Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 599 Star God is happy plus one

"What are you plotting? You look like a gang!"

The void dragon uttered words that only the Star God could understand.

Those words were meaningless roars in the emperor's ears, and he wondered what the name of this void dragon ghost was.

"What happened after the war in heaven..." Qin Mo asked tentatively.

The Void Dragon roared in response: "Those damn slaves, I will take revenge on them, I will make them pay for breaking me!"

"That's why I'm here." Qin Mo stretched out his hand, "I'm here to rescue you."

The restless Void Dragon calmed down and stretched out its huge sickle-like claws.

The character of this fragment is different from that of the complete period, just like the Burner.

But the communication skills are still there.

"We are the best partners. Get me out and you and I will take revenge on the slaves!"

"Right away. But before you get out of here, you need to do something."

Qin Mo said and looked at the emperor aside, then turned his eyes back to the Void Dragon.

"You should remember that this guy took you down, and this is his... dimension. You know, we all have dimensions."

"I can't exert my power here. As you can see, I am weakened like a mortal body."

"It took me a lot of effort to convince him, and I paid a lot of money. You have to compensate me."

Qin Mo was talking nonsense under the emperor's gaze.

The Void Dragon's mental state is unstable, and a fragment does not even fully know what abilities it has.

But it still felt wrong.

"The way you two talked just now was like you were a team."

Faced with the Void Dragon's question, Qin Mo just shrugged and replied calmly: "Otherwise, what attitude should I use to face him? Normally, I wouldn't be able to get in here even if I try hard. I paid a heavy price to be beaten by him." Allowed to come in and take you away.”

The Void Dragon lowered his head, as if in deep thought, and then asked: "What compensation do you want?"

"Give me your essence, just a little bit." Qin Mo raised a finger.

The essence of the Star God is like a voodoo doll in a fantasy movie. Everything that is imposed on the essence will be imposed multiple times on the body.

And this kind of thing cannot be plundered.

Needless to say, the fate of the last god who tried to rob the same kind of power like the Nightbringer, Saranoga the Outsider is also a negative example.

The void dragon must hand over his essence himself.

"You're lying to me." The Void Dragon instinctively suspected.

It doesn't even know why it doubts it. It has the impression that it has a good relationship with the caster with a living metal body, but it just doesn't trust the caster inexplicably.

"I don't want to fight in this ghost place where I don't know whether it is the real universe or the subspace, but if you force me, I don't mind using violence to force you to hand over your essence." Qin Mo raised his hand, and thunder and fire surged out of his body. , "If you know better, I can not only take you away, but also help you become complete."

Scholars prepare to unleash psychic powers.

The emperor on the side was also ready to make some contribution to the harmless treatment of the void dragon.

"You said you can not only take me out, but also help me become complete?" The Void Dragon didn't quite believe it, but it was too eager.

The Void Dragon first wants to get out of this place.

Then comes becoming whole.

The Void Dragon doesn't remember what abilities he has, but it would be okay if he completely forgets it. Sometimes he remembers and sometimes he doesn't remember, which is the most torture.

It had only a vague memory of the power it had inadvertently unleashed, and when it tried to search for it, it found no trace.

A god who was once omnipotent has now become as insane as a mortal body.

After the Star God escapes from the dust stage of the universe and enters the living metal body, he has the characteristics of a realistic universe creature.

The feeling of those fragments is like a person who once had great glory and was reduced to "opening treasure chests" on the street to survive.

However, if he is not mentally healthy, he will not have the ups and downs to see through the worldly world, because the incomplete memory will torture him with fragments of his once glorious past, making him want to explore his past, but he will be unable to explore anything.

I know that I am born extraordinary, but I don’t know what I have done, what I have had, and what I can do.

"It's very tempting, but I don't trust you." The Void Dragon raised its giant claw, "I don't trust you for no reason."

"Of course you don't trust it, because we, the gods of the real universe, are not bound by rules, and there are no strange karmic retribution or other effects, but you can listen to those similar people who have been helped by me. They are What an encounter.”

Along with the words, a piece of joy spread into the Void Dragon's thoughts.

That is the way of communication between the Star Gods. Anything that happens in the real universe can be shown to another Star God, provided that the Star God making the presentation is willing and the Star God receiving the presentation is also willing.

The Void Dragon saw the Burner made whole by the C'tan's forge.

Seeing mimicry made whole.

Saw Saranoga being separated from other C'tan fragments.

That's all.

Just when Void Dragon wanted to readily agree, another piece of information appeared.

"Don't go! The Forger will capture you and lock you in a war machine and make you his slave!"

Qin Mo and Void Dragon heard this message together.

That is the roar of a fraudster.

It comes from the special ability of fraudsters - information pollution.

"Who is that?" Void Dragon asked.

"Fraudster." Qin Mo told the truth very calmly, "If a guy's name has the word fraud in it, then we shouldn't trust this guy."

The Void Dragon nodded slowly.

Qin Mo stretched out his hand again: "Join us, I will help you find other fragments at all costs, even if your fragments are in the hands of a certain undead dynasty, it doesn't matter, I will kill and snatch them out, just like for Mimic I dare to fight against the Nightbringer."

Part of the Void Dragon's essence floated out of its body and fell into Qin Mo's outstretched hand.

Qin Mo put away that part of his essence.

The power of the Void Dragon is no less than that of the Night Holder. It can create infinite layers of dimensions, in which space and distance lose meaning, which means eternity.

Void dragons can also control machinery.

The void dragon, Magradros.

The embodiment of the word technology.

Although it is only a fragment now, it has the potential to develop into a controlled and powerful technological star god.

"Take it away." The emperor put down his hand, and the scattered chains disappeared completely.

"Thank you, otherwise I would have really put a lot of effort into entering the maze and taking it away." Qin Mo expressed his sincere gratitude.

The Void Dragon on the side tilted his head.

"Then you remember everything that happened today, and then remember what I said to you." The emperor's body released golden light, and then broke away from the temporary container.

The robed immortal paused for a moment, then created a passage out of the maze.

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