Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 658 Fringe Sect

After quickly dealing with Arrow, the original body returned to everyone who was about to set off.

Yaoen just told the mimic that entered the webway something very suspicious about Arrow.

Then everyone saw Jaghatai grabbing Arrow's octopus legs with his hands and dragging her back.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ye slowly stood up, drew his bolt pistol and pointed it at the Dark Eldar warriors loyal to Arrow.

Others also took aim at the Dark Eldar with their weapons, not even bothering to load their guns.

Although Arrow was able to conceal her motives, she was unable to use more nuanced conspiracy methods to conceal her suspicions.


The soldiers of the conspiracy who were targeted by guns looked unusually calm, as if they had expected that things would develop to this point, it was just a matter of sooner or later.



When Chen Ye wanted to give the order to fire, Chagatai raised his hand to signal his descendants to wait.

The Dark Eldar glanced at Chagatai gratefully.

“There’s a new sect that’s been hit hard in Comoros lately.”

A Dark Eldar warrior warmed himself by the fire and spoke very calmly.

"The main thrust of this sect is that we should not continue to live in the Webway, because the Webway is not safe. It has been invaded by the Thirsty Lady's lackeys because of some problems."

"The human star sector sheltered by the Catans is safer than Comoros because of the features of the Catan augmented reality structure."

"Although this enhancement is limited and psychic energy can still take effect, at least it can isolate the evil beings in the subspace as much as possible."

"Perhaps if we want to obtain asylum, we need to give up everything, but it doesn't matter, as long as we can keep our souls."

The Dark Eldar was telling a lot of things that Jaghatai couldn't understand.

But what they did next made Chagatai understand.


The Dark Eldar took out a star pattern made of simple lines from his arms.

That is the symbol of the Tyrone Sector.

"I've long wanted to be a Karis."

After that, Arrow's conspiracy warriors, the elite and high-level people who came with her, wore the logo on their chests.

"You have to pay blood tax." Yaoen said to them.

The so-called blood tax does not refer to the blood tax that takes away materials and people like space sharks, but refers to the tax paid with blood.

Anyone who has made a contribution to the sector can be granted asylum, or they can pay the blood tax with actual actions that benefit the sector, just like the tax collectors who silently sold dimension engines to others in the Empire's tax collection fleet decades ago.

Or, like the later Space Marines, the Sons of Antaeus, the Burning Falcons, shed their blood in war and paid the blood tax.

"Ai Rui's cabal, that is, the cabal we belong to, has the most contact with humans. We understand those weird rules."

"Believe us, in this war, we can bring you a surprise that is not derogatory."

Just as he was talking, a roar sounded.

Countless living metal fragments rained down into the distance of the hiding place.

Then a white-haired woman who was not riding in any vehicle or wearing any protective equipment fell from the sky.

Jaghatai and his descendants were startled, but Yaoun remained calm because he knew that it was a mimicry of one of the gods of Tyron.

"Can we go?" Mimic looked around and asked with a smile to the people around him.

"Wait a minute..." Jaghatai raised his hand, "Have those Skinners been killed? Did you just break in all by yourself? Did you take us out alone like this?"

"Of course." Mimic smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Chagatai realized for the first time why the humans were able to attack Comoros in a large scale.

After a while.

The eagle, brought out of the webway by the mimic, stood on the bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

And the Archon named Arrow has been taken to have his brain read.

Qin Mo did not come to see Chagatai immediately, but was dealing with matters including checking Arrow's brain-reading information, and the sudden presence of the Dark Eldar during the war to provide target guidance for the Tyron Navy's orbital bombing.

The drone took care of Jaghatai's messy hair and appearance, put him into relatively clean clothes, and repaired Jaghatai's damaged armor along the way.

Before the arrival of Lord Tyron, who was leading the war, Jaghatai stood in front of the porthole of the bridge, observing the entire fleet.

Chen Ye stood beside the father of genes and communicated with him using encrypted communication.

"As you can see, this is the naval power of the Tyrone Sector."

"There is a reason why they have such a powerful navy and equipment. Only a few people in the empire know that the Tyrone Star Region was established based on the power of a transcendent being called the Star God."

"Star God... you should know what it is. After all, all of us combined are not as knowledgeable as you."

After listening to Chen Ye's words, Chagatai looked back and nodded: "Not bad."

"Not bad?" Chen Ye originally thought that the original body would tell him not to trust the Tailon people, because they stand with the alien gods and are likely to be a threat to the empire.

The White Scars have not established diplomatic and trade channels with Talon. The reason is that they are worried that the Primarch has not returned. If the Chapter cooperates with the Talon people like the Ultramarines and Blood Angels, it may attract the ill will of some high-level personnel in the Empire.

"Their naval ships don't have many decorations about the Star God, it's more about personality worship."

"This means that the Star Gods have not established an absolute leadership position in their star sector."

"I speculate that in their sector, the transcendent existence of the Star God is restricted by certain rules."

Jaghatai whispered his speculation.

Chen Ye nodded.

"But we still need to have our own ideas." Chagatai warned in a deep voice, "We still don't know what the empire's actual attitude is towards this sector. We must try our best to stand with the empire and never change. The fault of the Legion's wavering during the Horus Heresy."

Chen Ye nodded. In fact, the chapter leader thought so too.

Just when the two wanted to talk a few more words, the bridge gate opened.

"Guilliman already knows the news of your return. He said that he and Ryan would come to the star area to welcome you back and celebrate the victory of this war." Qin Mo walked into the bridge.

This was the first time Jaghatai saw Qin Mo. He noticed that Qin Mo called Guilliman by his first name. He habitually called Guilliman by his first name, which showed that he had a good relationship with Guilliman, who was already the regent.

"Have you started preparing to celebrate the victory of the war?" Chagatai asked.

It is a taboo to be happy before the work is accomplished.

"Yes, victory in the war is within easy reach, it's just a matter of sooner or later." Qin Mo walked to the tactical table and swiped his hand a few times on the holographic image displayed on the table, showing what the entire Comoros looked like, and what's next. plan of.

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