Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 641 Past Events in Paradise

People were coming and going on the bridge.

Bendis and the old guys sat in the corner, mourning Gunter, while constantly recalling the life of this great warrior, trying to engrav it in their minds forever and never forget it.

Physical destruction is not real death, it is being forgotten and then the last traces left in reality are erased.

The Thunder Warriors underwent transformation later than the Astartes and Custodes, so they are more humane and it is difficult not to be saddened by the death of their companions.

The corner Bendis and the others were in was made up of sad emotions.

No one went to wake them up and let them go to grieve elsewhere on the battleship instead of delaying everyone's work in the bridge.

No one tried to persuade them to cheer up, because no one knew how to persuade those warriors who had lived for tens of thousands of years and were like living historical documents.

They just sat there, silent.

No one else could do much except cast a glance.

The war cannot stop just because of the death of one person.

The bridge soon returned to its previous busy level, with various reports and information flowing into or out of the bridge.

"I just found."

When Mimic standing next to Qin Mo heard this, he looked at Qin Mo curiously, wondering what interesting thing he had suddenly discovered.

Then under the mimic gaze, Qin Mo exclaimed: "I just realized that this is a low-end version of the Battle in Heaven."

Mimic looked at the battlefield image displayed on the tactical table.

Among the many battlefield images, the only one that fits Qin Mo's statement is the battle at the Desiderian portal.

The Space Marines and the Army who had just teleported over, Iron Man, fought side by side after blowing up the portal, and there was even a Star God fighting behind them.

The complete Star God.

On the battlefield, black holes, singularities, and nuclear explosions, things that were not particularly common even in apocalyptic wars, are now everywhere.

On the alien side, things like anti-matter rifles have been installed on a large scale, and grenades that can create a large-scale subspace rift when thrown casually are flying everywhere. The ancient Ada Empire heritage that has been hidden in Comoros for many years is almost are fully enabled.

The battlefield has been torn apart, with armies from both sides using a variety of methods to stay on their newly created terrain.

Although the current Dark Eldar are just a bunch of bastards whose lives are as cheap as weeds and as twisted as maggots, their ancestors were not.

One of the Dark Eldar Haemonculi holds a rifle in his hand. This rifle can directly generate battlefield terrain that is beneficial to them out of thin air.

Unless the man is decapitated by a Space Marine, as long as he survives and the rifle trigger remains pressed, both armies have a battlefield that cannot be destroyed.

Even the narrator creates his own battlefields, using the materials he can manipulate to shape vast plains or mountains.

The two terrains are constantly alternating, like copying and pasting and copying and pasting again and again.

In this case, the war has exceeded the physiological cognition of the combatants on both sides, and even the Space Marines are confused on the ever-changing battlefield.

"That rifle."

"A rifle that creates terrain."

Mimicry points to the battlefield.

"That explains one thing."

"The Ancient Spirit Tribe is very good at maintaining combat effectiveness even when the terrain suffers extreme damage."

After listening to Mimic's words, Qin Mo thought for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

This war is a beggars version of the war in heaven.

The information it presents is very important.

Because this can give people today a glimpse of how the war in heaven was fought back then.

Qin Mo has always been curious about one thing.

If the Star Gods are the masters of the real universe, they seem to be omnipotent... In fact, it seems that they are indeed omnipotent now. After all, being able to compress a drop of water into a black hole is enough for a mortal civilization to consume countless energy. It took countless years to do this. What kind of energy and material utilization ability is this?

So during the War in Heaven, the Ancient Saints and the Eldar used the subspace but could not live in the subspace apart from the real universe, achieving the current situation where the gods of the subspace and the creatures of the real universe each occupy their own domain of opposition. Psionic race, how did they fight against the Necron army led by the C'tan?

Now this war is a glimpse of the leopard, which can be seen.

The matter in the real universe will be controlled by the Star God, just like a weakling like the narrator can rub a black hole with a drop of water.

If real matter is used to fight, the weapons in the hands of the Old Ones and Eldar will be controlled or shattered by the C'tan.

As a psychic race, the Old Ones and Eldar need to create substances that are not controlled by the Star God.

This may be why the material spiritual bone was developed.

It can be concluded that during the War in Heaven, the Ancient Saints, the Eldar, and other descendants of the Ancient Saints were all seeking to fight or produce on the basis of the real universe.

Qin Mo thought about all this, and then thought about the green skin.

During the War in Heaven, the greenskins were not what they are now. Each of them was as tall as the original body, and my power of thinking was not as uncontrollable as it is now.

The ancient saint's powerful technology is written into the green skin's genetic sequence, and the green skin can complete the transformation from primitive civilization to space civilization in a short period of time.

And the power of my thinking is definitely stronger in the hands of the ancient orcs than it is now.

Perhaps it is really possible to create extremely sophisticated advanced weapons out of a pile of scrap metal.

If the weapon itself violates the rules of the real universe and is made of scrap metal and spiritual energy, and its existence is entirely based on spiritual energy, then this kind of weapon will not be interfered by the Star God.

"Look at that psychic device."

Qin Mo suddenly pointed at the image.

The previous device that could protect humans from black holes like the Narrator was now used by the Dark Eldar.

Although he knew nothing about spiritual energy, Qin Mo could guess that the principle of that thing seemed to be to increase the content of spiritual energy... This was equivalent to the function of a black stone obelisk, and the device looked completely black and was also made of black stone.

"I'm thinking of our war with the Kron Dynasty on Dead Zone Three," Mimic said.

"I thought about it too." Qin Mo nodded.

In the war that once broke out on Dead Domain III, the overlords of the Coron Dynasty used two powerful war machines-the Obelisk and the World Reaper.

They are all equipped with Blackstone technology, which increases the psychic power of Dead Domain III to the extreme, thereby weakening the Star Gods' control over reality.

Qin Mo still remembers that he spent a lot of effort to kill the World Reaper.

Although that thing was a war machine from the War in Heaven period and was used in the war between the Ancient Saints and the Star Gods, its strength was a bit too high.

After thinking about it, Qin Mo felt that it was not that the World Reaper was strong, but that the Black Stone technology carried by the World Reaper greatly increased the influence of psychic energy.

Asking for leave today, four updates

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