Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 479 Lucky Man

"Those humans in the Rubik's Cube...them?"

Qin Mo couldn't help but think of the humans in the Rubik's Cube who had been sent by the Emperor to resist the demons in human history.

He wanted to ask if there was any way to get these humans out. After all, they had been fighting inside for tens of thousands of years, even longer than the Gray Knights had been fighting demons.

But considering that the demons are now pouring out of the fence, maybe those people are already dead.

"I have no way to get them out of the Rubik's Cube. Unless there is an ancient saint who is still alive, who can purify the Rubik's Cube and add human characteristics to the protective measures, so that they can return to the real universe through protective measures." Scholars have tried, But it really can't be helped.

Then the scholar explained why there was nothing that could be done.

Because there is a safety measure in the Rubik's Cube to prevent the soul soldiers inside from pouring out of the Rubik's Cube uncontrollably. It can be said that this is a world-destroying weapon. The Ancient Sage probably did not intend to use it as a conventional weapon.

But the Rubik's Cube suffered severe and irreversible corrosion, which caused the insurance measures inside to be ineffective against all creatures except demons.

The scholar also said that he had conducted research in subspace for thousands of years equivalent to the real universe, and the only thing he could do was to exert some influence on the Rubik's Cube.

"I created a safe area inside, and those survivors who have fought against the demons so far can survive in the safe area."

"I used other methods to shape the rules of death, that is, they will die after their lifespan reaches a hundred years, but not completely, but their souls will be reincarnated after cleaning their memories."

"I also created rules for them that imitate the real universe. These carbon-based creatures can reproduce. Although their children are just creatures shaped by the souls extracted from the subspace by the Rubik's Cube, their biological nature has returned."

"That's all I can do."

Scholars actually don't want the Lord of Iron Man to ask about the humans in the Rubik's Cube, because there is really no way to get them out. They can only use a series of deception-like behaviors to shape the rules of death and reproduction...

But Qin Mo's reaction exceeded the scholars' expectations.

He did not force scholars to find ways to get those people out.

Nor does it rebuke scholars as to why they use deceptive methods to shape death and reproduction, bringing false biological nature to the people inside.

Qin Mo was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at the empty sky: "This is the best for them."

There is no doubt that the world in the Rubik's Cube is also a world with demons, but the demons can no longer affect the humans there.

It was a pure world. There was no need to face the Four Gods of Chaos or the many cruelties in the real universe. Perhaps those human warriors who survived the demonic war that lasted for tens of thousands of years could breed in their pure land. A civilization that rises and falls in cycles.

The people in the Rubik's Cube, they are the lucky ones.

"Can you find Kaldor?" Qin Mo sighed and suddenly asked about the original Grand Master of the Gray Knights.

"Of course, he is fighting in the subspace, fighting demons." The scholar nodded, "The subspace entity formed by the psychic matrix provides shelter and strength for him and the dead souls of the Tyron people, but it is unlikely that he will return to the real universe. It has to do with why he was sent into the warp.”

Qin Mo nodded.

As long as Caldo Diego lives, as long as he lives, there will always be a way to fish him out in the future.

Speaking of the Gray Knights, the scholar suddenly thought of something and asked: "Demons have appeared in every world in the Gate of Tyrone. The Soulless Guard and I are cleaning up the influence of subspace corrosion, but we have to worry about it. There will be other forces involved in the affairs of the star region..."

"You mean Gray Knight?" Qin Mo looked at the scholar.

"Of course." The scholar nodded.

Qin Mo didn't care: "In a way, the Gray Knights are the same as the Inquisition, but they are not stupid like the Inquisitors, and they are not as bad as some Inquisitors. They will not come to the Star Region to cause trouble."

But scholars also have some measure of the Gray Knights, and it is mentioned that the Gray Knights have other considerations.

Qin Mo thought of something, looked at the scholar, and bluntly stated what the psychic iron man was thinking: "Of course, nothing is absolute. If the Gray Knights really want to interfere in the affairs of the star area, I allow you and the Soulless Man to make a decision. Whatever you think should be done.”

Hearing this, the scholar nodded and bowed, raising his hand to open the psychic door back to the real universe.


Qin Mo perfected the star gate in the research facility.

But now he could no longer focus on one thing as completely as before, so he sent a meeting request to the two star gods in the sector.

The Star Gods don't need to ride on things like humans or iron men. They can distort the space they are in in an instant, as if a chess player from a higher dimension moves his chess pieces to where he wants them to go. Scholars who can open psychic doors are faster.

"Praise the Lord of Tailong!" The Burning Man stood with his hands behind his back and floated half a meter above the ground. "It seems that you have finally distributed the fruits of victory to your compatriots. It is our turn for the two alien creatures to be rewarded based on their merits." Yes, I really want to kowtow to you."

Mimic, who was originally in a good mood, was very dissatisfied when he heard this sentence: "Reward based on merit? You almost burned hundreds of thousands of Cadians and the enemy to death during the war, and you just barely deserved to be rewarded based on merit?" "

Qin Mo didn't think there was anything wrong with what Burner said. He had indeed neglected the two Star Gods, but apart from the Star God fragments that he couldn't find for the time being, he really didn't know what else he could give as a reward. Two fragments of real universe gods.

But since they were called here today, they have something to reward.

A dimensional rift unfolded, and two cans fell into the hands of Burner and Mimic respectively.

The Burner caught the can with his mind, controlled the can to levitate in front of his eyes, looked at the thumbs-up devil pattern and asked: "What is this? Devil's meat?"

"Wrong, it's the soul." Qin Mo stood up and took out two detectors made for the Star God, "Put them on and then taste the food."

The Burner and the Mimic attached the detector to their bodies without hesitation, and then tore off the lid of the can, as eagerly as they had eaten the souls of the Necrontyr before.

The soul crystal with added taste factor was specially made by the Iron Man Qin Mo. This is meaningless to pure star gods, because they had no senses when they were creatures similar to cosmic dust, and the living metal bodies made by the Necrontyr also There is no added taste sensation.

But just the soul is sweet enough for the Star God.

"High-quality soul." The Burner threw the can into his fiery dimension, then sucked his fingers, "It tastes good, I have to cook it slowly and for a long time."

Qin Mo checked the data of the two Star Gods when they were eating their souls, and finally determined one thing.

The soul really has no function for the Star God other than snacks. These two Star God fragments will not increase their strength by eating souls like themselves.

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