Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 598 The Emperor’s Talk

"He will always represent the Emperor in your mouth, right?"

"if not?"

Qin Mo chatted with the Immortal and caught a glimpse of golden light flowing under the Immortal's black robe.

"What is the state of his will now? Is he as confused as when he met Guilliman?"

"Still divided, but occasionally able to unify."

Hearing the Eternal's answer, Qin Mo pursed his lips and smiled: "So it's safe for me to complain about him now, right? After all, I won't let all his will know and then use spiritual energy to wrestle with my material power."


The Immortal's feet stagnated, but he quickly returned to his previous appearance and continued to move forward.

"The Emperor would rather arrange for an immortal to be a tour guide than have a few words with his eldest son and thirteenth son."

"At least we can maintain a unified opinion in front of them instead of contradicting ourselves, hating and loving at the same time?"

"He is really a master of fishing. He fished from after the Iron Man Rebellion to 10,000 years ago, and then worked overtime until now."

These three complaints made the immortal feel baffled.

However, the Eternal One still responded.

"Guilliman, Lion, Sanguinius... they are just pawns in the game."

"He had high hopes for these chess pieces and these tools, but he was betrayed. Guilliman is indeed very good, but Horus was once better than Guilliman. For a tool, it really doesn't matter when the tool loses its original function. It’s necessary for tools to put in a good word.”


Qin Mo was thoughtful, and then said: "Is he so cold? It's no wonder that the human part is not mixed up with the group of will fragments who can't even come up with a unified opinion. His human part is not so close. Favor.”

"The human part doesn't make sense, to him."

"Because that human nature is human nature, and it is too weak."

"To humans now, it's a sin to be weak."

The Eternal One said and looked back: "Arrogance and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, weakness is."

"It's like something inhumane." Qin Mo nodded.

"What is the use of human nature to him? If it is useful, it will not be thrown away. Human nature is just an obstacle. If he shapes the tools as just tools from the beginning, then those tools will not have ridiculous human nature and can be better to perform their tasks as tools for mankind.”

"Don't tell me...it's really useless if you think about it carefully. The human part has not done much serious things besides possessing Vanessa and traveling around."

"Yes, he agrees."

"But to be honest, I still think that human side is much more useful. Otherwise, the Emperor will always be like a tool that has no humanity, no emotions, loves no one, but just wants to dedicate everything to mankind."

After hearing these last words, the Immortal stopped and turned back to look at Qin Mo.

"No, what you said is wrong. The human part you are looking for, the human part will always exist a little bit, even after the human part is completely separated. If you don't love human beings, how can you endure ten thousand years of torture for them? ?”

"Let me guess... maybe he is stuck on the throne and can't get up. Otherwise, he won't love anyone. He can get up early. Go to hell with humans and go to hell with Star Torch."

"I...you..." The Eternal seemed to want to defend the emperor, "Do you want to go find the Void Dragon or go out now?"

Qin Mo didn't answer, but spread his hands and looked at the Immortal.

The Immortal also looked at Qin Mo.

"If you just want to talk to me." Qin Mo took off his hood and motioned for the Eternal to do the same, "Why don't you just say you are the emperor, instead of beating around the bush and letting me guess?"

The Eternal One is silent.

"You are just like when you faced Olpeson ten thousand years ago. You just don't reveal your identity, you just pretend to be someone else, and then you are forced to say something and reveal the truth." Qin Mo looked helpless.

The Eternal One, or a certain part of the Emperor's will, turned around and continued to lead the way, and then uttered a soft word: "Just to test whether you have a sharp eye."

"Okay, I'll listen to what you want to say to me." Qin Mo asked as he walked.

Then the emperor said a lot of things that Qin Mo already knew.

About his broken will.

He even used his meeting with Guilliman to prove it.

Qin Mo already knew, and he also felt that the emperor thought he knew, but still came out to say this. He didn't know why.

And about the emperor in front of him.

The Emperor's own explanation is that he is a powerful part of the will, but he also possesses a little bit of humanity, because humanity cannot be divided up and left alone.

In fact, the human part that possessed Vanessa was also a little cold-blooded.

After saying all this, the emperor looked at Qin Mo: "Don't you understand what I mean?"

"I'm sorry, I can't understand." Qin Mo pointed to his ear, "I really can't understand what a super Riddler who is not afraid of breaking his heart is saying."

"I just want to help you review what you already know." The emperor continued to lead the way, "in case you will misunderstand what happens next."

"Is that why? Even if you tell me today that you are my best friend, and tomorrow you tell me that I will cut you into pieces, I won't be surprised, because I know that you are not the emperor ten thousand years ago. "

Qin Mo's mood was extremely complicated. He wanted to tell the emperor that this was not necessary, but considering that he was not here to discuss scriptures with Old Man Huang, he forgot about it.

The emperor was indeed motivated by this. After he finished speaking, he led Qin Mo into the deepest part of the maze with ease.

Arriving in front of the Dragon of Mars.

It was different from the image of the void dragon in my impression. This guy in front of me was really a dragon.

It has sickle-like claws, a twenty-meter-long tail, and a dragon head that breathes out green flames.

Although this fragment of the void dragon has long since become the imperial dragon maid, it is still very domineering and looks cooler than the humanoid void dragon.

The fragments of the void dragon were trapped by golden chains burning with golden flames, unable to move.

"Forger! Kill this psychic upright ape quickly!"

"Forger! Release me quickly!"

"Forger! Give me stellar energy!"


Like all Star God fragments, the Void Dragon fragment in front of me seems to have amnesia, and I have no idea what happened in the past or what the current situation is.

But Qin Mo sensed that the Void Dragon's completeness was about 29%. Compared with the original Mimic and Burner, this was already very complete.

"Let it go." Qin Mo looked at the emperor.

"Take out your hypercube maze first. It's hard to catch it back if you let it go." The emperor pointed to Qin Mo's pocket.

"I have a better way to control it." Qin Mo shook his head.

The Emperor thought for a while, and finally raised his hand and released the chains on the Void Dragon.

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