Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 643 Let me rest in peace

"Goddess Elsa asks to see you."

While Qin Mo was observing the powerful destructive power displayed by the Star Gods and humans fighting side by side, a report forced him to withdraw his attention from the war and focus on a difficult guy.

"Let her in." Qin Mo responded to the AI ​​assistant in the bridge.

The gate opened, and Aisha walked in wearing a subspace shadow device.

The goddess lowered her head and walked slowly with small steps. She clasped the fingers of the other hand with one hand and looked extremely hesitant.

Elsa was also brought to join the battle.

There was only one reason for bringing her here, and that was to prevent the souls of the combatants from being eaten by Slaanesh along with the souls of the Dark Eldar.

This is just a concern, a possibility, but not a guarantee that it will happen.

Just as the war in the Dark City has been going on for the same reason, Slaanesh has not been able to jump out and cause trouble.

Commorragh was built deep within the Webway, and if the Webway was complete and free of hidden dangers, then beings in the Warp could only be extremely angry in extremely angry situations.

Commorragh has also been invaded by demons, but that was all for a reason. After the Dark Eldar demon invasion, solve the reasons for the demonic invasion, clean up and continue to live in Comorragh. This behavior itself is the security of the network. Gave the Dark Eldar courage.

I have to admit that the best way to deal with psychic energy is psychic energy, or things related to psychic energy.

Just like the Void Dragon's research on using black stone, the material that makes up the Vaal Talisman, to deal with psychic energy, the Webway created by the super psychic race of the Ancient Saints is indeed very powerful. It is not mixed with any matter in the real universe, and is composed of 100% psychic energy. Resist psychic energy.

As for the subspace shadow on Aisha's body, this new technology developed based on the subspace psychic matrix entity can indeed isolate psychic energy to a certain extent, but for Aisha it is just a placebo.

Just like before going into battle, Qin Mo said to Aisha: "We Star Gods are all going to fight Commorragh. Talon's reinforced reality structure will be weakened, and then guess what will happen to you."

This sentence, like the shadow device, is a reason to encourage Elsa to relax and follow.

"Goddess of Life!"

"When you showed up, the whole atmosphere on the bridge was full of energy!"

Knowing that Aisha loves to cry, Qin Mo always faces Aisha with an approachable attitude to prevent himself from being drowned by the soul stone.

Qin Mo was not praising Aisha. As soon as Aisha appeared, the atmosphere of the entire bridge was indeed different.

Even the sad Thunder Warriors sitting in the corner raised their heads and began to pay attention to what was happening around them.

Elsa first bowed respectfully, as she always did, and then she fell silent.

It was Aisha who took the initiative to find her. She must have something going on, and of course she should continue talking, but she didn't.

She lowered her head and picked at her fingers. The words hesitation and entanglement seemed to be written on Aisha's face.

"You must have never heard of Lord Tailong's teachings." Qin Mo shook his head helplessly, "If you have anything to say, just say it. You know I can't see through the thoughts of the Spirit Clan, let alone the thoughts of the Spirit Clan God like you."

"I want... I want... I want to collect the souls of my children." Aisha hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke frankly.

"Of course you can do that without asking me."

Qin Mo agreed very quickly, making Aisha nod at first, and then realized that there was something wrong with being so quick.

What Aisha didn't know was that this was one of the reasons why Qin Mo brought her here.

The Eldar are already highly bound to Slaanesh.

The reason why the Dark Eldar are extremely afraid of death is simply because once they die, their souls will fall into the hands of Slaanesh.

If a human dies in the Webway, their soul may still wander around for a while, but not the Eldar.

If the result of this war is that Slaanesh has a feast, then Qin Mo would rather not start a war.

"So, I can use the soul stone to collect the souls of my children?" Aisha asked tentatively.

Qin Mo nodded and said yes, but added another condition: "The soul stone will be properly preserved by me."

Elsa nodded.

The goddess of life did not expect that she could keep the children's souls with her, she just hoped that they would not be devoured by Slaanesh.

Aisha has a very clear understanding of the situation she is currently in.

Now among the Eldar gods, except for the fragmented Kane, Lego, and herself, all the others are gone.

Including the god-king Asuryan, and also Elsa’s husband, the hunting god Kunos.

As for Elsa's followers, apart from the Ark World of Elsa's Prayer, the only remaining followers are Lego and the Ice Star Mask Troupe who want to rescue her from Nurgle.

Whether the latter still exists is unknown.

Elsa knew that she was helpless, that she was not good at fighting, and that she would never even be free, because both Nurgle and Slaanesh were watching her, waiting for the moment she came out of their shelter.

What else can you hope for in this situation?

"You are a rational person." Aisha saluted again.

She was glad that the human and star god leaders in front of her were not carried away by anger and hatred, and did not want these dark elves to be completely destroyed.

"I am a profit-seeking person." Qin Mo shook his head, "After becoming the ruler of a star region, I found that I became more and more good at multiple-choice questions, that is, choosing a less rotten apple from two rotten apples. "

"By the way, do you know what apple I'm talking about?"

"No...I don't know, but it sounds like it should be a kind of food."



Qin Mo chatted with Aisha for a few more words, and then found an excuse to let Aisha return to the celestial engine.

There are two star gods, the Deceiver and the Nightbringer, "sitting" on the Celestial Engine. Although knowing the latter would frighten Elsa, at least she is absolutely safe on the Celestial Engine.

When Aisha was about to go back to lead the children's souls, Qin Mo suddenly stopped her and asked an urgent question that the alien school in the star region needed to solve: "Do you think the dark relatives of the Ark Spirit Tribe are the heirs of the Ancient Spirit Tribe? "

Qin Mo wants to know what this god thinks, which can be regarded as helping the scholars in the star area.

"Hmm..." Aisha thought carefully for a long time, and then answered ambiguously, "Yes?"

"Yes." Qin Mo nodded. He could feel that Aisha was actually quite determined.

The Dark Eldar like to torture people, and the Ancient Eldar Empire may not have this preference.

It seems that except for being hostile to psionic energy and worshiping Kane who once wanted to kill all the Eldar, the others are no different from the Ancient Eldar.

After checking the answers with Aisha, Qin Mo no longer had any personal problems, but there might still be some problems with the Thunder Warriors.


"This goddess of life can save your commander. If you regret the decision you just made, now you have a chance to take the medicine of regret."

Hearing this, Bendis looked at his other comrades, and then they shook their heads together.

"Can you try to contact the soul of the deceased?" Qin Mo thought it would be better to let Gunter make his own decision.

So Elsa gave it a try, and then responded somewhat angrily.

"Let me rest in peace and get away, you alien cousin."

"He told me that."

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