Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 640 What a glorious death

"The Thunder Warriors are teleported!"

"Let the prepared armies teleport! For Lord Tyrone!"

"Medical team!"

"The 44th Infantry Regiment enters the depths of Comoros first!"

"Prophet Uslan can rest for a while."

"The Leviathan mothership reported that Heat Death has led the Iron Man encounter force to teleport deep into Comoros!"

The moment the teleportation device opened, the situation in the bridge was a little chaotic.

The heroes who opened the portal earlier, the Thunder Warriors, were first sent to the bridge of the Glorious Humanity.

The medical officer responsible for further treatment called for the medical team and rushed forward as quickly as possible to carefully examine the teleported Thunder Warriors inside and out.

This was meant to be an emergency step.

It was used to inject the pharmacist's medicine into the Thunder Warriors when they were in a dying state and then teleport them to rescue them. However, when this step was actually implemented, it was discovered that the Thunder Warriors' situation was much better than imagined.

Except for a Thunder Warrior who looked obviously older and had lost his legs.

The more serious problem is that this Thunder Warrior not only lost his legs... his upper and lower body were sewn together.

This shows that he was torn in two before.

The medical officer and medical team immediately put the elderly Thunder Warrior on a stretcher and transported him to the emergency treatment cabin on the ship.

At this time, in addition to the Thunder Warriors, senior navy officials, and medical personnel who had just been transferred, there were also Qin Mo and Mimic on the bridge.

Before the medical staff transported the seriously injured people away, Qin Mo stepped forward to check the situation.

When he was at the portal just now, the medicine injected by the pharmacist of Sons of Antaeus did not take effect.

His legs were not repaired and blood flow was not restored.

Only traces of mercury-like substance were futilely repairing the fractures in the Thunder Warrior's upper and lower bodies.

This means that the part of the power belonging to Aisha in the potion does not take effect.

"This person has been sacrificed for a while." Qin Mo signaled the medical team not to send the person for treatment yet.

Hearing Lord Tyrone's opinion, the medical team stopped.

Bendis, who was on the side, stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, can Gunter be saved?"

He had asked the pharmacist of Sons of Antaeus this way before, and received an ambiguous answer.


Qin Mo nodded firmly.

It's actually very simple to revive this thunder warrior named Gunter.

As long as the person's soul has not passed through the veil between the real universe and the subspace after leaving the body, the scholar can lead Gaunt's soul back, and then let Elsa use the power of the life god to forcibly fuse the soul and the body. As one body.

Considering that not much time has passed since the portal opened, this is certainly not too late.

"Use the shuttle to send him back to the network channel over there in the star area." Qin Mo ordered the medical staff.

The medical staff nodded and immediately prepared to drag Gunter's huge body, but they found that they could not drag it.

It's not because the Thunder Warrior's body is too heavy. In fact, every medical staff wears medical-type power armor, so dragging the Space Marine is not a problem.

The reason why it couldn't be dragged was simply because Bendis stretched out his hand and held down the steel body.

"Sir?" the medical officer looked at Bendis in shock.

"Forget it." Bendis shook his head, "Let him die peacefully."

No one present could understand.

Bendis repeated: "Let him die."

"Unless you are his immediate family member, you have no right to make decisions for this person," the medical officer said.

Bendis looked down at Gunter's face, stretched out his hand to hold the old officer's hand: "Gaunt has no direct relatives, but he has subordinates who have fought with him from the Terra Unification War to the present. Do you think the friendship that lasted tens of thousands of years is enough? Enough for me to make the decision for him?”

There was only one reason for Bendis' sudden change of mind.

That's when he recalled the scene before Gunter's death.

At that time, Gunter was lying on the ground, holding Kane's foot with one hand, and stabbing Kane's leg with a weapon in the other hand.

He was then lifted up and torn apart by Kane.

At that time, Gunter just looked at Bendis, smiled, and waved his hand.

That scene didn't look like a soldier before dying, but rather like a farewell to an old friend.

Relaxed, comfortable, with a smile that means relief.

There was also a hint of worry in his eyes about how the living would struggle to survive.

"Glorious death."

Bendis murmured.

"He faced his pursuers alone."

"When he was physically disabled, he still chased after him and challenged an alien god. In the end, he was terminated by this alien god."

"It was an enviable and glorious death."

Hearing this, the medical officer looked at Gunter's face.

The expression of the deceased was very calm, it was almost as if he had died in battle, but as if he had left peacefully in his sleep.

The peaceful expression was in sharp contrast to the horrific and hideous wounds on his body.

There were things Bendis left unsaid.

When Bendis was almost killed by Kane with a sword, Bendis was surprised when he saw Gunter. He had no idea that Gunter would crawl over and save his life.

Gunter fought against his pursuers on his own. With his character, it was time for him to die with glory.

Or he could lie in the corner after having his legs cut off by Kane, waiting for death to come. Judging from the wounds on his body, it doesn't take long to wait.

But he still...

Crawling itself is humiliating, which is why Gaunt hates his disability.

Lying on the ground, holding the enemy's feet with one hand, and carrying out meaningless attacks with the other... This is what those powerless civilians did when facing the marauding teams of warlords.

Gunter endured it all.

Out of selfish emotions, Bendis just wanted to bring Gaunt back to life. No matter how violent and furious he was after finding out that he was alive and losing the chance to die with glory, Bendis still wanted to bring him back to life because of this. Gunter will accompany him to face this cold and cruel universe.

Also out of emotion, Bendis didn't want Gunter to come back to life.

When a thunder warrior became old and disabled, he received a rejuvenation potion and became a powerful warrior again.

Then, in the war to help humans attack aliens, the portal was opened and one person intercepted the pursuers.

Even gods who challenge aliens.

In the end, he was buried as a human in the hands of alien gods.

What an honor!

There are so many thunder warriors, but none of them ended up as heroic as Gunter.

Some died in rebellion against the Lord of Thunder.

Some died at the hands of the Astartes.

Some, like Usotan, died at the hands of the commander of the Imperial Army, Waldo.

Some lived to death in the caves of Terra.

Neither desolation nor the edge from his former battle partners should be the ending for a son of thunder.

If Gaunt wakes up like this, he will never get such a thunderous and glorious death again.

"Do as he says." Qin Mo ordered the medical officer, "Thunder Warriors are not from the Star Region. They do not need to be restricted by the Star Region's medical laws."

The medical officer nodded and signaled the medical staff to seal Gunter's body until his subordinates would decide where to bury him.

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