture that penetrated his soul, and he spoke these broken words in a difficult tone.

"I know, I know." Qin Mo patted Uslan on the shoulder, "But you have to let me first..."

Before he finished speaking, Uslan closed his eyes and lost his breath.

His body began to crystallize gradually, and it seemed that he was about to become a crystal prophet.

Qin Mo reluctantly took out the potion and was about to insert it into Uslan when the prophet suddenly woke up.

"Don't let... don't let others... steal me..." Uslan looked at Qin Mo with pleading eyes and said his last dying wish.

After saying this, the prophet fell into coma again.

"Except for the Crystal Prophet Predator, no one would do such a bad thing." Qin Mo said helplessly, and then inserted the potion in his hand into Uslan's chest.

The limbs that had begun to crystallize began to reverse and gradually recovered.

But Uslan is still unconscious, and his soul is being repaired by the power of the mother goddess of the Ada race.

Qin Mo picked up Uslan, randomly found the roots of a giant tree, then threw Uslan to the ground, looking around to see if there was anything that could be used to rub a soul protection device or something.

Although I don’t know what ghost planet I landed on, I can go anywhere as long as I pass through the Forger’s dimension. I just have to find a way to protect Uslan’s soul from being swallowed by the dimensional space.

While Qin Mo was looking for something to use, a pterosaur fell from the sky.

A man in armor rides on the back of the pterosaur.

He first glanced at Qin Mo, then looked at Uslan under the tree roots. Finally, he took off his helmet and asked in human language: "Did that Ark Prophet bring you here?"

"Maybe not. He just casually opened a portal in the Sea of ​​Souls, and then we came." Qin Mo glanced at the guy riding the pterosaur, "Are you the Savage Spirit Clan?"

"There are not many humans like you who can clearly distinguish the internal forces within Ada!"

The wild spirit clan looked surprised.

"We are indeed a tribe of wild spirits, but we prefer our guests to call us Na'vi."

"This is our home planet, Pandora."

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