Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 447 Situation

Real universe.

The Tailong Defense War has been going on for about two months since Qin Mo entered the subspace.

In the western part of the sector, in a series of systems between Aerona and Talon, the Ultramarines and the Ultramar Five Hundred World Fleet fought on hundreds of manned and unmanned worlds.

The Space Marines and fleets of the Ultramarines were like a spear that pierced the Huron blockade of Tyron.

The tip of the spear is the three companies led by Mephiston, the director of the Blood Angels Think Tank. They are responsible for opening the way, while the Ultramarines are responsible for stabilizing and defending the safe world that has been opened up.

The number of Space Marines is too small, and the Gate of Tyron, a defensive area specifically used for war, is too vast. There are many star systems from Elona to the Tyron System alone. Even the largest Ultramarines Chapter plus The four companies of the Blood Angels and the Blood Slave Auxiliary Army also find it difficult to continue to open the way to the Tyrone system when the defense has opened a channel.

What's more, Huron can predict the future and can always contain the Tyron navy and lay ambushes in the path of the Space Marines.

Calgar and Mephiston's offensive pace had to slow down.

At this time, the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Pilgrimage Expedition Fleet joined the war. The Adeptus Mechanicus' tens of billions of skitarii and nearly a thousand battleships launched a desperate attack under the command of Severn. In the world, nearly 100 million skitarii are dropped on the surface every minute and every second under anti-aircraft fire, charging at the Red Corsairs and other warbands of Space Marines in the name of the Ohm Messiah.

Huron tried to capture the Elona system again, blocking the reinforcements' retreat, and at the same time sent a demon fleet to contain Calgar so that he could not return to defense.

But during the war between the Red Corsair Space Marines and the mortal slave army attacking Elona One, a transport fleet used a dimension engine to jump into the Elona system and dropped a large number of land forces on the surface.

Huron was quickly debriefed.

A group of soldiers from Cadia, shouting that Tyron remained standing, engaged in bloody flesh-grinding combat with the Space Marines aboard Alona One.

These are not the biggest headaches for Huron, because he received another report that a Necron fleet easily penetrated the siege network outside Tyron's Gate and rushed into the star area, but did not try to open the way for subsequent reinforcements. .

In addition to the Necron, a reconnaissance mission to a system in Tyron's Gate was thwarted when, according to survivors, they saw Eldar Death Troopers emerging from the Webway.

In addition, a green-skinned orc force of the Blood Moon Clan passed by the edge of the star sector, raided the 25th Company of Red Pirates that was being prepared after the war, and then ran away.

The war is becoming increasingly chaotic.

Huron did not know that from the beginning of this war to the present, there was a bystander who was recording and observing everything that had happened so far.

Tyrone Galaxy.

The surface of the satellite Titanium.

In a transport plane that was slowly descending to the surface, Vanessa huddled on the seat holding a metal suitcase and looked out the window.

On the ground, a group of soulless people wearing suppression devices were looking up at the transport plane. The principle of the suppression devices they wore was to extend the space around their bodies to ensure that their talents would not affect the surroundings.

Ordinary soulless people do not need to wear suppressors, but these soulless people are engaged in the most dangerous research that only they can do - studying subspace.

Surrounding the Soulless Man were three guards, who actually came out to take on the task of bodyguard themselves.

"We're here." The pilot of the transport plane glanced at Vanessa through the rearview mirror. This woman now had one black eye and one golden eye. She was staring blankly at nothing. She didn't know what she was thinking about. .

In Vanessa's spiritual world, she is communicating with the human part of the Lord of Humanity.

"My lord, what's in the box?" Vanessa asked.

A stream of information poured into Vanessa's brain, and her questions were answered instantly.

Inside the box is a semi-finished product of the psychic matrix, as well as some research information.

The Emperor once borrowed Vanessa's body to submit an application to the Seven-person Council of Tyrone, which was to transfer the secret research of the Lord of Tyrone to the Seven-member Council. This research is the psychic matrix.

