Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 480 Star God’s Preferences

Purely realistic cosmic gods, star gods, they love to eat souls.

This thing is as puzzling as their ability to eat souls. I don’t know why they can and love to eat.

Perhaps for the Star Gods, they themselves can feel pleasure similar to that of living creatures by eating souls...

Or maybe the soul can bring a different excitement to the gods of the real universe that is different from normal foraging.

Through data monitoring, Qin Mo found that the energy supplement brought to them by the food of soul was not even as good as the energy supplement brought by sucking stars for one millisecond.

"Where did you get the soul?" Burner asked.

Qin Mo then informed the Burner about the Ancient Saint's Rubik's Cube.

After hearing this, the Burner was greatly shocked. It didn't expect that there would still be things left by the ancient saints at this age.

"If it were during the War in Heaven, how would you deal with this kind of Rubik's Cube?" Qin Mo asked extremely curiously.

"Kill the user, shut down the Rubik's Cube, and then throw the Rubik's Cube away. Under normal circumstances, the Ancient Saint's Death Cube will also lose its function." The Burner replied, "But to be honest, not many people will care about this. If you plant a Rubik's Cube, it can spawn tens of billions of psychic soldiers in one second, and it's nothing more than cannon fodder in a corner of a battle that was affected by the power of the gods and died."

This answer did not surprise Qin Mo. After all, the Star God was not a psionic god, so there probably was no good way to deal with such purely psionic creations.

The Void Dragon also studied the Black Stone after the War in Heaven, trying to patch up the damage caused by the real universe.

Come to think of it, the Rubik's Cube that the Emperor found must have been thrown away by the Star Gods back then.

Since the Rubik's Cube has become a source of raw materials, Qin Mo no longer worries about the Rubik's Cube and brings up another matter: "Mimicry, I would like to ask you to help me search for the Star God fragments scattered in the galaxy."

Mimic instantly realized what Qin Mo wanted to do.

The power shown by the Star Gods in the defense of Tyrone is astonishing. More Star Gods can not only bring more powerful combat power, but also bring about a wider range of strengthening of the reality structure.

The Star God cannot repair the reality membrane or curtain, nor can it directly repair the Eye of Terror and the Maelstrom - otherwise the Void Dragon, one of the three giants of the Star God, would not study the black stone to patch the universe.

But as the god of the real universe, Star God, a purely material existence, can have a positive effect on the real universe.

This positive effect is not enough to suppress the influence of subspace like the exorcism dead zone, but even if it only strengthens the structure of reality, it is enough.

"I will." Mimic nodded in agreement. Its special ability can help Qin Mo find any fragments of the Star God wandering in the universe, as well as fragments in the hands of the Necron.

But mimicry is not very willing.

It just wants to reunite the seven escapist gods from back then, which is a small group composed of it, the Forger, and five other weak star gods.

So Mimic wanted to persuade Qin Mo to only look for the other five star gods.

"Star gods are divided into strong and weak ones. A powerful star god can overwrite the past and the future. A weak star god may be so weak that he can't do anything except write words... So it is conceivable that star gods often do not know each other. There is a cooperative relationship,” Mimic said.

After hearing this, Qin Mo thought for a moment and asked, "Didn't you say that seven star gods, including you and me, once cooperated together?"

"That's because we are all equally weak and have exchanged essences with each other. We have helped each other survive the war in heaven and have an emotional bond." Mimicry said helplessly.

"So, part of the essence of the Forger is also in the hands of others?"

"That's not true. You were the last one to join. The five star gods and I exchanged our essences with each other to establish an unconditional trust relationship. I believe in you, and they believe in me, so you became a part of this small group without exchanging our essences. member."

Qin Mo understood the meaning of mimicry. It meant that except for the seven gods who worked together to survive, no other star gods could be trusted.

This of course also includes the Burner, which was once one of the three giants of the Star Gods alongside the Nightbringer Void Dragon.

Finding that Qin Mo and Mimicry suddenly stopped talking and looked at him, Burning Man said calmly: "A small group, a small group forever... This is the shortcoming of Mimicry. It dreams of forming a small group that cooperates with each other, but in fact This is precisely the reason why it was broken into pieces and unable to settle in a corner.”

The Burner ignored the angry mimic and continued: "This period is not the time of the War in Heaven. In addition to the Outsiders and the Forgers, are the Star Gods complete? No more! If even the Nightbringer is now Star gods like the Void Dragon, who surrendered their essence in exchange for the opportunity to become more complete, are there any differences between them and the seven star gods, including you, back then? "

Hearing this, Qin Mo nodded in approval. He felt that what Burner said made sense.

The essence of the Star Gods is the lifeblood of the Star Gods. Unless they are willing, no one can take away their essence.

So whether it is the Night Holder or the Void Dragon, as long as they are willing to hand over part of their essence, they are trustworthy because they are in a controlled state.

But the question is... How many gods like Burner are there who would even hand over their essence in exchange for trust in order to become as complete as possible?

The Burner saw Qin Mo's concerns and said calmly: "If you are also an incomplete fragment, you can understand the mentality of the fragments. This is no longer a question of whether the strength is complete or not..."

The Burner lowered his head and stared at his body.

"A sense of emptiness, loneliness, detachment..."

"Even the memory is not complete, and there are problems with the senses. One second I felt that I was in the period of the war in heaven, and the next second I realized that I was in pieces."

"Like a mortal body suffering from mental madness and hysteria."

The Burner murmured its feelings, unable even to think of a way to express them other than through inefficient language.

"Actually, there is nothing to worry about." Qin Mo shook his head, "I will trust the Star God fragments if it is willing to hand over its essence, but the essence is only used in exchange for trust. Only if it obeys the orders will I help it fuse the fragments and become whole."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mimic suddenly realized that he had never exchanged his essence for trust like Burner.

Then something flying towards him appeared in front of Qin Mo.

That thing has no color, but it seems to have countless colors at the same time. It has no form, but seems to have countless forms at the same time.

That's the essence of mimicry.

It even contains the name that manifests the power of the Star God - Mimicry, which was born along with the power from the moment of his birth.


Qin Mo wanted to say something, but swallowed it back, only taking over and retaining the essence of mimicry.

Then, Qin Mo stood up and said to Mimic: "Find your fragments first. There is no need to find other star gods before you fuse the three fragments. No matter where your fragments are, I will bring them and merge them with you."

Mimic nodded.

But in fact Mimicry didn't really want to do what Qin Mo said.

It has found fragments of itself, more than one...but none of them are as lucky as the Burner to be scattered in the galaxy.

Some of them are no longer in Necron hands, and are in some of the most dangerous places in the galaxy.

Mimicry didn't want to cause trouble to Qin Mo, especially when the Tailong Defense War had just ended and the sector still needed some time to return to its pre-war state.

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