Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 445 The Moon of Shame Incident

When he heard that a Gray Knight Grand Master was hacked to death by Wolf Chapter Master Logan, Kaldor's smile disappeared instantly.

Gray Knight.

The Emperor's Hammer.

A professional anti-demon organization established by Mark Master Malcador.

Each Gray Knight is a carefully selected psyker, and even the Aegis Terminator armor they wear contains fragments of the Emperor's armor.

The Grand Master of such an organization or institution, with absolute authority, was hacked to death by the Space Wolves Chapter Leader. Even Kaldor in the subspace felt embarrassed about this.

This is not to say why a Gray Knight Grand Master can be hacked to death by Logan. Gray Knights are good at psychic powers and are the elite among the elite, but the Chapter Leader is not an ordinary person. There is nothing abnormal about dying at the hands of Logan. of……

The problem is that Logan actually hacked to death a Gray Knight Grand Master like this. What did he think, what did the Gray Knights think, what did the Inquisition think... The fact that he could do this shows that he did not There was no fear of consequences, and Rogan was not sanctioned afterwards.

This matter ended up like this.

"What would you do if it were you?" Qin Mo remembered one thing, that is, during the Moon of Shame incident, the Gray Knight Grand Master who was killed even proposed to let the Space Wolves go on the Redemption Expedition Two Hundred years, and then it's over.

Kaldor thought for a while while studying by himself, and finally shook his head: "I don't know."

Qin Mo frowned slightly. He really wanted to know what Kaldo would do if he were the person involved.

Will he release his spiritual energy in the face of Logan who is jumping and slashing?

Or should we just forget it and don't make the Space Wolves uncomfortable?

"I have to say that the Gray Knights' decision was not wrong. Even if the world remains after the demons have ravaged it, the civilians will be corrupted, and eventually a large-scale rebellion will occur, and the seeds of chaos will take root and sprout."

"But the Space Wolves don't want the civilians on their territory to be exterminated. This is human nature. Moreover, they have proposed a measure that they think is very effective in screening out the corrupted."

"This is the most terrible game."

Kaldo and Qin Mo looked at each other and spoke calmly.

"Do you know what is the most terrifying game in the world? It is not a game between two gangs for profit, but a game between two gangs who both think they are the right people. They will fight to the death for their respective ideas."

"If it were me, I would insist on issuing an extermination order."

"If Logan jumps in, all I can do is make a sliding tackle."

After listening to everything, Qin Mo thought for a moment and nodded, expressing his agreement with what Kaldo said.

The experience of the Gray Knights is correct. The civilians protected by the Wolf Group in the Moon of Shame are chaos mines that may explode at any time.

Qin Mo thought for a moment. If he were the Grand Master of the Gray Knights, he would definitely destroy this "landmine" because that is the duty of the Emperor's Hammer.

But then I thought about it, it was the Gray Knights who wanted to exterminate some people in the Tailong star area. Qin Mo felt that he would not hesitate to shoot dimensional lightning at the Gray Knights. Either the Gray Knights would be destroyed in the Tailong group, or the Tailon people would be destroyed. The Gray Knights are extinct - for he is the Lord of Tyron.

This is the responsibility.

Logan's situation was no different from what Qin Mo had imagined.

When two groups of people who are extremely committed to their duties collide, it is difficult to end.

"Let's get back to the current matter." Qin Mo changed the subject, "Do you know much about the Demon Realm of Nurgle? I know that the Demon Army is trying to release a plague on the structures corresponding to the Tyrone Star District in the subspace. I have to stop them."

Kaldor looked at Qin Mo and asked after two seconds of silence: "Don't tell me that you really want to go back to that ghost place."

Qin Mo didn't answer, but looked at Kaldo firmly.

Kaldor sighed helplessly: "It would be great if the Planet Governor was a person like you when I was still an ordinary person... Of course, I am familiar with the Demon Realm, and I also know that several groups of demon armies are gathering."

"Take me there, please." Qin Mo said.

Kaldor did not immediately agree or reject. Instead, he turned over his hand, took out a bomb-sized cigar from somewhere, put it in his mouth, and took two strong puffs.

Qin Mo had no idea that Kaldor had the same habits as Creed, so he was surprised and looked surprised.

Kaldor thought that Qin Mo was surprised that he could conjure up a cigar at will, a cigar that was effective on the modified superhuman warriors, so he explained: "This is subspace, as long as you have psychic powers, you can easily do it." Do things that cannot be done in the real universe, such as transforming into something."

Qin Mo understood the principle. He thought that since he had no psychic powers, he could only use all his methods to make the fire in the subspace generate warmth.

"In fact, no matter how many demons we kill in the subspace, it is meaningless. Just like the Garden of Nurgle that I burned will appear again, and the smashed Impossible City will be re-established..." Kaldor said His words sounded a bit sad, as if he was unwilling to lead Qin Mo to the assembled demon army.

But he immediately changed the topic: "I found that you can completely kill the devil. Maybe our killing behavior will be meaningful."

After saying that, Kaldor put out his cigar and raised his hand to release his spiritual energy to condense a warehouse.

He opened the warehouse and took out many things.

This warehouse is like a treasure house.

More bottles filled with nun oil seemed to have been copied using psychic powers, and the photos on them were exactly the same.

Boxes of explosive bombs, a hand-held heavy explosive bolt from the 30th Millennium Great Crusade, and an appendage used by members of the Black Mechanicum.

Kaldor equipped himself with all the weapons and ammunition he collected in the subspace, and was ready for a fierce battle.

Finally, before the warehouse door was completely closed, Kaldor took out another black sickle.

Qin Mo was shocked when he saw the black scythe, because that scythe was different from many other weapons Kaldor found in the subspace. It had not been corroded and mutated, and it did not require Kaldor to purify it with the ashes of saints or human oil. .

That is the scythe of Azagorod the Nightbringer, the Star God.

"Your power reminds me of this scythe, which can also kill demons." Kaldo used the appendage of a Black Mechanicum member to pick up the scythe and handed it to Qin Mo, "But holding it only makes me feel scared. On the contrary, It will make me weaker, so I will give you this sickle to use as a thank you for talking to me."

Qin Mo put the chain sword back behind his back and took the scythe. At this moment, he heard countless screams and wailings. This scythe contained the concept of death.


"You're welcome."

Kaldor shook his head, mounted the appendage anointed with holy oil on his shoulder to hold the heavy bolt, and then stuffed the strings of bolt chains into the ammunition supply port under the bolt.

The founding Grand Master of the Gray Knights still holds a shield and a long sword called the Titan Sword in his hands, and his body is full of explosives and ammunition.

"Let's go give the devil some color."

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