The Seven-person Council attaches great importance to this matter. They want a secret research organization on Tyrone to take over the semi-finished psychic matrix. The reason is that if the psychic matrix research is successful, they can open a subspace positioning portal and transfer Tyrone to The Lord brought back the real universe from the warp.

"My Lord, why can't you complete the psychic matrix yourself? Instead, hand it over to mortals?" Vanessa asked again.

Then another piece of information came into his mind.

The Emperor first revealed the current situation in the Tyrone sector.

Tai Lung is facing the greatest catastrophe in history, which may be unprecedented and unprecedented.

First, a hole was broken in the curtain within the star area, and demons were occupying many uninhabited worlds within four hundred light years, attacking the defense lines set up around the Dead Zone.

Externally, it faced Huron's attack.

Huron was blessed by the Four Gods, and Khorne paid special attention to him. He could even command Kabanha to be moved.

Huron created the Red Corsairs, a legion of Chaos Space Marines, a Legion, not a Chapter.

In addition to the legion, there are nearly a thousand warships, and now he has even more warships. The number of living demon warships composed of pure spiritual energy is close to one thousand two hundred. Nurgle Tzeentch and Slaanesh have used sorcery to corrupt the waste. Ships shaped them, and Khorne allowed his mastery of weaponry to forge Khorne's warships more powerful than those corroded by sorcery.

If it weren't for Huron, a figure favored by the four gods, the three god believers warbands except Khorne wouldn't even know that their own god who couldn't even get a set of power armor could actually shape a warship.

The Tyrone navy was facing the Red Pirates and the Demon Fleet, and the fleet the reinforcements faced was only a small part of the Huron fleet's strength.

Attacks of this level have been rare in the entire ten thousand years. Assuming that Tyron's situation is that of the Empire, and the Empire is not as huge as it is now, but is only as big as five Tyron sectors, then it is estimated that it has already We are fighting a battle to defend the Golden Throne.


The emperor's response did not answer Vanessa's question. He remembered that Qin Mo once said that the emperor was a riddle man, and now that he thought about it, it was indeed true.

Just like when she regained consciousness and found herself on a transport plane for no apparent reason, she didn't know that the box in her hand contained a semi-finished product of the psychic matrix until a second ago.

But Vanessa immediately sensed a string of information, which was the situation about the current situation that the Emperor had just transmitted to her, which was just like a "previous summary."

Then the Emperor did not use consciousness transmission, but told Vanessa using his voice.

"The Tyrone Star Region has advantages, dimension engines, material printing... these are brought to them by a Star God."

"The reason why I didn't directly hand over the completed psychic matrix to the Council of Seven is because I wanted to see whether this sector was built under the protection of a certain god and was a utopia that collapsed...or was it a normal functioning place. A human force that has established a foothold in the dark universe."

"If they are destroyed in a war, it proves that they are a false and meaningless utopia."

"If they persevere in the war and use their talents to recover the people who built the entire sector, then they will prove that they are worthy of everything given to them by the transcendent ruler, and that mankind is the most perfect and noble in the entire universe. The race deserves a better future."

After listening to what the emperor said, Vanessa lowered her head and looked at the box in her hand.

The transport plane had landed, and a guard came forward to thank Vanessa, and then took the box containing the semi-finished product and information of the psychic matrix.

The Soulless researchers opened the box on the spot and analyzed the information inside, and then they discovered that this research was indeed possible to bring back the Lord of Tyron from the subspace, and that it had even greater prospects.

That is to condense a controllable entity similar to an observatory or tool medium in the subspace.

From now on, the subspace, the sea of ​​souls, the supreme sky... this elusive and unknown space will be able to be observed rationally, analyzed and utilized scientifically.

All sentient beings in the real universe will no longer be unilaterally harassed and slaughtered by demons. Warriors in the real universe will no longer be able to banish them amidst the laughter and sarcasm of demons, and prepare in advance for their return to the real universe.

The perfection of the semi-finished work of the psychic matrix is ​​a challenge to the wisdom and energy of mortals, but mortals are ready.

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