Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 642 Betrayal of the truth

"Our enemies are not just toys created by the reptilian race in front of us."

"The Necron are our enemies too."

“And it’s still a formidable enemy.”

Mimic murmured meaningfully.

Qin Mo agreed again.

He thought of another question of his.

That's how the Necron successfully attacked the Star God after the Battle of Heaven.

This thing seems incredible.

If the Necrons were representatives of advanced races in the material universe, then the weapons they used based on the laws of physics would not be effective in sneak attacks on the Star Gods.

Even if the Star Gods at that time were caught in a civil war, they were weak, arrogant, arrogant, and underestimated their enemies.

Even if the Necrons were desperate for revenge at that time.

But what can't be done just can't be done.

Smashing a C'tan with a weapon based on the laws of physics that can be twisted by the C'tan at will is more outrageous than smashing an Astartes with a piece of tofu.

At least a piece of frozen tofu can really be used to kill an Astartes in God Player, because frozen tofu can be blessed as a weapon.

Think again of the world reapers used by the Coron dynasty before, the technology used on the tomb obelisk, and the tactics of amplifying psychic energy that are incompatible with the Necron painting style...

The Necron's tool of revenge should be psionic energy. It is the psionic energy that forced the Void Dragon, the representative of technology and combat power among the Star Gods, to develop black stone technology and repair and patch black stone obelisks everywhere.

"The war we fight is an extension of the war in heaven."

Mimic suddenly sighed.

It has long had this idea.

From the Star God's perspective, the battle between humans and chaos, and various aliens, is not a battle for the continuation of the race, for the sake of growth and prosperity, but an extension of the war in heaven.

The Star Gods are still waging war in heaven.

"So..." Qin Mo looked at Mimic.

Mimicry looked at the vast void outside the porthole window and slowly turned his head: "So we should be mentally prepared for the day when the Necrons and Eldar will unite to deal with us."

Qin Mo thought about the demons among the Necrons and felt that this was impossible.

But then I thought about it and thought it was possible.

After the War in Heaven, the Necrons fell into a deep sleep as the final victors of the entire war.

Then the losing side, the Eldar shaped by the Old Ones, grew and grew across the galaxy.

The former did nothing to the latter after their victory.

After the former fell into dormancy, the latter did not go around digging graves to kill it while it was sick.

Perhaps the two parties have already cooperated.

"In any case, no matter which race is now, they all look like they are about to die." Qin Mo shook his head slowly, indicating that Mimicry did not need to make such pessimistic assumptions, "Besides, in the process of the Necrons' revenge against the Star God, it is not All undead are filled with hatred for the C'tan because they were transformed into living beings."

"Do you still remember what the narrator said, that the Casa dynasty really ascended to the immortal species through the back door opened by the Forger?"

"Perhaps all it takes is a small disagreement to start a civil war within the Necron."

"Maybe we don't need to use anything. The Silent King who once destroyed the master control agreement will realize what a wrong decision he made, because there is already a Storm King in the Necrons to oppose him."

Hearing this, Mimic felt relieved.

After becoming relatively complete, a mimic can take on most of the characteristics of the thing it transforms into.

It even feels like it has a heart.

The narrator once told Qin Mo in private that even if the mimicry was 100% complete, it would not become as real and human as him, because all of this was just a disguise that even the mimicry could not break through.

During the War in Heaven, it could disguise itself as a ruler in the ancient holy society through this extreme change, and then help the star gods achieve results that no matter how many Burners could not achieve through killing and violence.

But what kind of real humanity does a pure star god need?

"Focus on the current matter first." Qin Mo put his hand on Mimic's shoulder and patted it gently, "Let Nyadra, Magradros and Saranoga use the teleportation device to support the portal. The battle on the side.”

Just like the communication between the two people just now, Mimicry used the communication method between Star Gods to convey the order to the three Star Gods.

Then the three star gods, the Burner, the Void Dragon, and the Outsider, took a break from the massive destruction on the edge of Commorragh and went to the portal to join the battle with the Narrator.

Another complete Star God and two powerful Star God fragments joined the battle, and the situation immediately reversed.

The Dark Eldar's defense line, which was used to dig out their ancestors' gadgets from the ground, could no longer hold up.

Although the Burner and the Void Dragon are just fragments, they cannot compress a black hole with a drop of water as much time as the Chronicler, but their fighting methods are far superior to the Chronicler.

The Void Dragon can instantly create armor and weapons for iron and human troops that are unmatched by the Dark Eldar, allowing even the most ordinary Tyron Army leader to compete with the Dark Eldar Witch Spirits in close combat. .

Countless materials come from the human empire plundered by the Dark Eldar in the cities of Comorragh. Whether it is money, furnishings, antiques, or other things, in short, as long as it exists, it will be extracted and instantly shaped by the void dragon. into an extremely powerful weapon of destruction.

Burners control energy with precision, creating explosions that blast intense energy into every molecule and atom in the form of tiny sparks that appear everywhere.

Even psionic devices that interfere with the power of matter can only allow the Dark Eldar's elite troops to hold on for a while longer when they are ignited by the ubiquitous sparks.

Just like the defensive weapons in the cities of Commorragh, those psionic devices taken out from the deepest depths of Commorragh protect the descendants of the Ancient Eldar. The Dark Eldar who hate psionic energy also have to use psionic energy to deal with it. Lord of the physical universe.

But when Saranoga began to exert its power as another complete C'tan, the last bit of the Dark Eldar's advantage was wiped away.

The Dark Eldar in an entire space fell into madness.

Their logic is stripped away from their thinking, and everything in front of them is chaotic and nihilistic. They feel that they are in the past and the future, reality and illusion, sanity and madness at the same time.

They kill each other.

The psychic device protecting them was destroyed by their own hands.

And all this stems from just a look from outsider Saranoga.

On a battlefield that is constantly being destroyed and rebuilt.

Amidst the frenzied roars and wails of the Dark Eldar.

The Space Marines, the Ironmen, the Terran Army, they walked in the omnipresent fire, sparks capable of shattering matter to a microscopic level splashed across their flesh and armor, but they were unaffected.

Saranoga's terrifying whispers kept echoing in his ears. Every syllable in this whisper was enough to shatter and glue the wills of their mortal bodies countless times. It was enough to destroy the logical modules of Iron Man, but they were still rational. I feel like I shouldn't listen to those whispers.

Their will and thinking logic are strengthened to the point where they can resist all temptations.

In the flames that instantly burned the enemy to the point where no ashes were left, and in the whispers that caused the enemy to collapse into cannibalism, the human warriors and the iron men, wearing the armor and weapons that were suddenly shaped just now, were fighting with no end in sight. advance on the ruins.

Although the area that was completely taken over in front of them might not even be comparable to a drop in the bucket in the incredibly huge Webway City, the Dark Eldar have lost the possibility of victory, which means that they have actually lost the entire Comoros.

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