Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 663 Defense Mechanism

"The stripping weapons are all installed."

"very good."

"Let the navy and army begin to evacuate, and let the heat death leave some more iron men in Comoros."

Qin Mo was walking in the corridor leading to the bridge, the main control intelligence reporting the situation and listening to orders.

The war has progressed to this point, and the remaining steps have nothing to do with the mortal body.

Commorragh would not be completely destroyed, but the Dark Eldar would not only struggle in poverty, but would be unable to leave as the Burners sealed the Webway gates.

They're done.

"Lord of Tailong." Uslan suddenly walked over from another corridor and walked side by side with Qin Mo. "I suggest you not to completely destroy the core of Commorragh."

Qin Mo sneered: "The relationship between the two of us is pretty good. You can just say: I just don't want Comoros to experience catastrophe, because even the dark relatives are relatives, and they are much closer than the relationship between the elves and humans. .”

Although Uslan was sharply ridiculed by Qin Mo this time, he did not lose his temper. This proved that he did not think what Qin Mo said.

"Since you can't trust me, there's nothing I can do."

"Anyway, I've been reading books recently while collecting things from Comoran's library."

"I saw a message saying that important facilities in the Ancient Eldar Empire like Comoros generally have self-defense mechanisms. It's not the level of defense mechanism that you shoot at you when you come in, but it's a defense mechanism that targets stars. God’s defense mechanism.”

"Let's put it this way, if the core area of ​​Commorragh, which was the transit station established by the Ancient Eldar Empire, is destroyed, it will counterattack in a way that is very fatal to the Star Gods."

That's all Uslan said, and then he shut up.

He seemed very sincere.

"Can it kill me instantly?" Qin Mo stopped and asked.

"I can't say, after all, I don't know how this ghost defense mechanism works." Uslan also stopped, "You know, although we, the Ark Eldar, always say that we are the heirs, in fact... …”

"I understand. I will be more careful. For example, I and the other Star Gods will find ways to stay away, but what needs to be done is still done."

After saying that, Qin Mo walked into the bridge and came to the porthole.

The Void Dragon standing in front of the porthole turned around: "There is no one at the detonation site."

Qin Mo looked out the window at the core area of ​​Comoros: "Let's get started."

The Void Dragon raised his hand and controlled the stripping weapons.

Thousands of transport vehicles have been evacuated carrying the troops controlling the core of Comoros, and they are sailing towards the flagship.

Behind them, a series of dense flashes of light flashed around the core of Comoros.

The huge city slowly detached itself from Comoros as a whole, and was pushed upwards by the impact of the stripped weapons.

It looked like just a small piece of Comoros had been peeled off and floated aboard the battleship.

However, the effect of the stripping weapon is far from digging out the core of Commorragh made of materials that the Star God cannot control. The Burner and the Void Dragon jointly developed the stripping weapon, so of course there is some webway technology in it.

The huge core of Commorragh rose infinitely in the Webway, causing some chain reactions.

The Desedrian portal was destroyed and tiny cracks in the webway appeared, but there was no intrusion by any warp creatures.

Then a huge light curtain covered the entire core area of ​​Comoros. This city, which was extremely large even if taken alone, was gradually covered by light, and finally disappeared from the webway completely.

Qin Mo thought about it for a moment. If he were a dark spirit tribe, he would cry now.

Because the most prosperous and productive core of Comoros has been lost forever.

But it's not over yet.

The Glory Humanity and the Celestial Engine began to sail within the Webway, then entered the real universe and began to sail to their destination.

The same goes for the core of that part of Commorragh. It first leaps into the real universe, and then keeps jumping towards the set destination with the help of the last function of the stripped weapon, which is the super-light speed function.

And this destination is the very edge of the Eye of Terror.

Since the end of the Battle of Cadia, the Eye of Terror has been greatly reduced by the black stone obelisk located on Cadia, and is now only about the size of a star sector.

Countless demon worlds were separated from the subspace and gradually returned to normal.

The fortress world of Cadia can never be the frontline again.

Guilliman wanted to build a new Cadian Gate, and he ordered the people of the Storm Sector to begin large-scale colonization of the worlds that had been restored to normal in the original Eye of Terror.

Although there are still forces opposed to the Primarch within the Imperial establishment to this day, colonization was carried out by force.

The state religion is the most enthusiastic. They refer to large-scale colonial activities as spreading the light of the God Emperor. Countless fanatic believers leave their own worlds and gather at the Cadian Gate. They then eat a holy meal at the Cadian Gate and are then sent to The original scope of the Eye of Terror began to colonize those planets that were once demonic worlds.

Fanatics baptized every colonized planet with religious methods, and then large fleets carrying Necromunda or the population of other hive worlds would arrive, sending more people to Go to the world after baptism.

Even Guilliman believed this was necessary.

Because a world without baptism or incomplete baptism will be haunted, while a world with complete baptism will be no different from a normal imperial world.

However, this colonial activity had a fatal problem, that is, the religious ritual materials were consumed hugely and the progress was extremely slow.

The Tyrone Sector assisted in the colonization activities. The Soulless Scholars Organization, which specializes in anti-psionic energy, believes that the reason why supernatural phenomena occur in unbaptized worlds is because there are still some subspace rifts in the world that have not been completely closed, so they can be used More efficient means to deal with those problems, so that more colonial forces other than the state religion do not have to wait for the slow baptism of the state religion.

But the state religion turned this matter into a religious issue. Billions of fanatics in the religious world chose to commit suicide in front of the statue of the God Emperor, saying that the state church used 20% of its annual financial funds to desperately spread the will of the God Emperor. If it gave up halfway, It would be better to die.

In short, there are still large areas of uncolonized world near the Eye of Terror that are once again occupied by the forces of Chaos.

In the galaxy at the edge of the Eye of Terror, the interface between subspace and the real universe can already be called the rear of the Chaos Space Marines.

At this moment, the Space Marines of the Black Legion, who were accumulating strength for a conspiracy on all the planets in the galaxy and gathering supplies and troops, suddenly saw that the sky of their planet was no longer half dark purple and half black.

The sky was replaced by what looked like cities.

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