Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 446 Be a big one

In the Garden of Nurgle, Qin Mo and Kaldor advanced slowly. The dead souls of Tai Lung Army followed them and automatically sent out reconnaissance teams to guard the surroundings.

It wasn't that the group didn't want to hurry up, it was just that the path to Nurgle Garden was too difficult to discern.

"Are you sure you can find the way?" Qin Mo said and raised the old woman's sword. At this time, the old woman's sword made no movement at all and could not guide the two of them.

"You don't have to trust a Gray Knight Grand Master, but you have to trust Caldo Diego." Caldo said and took out a hand-drawn map.

The lines on the map are crooked and look bad, but it's not that Kaldor doesn't want to draw better, it's that he can only draw such a map in the Garden of Nurgle. Everything here is just like the lines on the map. Generally messy.

After everyone walked for a while, the appendage on Kaldo's arm suddenly fell off.

At this moment, the path changed, and the heavy bolter was so heavy that even the speed of the power armor was slowed down. Kaldor could only take off the appendages and the ammunition chains hanging on his body and pile them together with the heavy bolter, and then wait. Identify the path and pick up these items to move forward.

"Hold on."

"Found the way, this way."

Kaldor pointed ahead to a hole covered by fleshy thorns and trees, then turned around to get the bolts piled on the ground, only to find that the path changed again.

Not to mention the path Kaldor had just found, even the weapons piled on the ground were gone.

"Don't eat the sour radish!" Kaldor swore loudly, pointing at the sky and yelling, "Nurgle, if you are brave enough, come out and face us directly, don't hide behind your garden!"

There was no response from the sky, and the changes in the path of Nurgle's Garden were obviously not intentional by Nurgle.

Just when Kaldor was about to continue looking for a way, the old woman's sword glowed with white light, guiding Qin Mo to find a route just like it had before.

"You want to destroy the assembled demon army? Go this way."

Hearing the words coming from the old woman's sword, Qin Mo immediately pulled Kaldo and walked towards the place where the white light appeared.

Now traveling became much more efficient. Not long after, Qin Mo met the first demon army.

According to the information collected by Kaldor here, there are two demon armies assembled, and he is one of them now.

The demon army is collecting small creatures in the Nurgle Demon Realm in the forest, and throws the collected creatures into the cauldron of the big demon who leads the demon army, while the big demon stands next to the pot and brews the plague.

"It's a plague that's good at raging under high-intensity reality structures. It doesn't have a lot of psychic components. It's more like a relatively pure virus in the real universe..."

Kaldor closed his eyes, pointed his sword forward, and was using his spiritual energy to detect the plague brewing in the crucible.

"Whatever plague it is."

Kaldor heard Qin Mo squeeze out a sentence through his teeth. When he opened his eyes and looked over, he found that Qin Mo had jumped up and jumped into the demon army of Nurgle.

What followed was a fire bombardment like a nuclear explosion.

The raging flames burned the garden at the feet of the demon army, and the shock wave that swept around the explosion point shook Kaldo back half a meter.

The revenants of Tyrone's army followed in their leader's footsteps and attacked, rushing towards the unprepared demonic army.

When a group of demons reacted quickly to organize a defense line, the charger Nayi, who was carrying Cadian soldiers on his back, took the lead and rushed towards the defense line.

"Cadia stands!"

"For Lord Tyrone!"

Nayi's charge was unstoppable, and the big demon that was brewing the plague rushed towards him, but it didn't stop him.

Kaldor realized that the dead soul without arms and the dead Cadian soldier with bombs on his back seemed to have some kind of concept attached to him, such as that no one could stop him before he rushed into the enemy's position...


Nay the Charger and the Cadian soldiers on his back died along with the demons within a kilometer nearby, and he would not appear again until the next Talonian sacrifice began.

"Praise the courage of mankind!" Kaldor raised his sword and shouted, mobilizing his spiritual energy to make himself disappear in place.

Qin Mo rushed straight at the big demon and waved his arms. The Night Holder's scythe cut off the big demon's legs, and the old woman's sword pierced the big demon's abdomen.

