Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 481 Human spirit and workaholic

Holy Terra.

The tall Primarch was buried in a sea of ​​documents.

Guilliman felt uncomfortable dealing with documents that had piled up decades ago, because the last time he ordered supplies to be mobilized from Ultramar to a world in famine, he got Felix, one of the Heroes specifically responsible for this. Si's report.

He said that the world that fell into famine collapsed due to famine twenty years ago. Countless corpses brought the plague, and then the entire world was left with only the walking dead after the arrival of the Ultramarines.

When dealing with these matters that have piled up so far, Guilliman feels that he is not making decisions and judgments, but reading history, because those worlds are often forgotten due to the inefficiency of the empire's administration, and the only way to prove them is What exists is a piece of parchment that was left decades ago until now.

"grown ups!"

"Sir, wake up!"

Shouts came from the courtyard of the grand building where the Primarch was.

Guilliman stood up and walked to the window. Through the stained glass with the God-Emperor pattern printed on it, he saw a large group of panicked Ecclesiastical personnel in the courtyard.

Those people had spoken as quietly as possible to avoid disturbing the Son of God, but Guilliman still heard what they said through his superhuman hearing.

Things are a bit big.

The Holy Father of the State Church, who was handling imperial affairs next door, worked continuously for one thousand and twenty-four hours when the two hearts implanted in his body failed.

When Guilliman looked away from the exhausted Pope and looked at the magnificent building opposite, he saw the high lords.

All the high lords were standing by the window watching the fun, with very numb expressions. While watching the fun, they took out a potion that could boost the spirit and reduce sleep and inserted it into their necks full of pinholes.

Obviously, the high lords are also on the verge of collapse from exhaustion, and watching a big scene is their way of entertainment at work.

Guilliman originally thought that these high lords never did human affairs, but he later discovered that the place where the high lords had the highest death rate was not their giant mansions, nor a certain garden world, but the workplace of the High Lords Council.

These mortals did what they could, but the abilities of these one-in-a-billion human spirits and workaholics were really limited. Even if they died of exhaustion, they would not be able to alleviate the problems that had accumulated in the empire from a hundred years ago to the present.

"grown ups."

A dull call sounded from behind Guilliman.

When Guilliman turned around, he saw a warrior wearing silver Terminator armor, clearly a Gray Knight.

The decoration on his body indicates his identity - the Grand Master of the Gray Knights and the Guardian of the Classics, Vodos.

"You have been promoted to Grand Master? Congratulations." Guilliman smoothed his hair, sat back down and continued to deal with matters.

Vodos didn't say any polite words, just bowed respectfully to thank the original body for his attention, and then got down to business: "The Tyron War has just ended. According to credible reports, a large number of demons appeared in the center of their sector during the war, and the name Demons have appeared in many worlds within the defenses of Tyrone's Gate."

Hearing this, the quill in Guilliman's hand stopped.

Vodos noticed that the original body was not writing but staring at the parchment on the table. Then the original body slowly raised his head, and his breathing became a little heavier.

"So, what do you want to do?" Guilliman asked Vodos.

"The Gray Knight mentors gathered together on Titan to discuss matters related to the demons that appeared in the Tyrone sector." Vodos responded, "The result of the discussion is: the key is not what we want to do, but what we can do What."

The breath from Guilliman's nostrils blew the parchment off the table.

When Vodos tried to pick up the paper with his psychic powers, Guilliman, who had taken off the Armor of Destiny, bent down to pick up the paper, then put down his quill and stared at Vodos.

In the Primarch's mind, he thought of the many things the Gray Knights had done, cruel but necessary things.

However, there is no need for extermination orders and massacre of survivors in Tyrone, because the Tyrone sector has many ways to deal with corrosion.

"I believe that the Lord of Tyrone must appreciate a group that has been fighting demons to this day, but..." Guilliman paused for a second, "If you want to deal with Tyrone's affairs in your own way, I must advise you to think about it. Jinliang, this is for your consideration."

Guilliman has already thought about the consequences if the Gray Knights rashly move out. They will disappear quietly outside the Gate of Tyrone, and then become an unsolved case for eternity. Perhaps only the Gray Knights themselves know how they were killed by a man who was so angry. Cruel freaks and various black stone technologies.

"Thank you, we have indeed considered it." Vodos said and took out a book. "We hope to use your communication channel to send this book to Tyrone."

With that said, Vodos presented the book to Guilliman.

Guilliman took a look and found that there were some cases and experiences of Gray Knights dealing with warp corruption and demons.

If possible, the Gray Knights would like to rush into Tyrone right now to attack him, but the reason they want to do this is that they are really worried about the terrible consequences of demonic corruption, so they choose to change their approach and provide help to ensure that Tyrone does not There will be bad things like demonic outbreaks in the future.

"I thank you on behalf of the people of Tyrone." Guilliman accepted the books and prepared to find someone to send them to Tyrone later.

Vodos also finished speaking and bowed to leave.

Guilliman continued his business.

Acolytes came in to provide the Primarch with water and food, and he was ordered to deliver the books to the Ultramarines' strike cruiser.

Guilliman didn't know how long he had been working. He only knew that he experienced the light getting brighter and darker countless times, until he also felt that he was about to collapse, and then he put down his quill and stood up and walked to the mirror.

A man in the mirror who looks a bit sloppy.

His lush blond hair, which had been restored by the Eldar Life Goddess, had grown a lot of white hair.

Guilliman smoothed his hair and looked at himself in the mirror, wishing that Sanguinius was here.

But then I thought about it, if Sanguinius wanted to come to Terra to deal with these matters, I would definitely let him return to Baal.

Sanguinius could not waste his brief time in the real world dealing with piles of business. He should be with his descendants.

"If only another brother could help me." Guilliman said to himself in the mirror.

The words of his adoptive mother ten thousand years ago suddenly echoed in his ears: "Even Ruth?"

"Yes mother, even Russ." Guilliman said to himself in the mirror.

For some unknown reason, the Primarch suddenly recalled the meeting with his father.

The content of each memory is different, and this time is also different.

In a flashback, Guilliman and the Emperor discussed his primarch brothers.

A vicious voice denounced his descendants with vicious curses, accusing the Primarch of their stupidity and ignorance, and condemning himself to ten thousand years of torment.

A miserable voice confided what he had done, telling Guilliman that he loved every child. If he could show the courage he and Malcador had to stand up and lead mankind and say "I love you" to the children, I'm afraid there would be no trouble. To the point where father and son turned against each other.

All in all these words are confusing.

And one of the voices told Guilliman that one of his brothers would soon return.

Guilliman was initially confused about who the returning brother his father was talking about was, but when he went to Tyrone and saw Sanguinius, he was no longer confused. The returning brother was obviously Sanguinius.

Although strictly speaking, Sanguinius is not returning in the true sense, but is residing in the container of the real universe...

"I hope Sanguinius and his heirs get along well." Guilliman rubbed his face and continued to return to his seat to handle business.

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