Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 597 The deepest part of Mars

After reaching the deepest part of the passage, Qin Mo and the scholar came to a new world.

There is no sky here, and under the black dome is a complex maze built on the red earth.

Strictly speaking, it is not a maze in the traditional sense, but a network composed of countless complicated routes and strange substances. There is no word to describe it.

Not only is it indescribable, it is also indescribable because its appearance changes all the time.

It could be a maze with walls everywhere, or it could be some ordinary flat houses.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the red land that holds the labyrinth.

That's obviously part of Mars.

But it was dug out by something, and its cut surfaces were smooth, like a floating island floating in the air.

"It might have been embedded somewhere on Mars. It might have been an ordinary maze, but I can tell that it is different now."

The scholar continued to riddle.

Qin Mo stepped forward.

He found that he couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, north and south here... He didn't distinguish between east, west, north and south, but he still knew the front, back, left, and right.

Qin Mo, who always listened to others describing the feeling of being in a dimensional space, now felt what others felt.

There is a lot of information here, and there is actually direction here, but he can't feel it.

Just like there is a lot of information in the dimensional space, those lines clearly indicate the past and future of each real substance and the reasons for its appearance, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a bunch of figurines. Meaningless lines.

"Please." The scholar bowed and stretched out his right hand.

"Thank you." Qin Mo put his hand on the scholar's iron arm and helped the iron man walk.

The scholar's eyes released spiritual light, leading Qin Mo slowly forward in this space.

At this time, Qin Mo was like a blind man.

The power of the caster didn't strengthen his senses much. At least he still had eyes to observe the things he could observe nearby. If a true star god came over, he might not be blinded on the spot.



A burst of crying suddenly reached Qin Mo's ears.

He thought he heard it wrong, but the scholar heard it too.

A mist formed not far away, and when the mist dissipated, a ragged girl squatted in the corner, sobbing weakly.

Qin Mo helped the scholar walk over and squatted in front of the girl.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Mo asked gently.

"My mother and I are separated..." The girl raised her head and said with tears in her eyes, "Can you take me out?"

"Oh..." Qin Mo looked heartbroken.

But the expression on his face disappeared in the next second.

"A child would wander into this ghost place? This is the core of the earth. Are you mistaken?"

"Now tell me if I have officially entered the maze, otherwise I will give you a little bitch to show off."

After hearing these two sentences, the girl's expression gradually turned cold, as if she had changed from a human with rich emotions to a cold machine without any emotions.

She gently raised her arm and stretched it towards Qin Mo, but stopped in mid-air. Her fingers touched a golden ripple in front of her, as if there was an insurmountable barrier between the two.

"When I get out, I'll make you into a snow leopard."

"You don't look like you have that chance."

Qin Mo continued to have in-depth discussions with the scholars.

After they took two steps, a man appeared.

This person was obviously not inside the invisible curtain. He walked from a distance to less than two meters away from Qin Mo without any obstruction.

This person was wearing a tattered robe, his face was hidden in the darkness, and it was impossible to distinguish a man from a woman based on his body shape.

But it should be personal.

"You came."

The voice is ethereal, and the gender cannot be distinguished.

It is different from the robed man on Caliban, so Qin Mo thinks that he should be the eternal one guarding the maze.

The Emperor had appointed an Immortal to guard the Labyrinth, and this Immortal must have been there from the moment it was built until now.

"I'm here? What do you mean, you knew someone would come in here? Are you sure it's me?" Qin Mo asked in confusion.

"Yes, he told me you would come." The Eternal One did not make any body movements, but stood solemnly with his hands in his sleeves, as if the voice did not come from one of his organs.

But Qin Mo was sure that those were not psychic words, because he couldn't hear psychic words.

In the same way, he did not believe that the immortal in front of him knew that he was coming. No one could foresee his fate, because not even Tzeentch could.

"Who told you I would come, Emperor?" Qin Mo wondered.

"Yes, that is one of his many names." The Eternal nodded, "You don't know more of his names, so the Emperor became his name in your mouth."

Qin Mo shook his head: "This is impossible. It is impossible for the emperor to inform you that I will come. He does not have only one will. In addition, it is impossible for him to spy on my destiny. I am an outsider."

The Eternal One turned around and walked deeper into the maze.

Qin Mo put his hand on the scholar's arm and walked deeper into the maze with Iron Man.

"I can't even see you."

"But this does not mean that you are unpredictable and unanalyzable. Just like you are bound to eat and drink, coming to the maze is bound to be done by you."

"He tried to stop you, but finally gave up and ordered me to take you to find what you want to find."

"Then take that bomb thing and leave quickly, knowing that you will take care of it."

The Eternal One spoke all the way.

Qin Mo probably understood how the emperor knew he was coming, he was just guessing.

"What is that girl outside?"

"A stone man."

"Stone man?"

"She can use her spiritual power to program biological Trojan viruses, and the effect of the virus is very weird. It once turned all the people on a planet into snow leopards, and even deliberately turned several trillion people into red crosses similar to programming errors."

The Eternal One obviously knows everything here.

"And this one in front of us."

"At this time, there was an iron man who had killed humans on several planets during the rebellion."

The Immortal looked to the left.

"Which one?" Qin Mo also looked over, but he didn't see anything until he saw an iron man with three heads and six arms standing far away.

The Eternal One raised its hand and touched the iron man in front of it.

The iron man who was far away in Qin Mo's eyes started to work.

"Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill."

Iron Man kept repeating.

The Immortal raised his hand and pressed the button, and the iron man thousands of miles away in Qin Mo's eyes stopped moving.

"Okay." Qin Mo urgently moved forward, "Is this maze so weird from the beginning?"

"No, it doesn't matter. It feels the same when he goes to your dimension." The Immortal replied indifferently.

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