When the big demon opened its big mouth full of stench and wanted to roar, his head was suddenly chopped off by Kaldor who appeared behind him.

The battle went very smoothly, but the number of demons not only did not decrease, but became more and more.

If Qin Mo could look down at the garden at this time, he would see the mighty demons coming like a tide converging on the battlefield.

That was the second assembled demon army that Kaldor had discovered before. They were aware of the battle and were coming to support their kind.

Facing more and more demons, Qin Mo and Kaldo are still not at a disadvantage. With their two powerful combat forces, the battle line formed by the dead souls of Tailong Army is extremely strong. No matter how the demons charge, they cannot break through the front line of the dead souls.

But the person leading the second demon army was not the big demon, but another demon prince.

The ground beneath Qin Mo and Kaldo's feet trembled. When they turned around and looked behind them, they saw half of the demon prince's body emerging from the ground.

Its body was extremely large and plump, like a Titan, and its head alone was bigger than Qin Mo and Kaldo put together.

Qin Mo and Kaldo looked away from the Demon Prince, smiled at each other, and attacked the Demon Prince from the left and right sides.

The Nightbringer's scythe and the Titan's sword were inserted into the demon prince's left and right eyes respectively, and the severe pain caused by it suppressed the roar that was about to come out of his mouth.

Kaldor jumped up, holding a shield covered with holy oil in both hands and slammed it against the hilt of the sword, causing the Titan's sword to almost disappear into the eyes of the demon prince. Then the psychic shock released from the shield briefly knocked the demon prince back. lose consciousness.

A "flow" composed of flies that gnawed at iron armor and flesh leaked out from the Demon Prince's wound. Qin Mo and Kaldo turned around and took two steps back, and released attacks at the same time.

Dimensional lightning and psychic lightning intertwined and swept toward the Demon Prince.

Following the lightning came Qin Mo's chain sword and the old woman's sword.

The former pierced the demon prince's skull and sawed away his flesh, while the latter damaged the soul and caused the demon prince to scream in agony.

This was the first time Kaldor had seen such a powerful chain sword. It could actually cut through the demon prince's skull and cut the entire head horizontally like cutting tofu. I'm afraid it wouldn't be so smooth when used to chop wood.

The powerful soul that finally broke away from the body was absorbed by the Sword of the Old Woman and Qin Mo. The demon prince was killed by Kaldor and Qin Mo together, and was never allowed to be condensed and reborn in the subspace.

The demons began to disperse, and these normally immortal subspace creatures had a surprisingly high level of fear of death.

After the battle, Qin Mo and Kaldo shook hands and bumped shoulders.

"Your psychic powers are the most powerful I have ever seen."

"Your lightning is stronger than any psychic lightning unleashed by a psyker."


After complimenting each other, Qin Mo suddenly thought of something and asked Kaldor eagerly: "Can you use your spiritual power to see what's going on in the real universe?"

Kaldor couldn't leave the subspace, but of course he could use his spiritual power to see the real universe. He knew what Qin Mo wanted to see without Qin Mo going into detail.

Naturally, this is the situation in the Tyrone star sector.

"I saw a series of broken pictures..."

"They are perfecting a technological product... This technological product is related to psychic energy..."

"I saw them opening a portal underground, a portal leading to the subspace... Two heavily armed teams gathered in front of the door, shouting about this and that for Talon, for the Lord of Talon..."

After the exploration, Kaldor suddenly felt extremely tired.

When he used psychic energy to explore the real universe just now, he looked for subspace cracks, psychic creations, and weak points in the curtain that could be exploited in the entire universe. This put a lot of pressure on his spirit.

Finally Kaldo opened his eyes: "Maybe, I mean maybe, we can both go out together!"

Qin Mo smiled.

The trust in his subordinates and the joy for the people in the star area...this is what Qin Mo's smile contains.

And finally the smile turned into a bad smile.

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" Qin Mo asked Kaldo with a smirk.

"Oh? Let me guess... you probably want to be big before you leave." Kaldor nodded with a smile, "Then let's not leave here yet, fight all the way into the deepest part of the Demon Realm, and use your material flames to Nurgle’s lair is burned!”

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