Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 657: Deep Bone Analysis

Jaghatai's words left Arrow silent.

The Archon bowed his head in thought, trying to figure out how he could separate the Primarch from the others.

As for capturing the original body as a hostage, this is obviously not a realistic idea. If Commorragh had the means to kill the original body, it would not imprison him in the webway.

While Arrow was deep in thought, Jaghatai listened to others talking about the war.

Ever since Arrow betrayed his own people because of the relics of the Ancient Spirit Empire, Li Sun, the Rogue Trader, gained the trust of the Star Region, and then the Thunder Warriors opened the portal to death and rebirth, until now.

Jaghatai was not surprised at all when he heard Yao En say that Arrow betrayed his kind for the relics of the Ancient Eldar Empire.

Based on what he knew about these Ada people, it was not surprising that they would betray their own kind just for fun, let alone for their cherished ancestral relics.

After saying these things, Yaoen looked at Arrow again: "There are probably many ancient spirit clan relics in this webway. Don't you want to look for them?"

Arrow replied calmly: "I care more about when we can leave this ghost place now."

As soon as he finished speaking, a look of astonishment appeared on Chagatai's face, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Ai Rui.

But his surprise quickly disappeared, and his surprise was hidden in his heart. He just paid more attention to the consul of the conspiracy.

"Soon." Yaoen stood up and walked aside, using the communication device in the guard's power armor to contact the outside world.

He got a quick response.

Mimic will lead the team into the Webway shelter, and everyone just needs to wait for rescue.

As for the existence of the suspected Skinner Landugal, it will be captured alive and then analyzed to find out what the hell it is.

"I think it's best for us to find a way to work together with the people outside to get out." Chagatai glanced at Yaoen who was communicating on the side, and then looked at Chen Ye.

"Trust me, no need." Chen Ye shook his head.

Seeing how determined his son was, Chagatai frowned slightly, still curious about what could break into this webway and bring them in without all of them doing anything.

Those skinners are not easy to deal with.

But people in the Webway still can't do nothing.

Thinking, Chagatai looked at Arrow.

late at night.

Everyone rested in the hiding place, packed everything they could, and then gathered together to wait quietly for rescue to arrive.

After confirming that Mimic would withdraw from the battlefield and enter the Webway for rescue in a few moments, Arrow suddenly found a reason to leave and went to a corner where no one could see or observe her, with someone outside the Webway. people communicate.

Arrow spoke not the language of the Eldar, but an esoteric code language that only a handful of Cabal Archons in Commorragh could understand.

The general idea is to report what is happening now and what will happen next.

And Arrow hopes that people outside can find a way to close the webway door, and she will stay in the webway and continue to look for opportunities to separate the original body from others. Her goal has changed from capturing some hostages to stopping the human original body. return.

While Arrow was communicating in a cryptic manner using syllables that humans couldn't even pronounce, a large and muscular figure appeared behind her.

"Are you talking to your true allies about a plan against us?"

Hearing a sudden voice from behind, Arrow put down his communication device in panic, looked behind him in shock, and found that Jaghatai was speaking to him.

Every Eldar has extremely keen senses. Arrow was frightened and then surprised that he didn't notice the approach of Chagatai.

"I see."

Seeing Ai Rui's reaction, Chagatai nodded thoughtfully, having already judged something from her reaction.

After thinking about it, Arrow nervously pulled out two daggers, slowly retreated to a distance of three meters, and stared at Jaghatai warily.

Chagatai didn't react at all, he just stood there.

When being stared at by the original body, Arrow had the illusion that he had been cut open, as if his internal organs were displayed in front of the original body.

"Stop playing those tricks, I'm not good at this." Chagatai spoke slowly.

"Not good at it? Do you know that my kind and I are called dark relatives by those guys who live in the Ark?" Arrow doesn't think so.

"I know." Jaghatai nodded, "But among all the Commorans I have met, you are the least good at playing tricks and the most naive and stupid one."

Faced with the original body's analysis, Arrow sneered and dismissed it.

"You are not good at hiding. You can't even hide your emotions. Your thinking is not that profound. I just tested you and you exposed it."

"This shows that you are a fool. You are not good at playing tricks, but you just want to play tricks, but your tricks are always full of loopholes, always easily seen through, and then self-defeating."

"Your stupidity comes from your naivety. Let me guess, you should be a real son from an upper-class noble family in Comoros. Your father and mother have enough protection for you, and no one you can meet will To show malice to you, you have not been polished by danger, so your tricks and thinking are very immature."

Upon hearing these analyzes from the original body, Arrow was obviously shocked.

She even began to recall whether she had spent a long time with Chagatai, so that the other party had analyzed her so accurately and deeply.

"You wanted to gain the trust of the Tyrone Sector by betraying your kind, and you did it, but you didn't expect that in a war launched by one race against another race, the trust you gained would play a huge role. How many."

"You wanted to install your own people by providing rapid assault troops for the sector, but you didn't expect White Scar to come, and then you stopped fighting for it, gave up, and came up with another bad idea. "

"You come out as soon as you think, and you are too focused on your original purpose, and it is easy to get into trouble. This is why you have to run back when you are sent to the exit of the webway."

Listening to Chagatai's analysis and sarcasm, Arrow's body was shaking: "Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

"Do I still need precognition for you?" Chagatai shook his head.

The consul didn't know that there were two reasons why Chagatai's analysis was so precise.

First, Chagatai is good at analysis. He is a sharp-minded person and can often see through the essence of things.

Second, Chagatai's family also made it difficult for him not to develop the ability to analyze others thoroughly.

The emperor has twenty sons, all of whom are different.

Except for Guilliman, who is a happy child, everyone else is a problem child, each with his own problems, different personalities and characteristics, and any family problem can be found among the Primarchs.

"You are a fool who wants to do something to gain recognition from others."

"It's a miracle that a fool like you can survive to adulthood in Comoros. The people who protect you protect you very well."

"But you don't want to admit that everything you have now is a gift and protection from others. You want to prove your ability, but you are too stupid and naive. You think of it one after another, and use all kinds of childish conspiracies to make yourself self-defeating. .”

"You pretend to be cunning and want to use tricks to show your viciousness and cunning, but you are not vicious and cunning enough."

Jaghatai continued, approaching Arrow.

"Others must have noticed that something was wrong with you, but they didn't bother to say anything because it's easier to control you stupid bitch when you don't know anything."

"The bottom line is that you are just a stupid bitch with a childish illness pretending to be a Comorian."

"Do you know what you should do?"

When the original body asked the last question, the weapon in Arrow's hand had fallen to the ground, tears streaming down his face and sobbing.

This attitude even surprised Chagatai, because in his imagination, Arrow would not cry on the spot, but would curse himself and cover it up.

He didn't know that he was talking about Arrow's real pain, and he was talking about things that even the most foul-mouthed and venomous people in the Dark Eldar dared not say to Arrow.

"What you should do is to find a place with a better environment than Comoros, and then act as a foil for a man or woman you like, and provide positive emotions to your male or female partner with silly smiles and stupid things every day."

"Don't be a consul. Although you have someone who has given you everything to provide you with this position, if the person who protects you cannot solve all the troubles, you will die sooner or later."

This is Chagatai's heartfelt message to Arrow.

Arrow listened to everything and was finally so angry that he mustered up the courage to pounce on the Primarch.

Chagatai could only use his hands, and he knocked Arrow unconscious with a light palm.

"Maybe the other thing you can do is spit out everything you know."

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