Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 659 Use this to test Bai Scar?

"We will plant a bomb in the heart of Comoros, strip the core of the city out and destroy it."

"An unexpected result is that Arrow's brain contains information about Victor's location."

"In addition, in other war zones, some Dark Eldar suddenly began to provide guidance for our offensive."

Chagatai noticed that Qin Mo didn't regard him as an outsider at all, it was as common as telling another collaborator in the war a plan.

This is a friendly attitude.

"I'm sorry, but White Scar will not participate in the next war." Chagatai bowed slightly, "Thank you for helping my descendants find me. They need to escort me back to Quanzhou Fortress immediately to handle matters."

"Okay." Qin Mo was beyond Chagatai's expectations and agreed without hesitation, "Then as a meeting gift, I will give you something."

Chagatai subconsciously wanted to refuse the gift, because as the saying goes, he is short-handed, and he would feel bad if he accepted the gift and did not stay to continue the war.

Whether to stay and fight depends on whether White Scar is here to cooperate with Tai Lung in this military operation, or whether it is just to find the original body.

Due to various considerations, Jaghatai believed that he should not show any good intentions or ill intentions towards the Tyrone sector before he knew more about the empire.

But the gift shown by Qin Mo made Chagatai's words stuck in his throat.

A model of a motorcycle is generated on the tactical table.

"The new tactical motorcycle has a flight function and can soar from the surface of the earth to beyond the orbit of the planet."

“Made from living metal that can repair itself, it can repair itself.”

"It has a teleportation function and a small space arsenal, which means that the motorcycle can teleport at any time, and as long as you reach into a certain place, you can pull out a variety of large and heavy weapons that exceed the carrying capacity of the motorcycle."

"The iconic feature is that it generates a small life-support stand, which means that it can be used as a super-high-speed gang-hopping weapon even in void battles."

Looking at this cool motorcycle, Chagatai couldn't take his eyes away, but finally forced himself to calm down: "I accept it, no reward for no merit, we are leaving soon, I really have no qualifications to receive this A generous gift.”

"This is just a greeting gift, nothing more than a gift without any requirements." Qin Mo drew a mark on the holographic model, showing more motorcycles. "A total of one hundred and one motorcycles have been shipped for you."

Hearing this, Chen Ye glanced at Qin Mo, and then secretly tugged on Chagatai's arm armor.

Chagatai looked at Chen Ye and thought that it was easy for this guy to give him whatever gift he wanted. It was inevitable to eat someone with a short mouth and take advantage of someone with short hands.

Nothing is free in this world.

If they really took things from the Tyrone Sector and they casually publicized it, this matter would become proof of the mutual goodwill between the original body and the Sector.

"It's just a gift, just accept it." Qin Mo's voice was like a devil's whisper.

He didn't want to use this incident to design Jaghatai, because doing so would only make Jaghatai dissatisfied, so the sector would never publicize the fact that Jaghatai received a lot of cool motorcycles from the Tyrone people. , unless the White Scars themselves drive their cool motorcycles to show off.

"As the Governor said, there is nothing special about this motorcycle. It is just an enhanced version of the motorcycle I gave to Company Commander Chen."

Yao En, who had returned with Chen Ye earlier, suddenly walked into the bridge and talked about the motorcycle he gave to Chen Ye.

Chagatai looked at Chen Ye.

"That happened many years ago." Chen Ye helplessly spread his hands.

"No matter how many years ago, is it useful?" Yao En asked.

"Well..." Chen Ye really couldn't bear to lie about his precious motorcycle, "It's extremely useful."

Chaghatai thought deeply for a long time, and finally shook his head with a smile: "A wise man can often refuse temptation. I must say that you are indeed very generous, but we also have our own principles, no reward for no merit."

"I can't give you a gift if it's really useless. Company Commander Chen led his troops into the heavily surrounded portal area, so that's why." Qin Mo said with a smile.

"Forget it." Chogoris Eagle waved his hands repeatedly, "Forget it."

Two days later.

A massive reconnaissance operation takes place on the eve of the final phase of the Battle for the Destruction of the Core of Commorragh.

Led by the Primarch, the White Scars Assault Company galloped at breakneck speed through the ruins of Commorragh, heading towards the areas still in the hands of the Dark Eldar.

Their motorcycles sometimes carried their masters across the plains, sometimes disappeared, and then emerged from further away.

"So we accepted the gift from the Tyrone people after all?"

Tieludai said to his battle brothers on the communication channel while enjoying his first experience of driving a new motorcycle.

Everyone did not answer Tieloutai, but looked at the original body in unison.

"A few days ago, I was making a fuss out of a molehill. I thought they had made this kind of flying motorcycle with all their strength. But it turned out that the logistics machinery could print out tens of thousands of them in less than ten seconds. thing."

"The Sector Governor is right. This is just an ordinary meeting gift. I made a fuss out of it."

Jaghatai revealed his true feelings to his heirs.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, the war will be over soon. It's so fast that the time it takes for us to leave immediately is about the same as the time it takes to finish this battle. We don't have to worry about what the higher-ups in the empire other than the regents think of us." Chen Ye echoed.

Chagatai turned back to look at Chen Ye, thinking that you guys have been having fun riding cool motorcycles for who knows how many years, but now you are talking like this, taking into account the opinions of some people in the empire's upper echelons.

But Chagatai also knew that what Chen Ye said was true, and the war was about to end.

What they were participating in was the beginning of a large-scale military operation, that is, large-scale reconnaissance.

Those who live outside the fringes of Dark Eldar society, seeking refuge without caring about anything else, have been assigned to the reconnaissance force to conduct this reconnaissance operation with the White Scar.

The purpose of the reconnaissance operation was to detect how many defenses there were around Victor's location in Arrow's memory.

If it wasn't for the purpose of completely killing the overlord of Comoros, everyone would have already begun to evacuate after the core of Comoros was stripped away.

"After receiving the gift, you have to do something." Chagatai said and pointed forward.

Directly in front, the Dark Eldar's defense line gradually emerged. The Tyron army, which was also arranged into the reconnaissance force, and the Dark Eldar had already engaged in a small-scale exchange of fire with the defense line.

What Bai Scar has to do is to take advantage of this moment to get as much information as possible.

"The Falcon of Chogoris! Charge!"

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