the next day.

Guilliman was invited to participate in a ceremony of the Ecclesiarchy. This time it was the same ceremony as when the Primarch returned. It was just for shopping.

It's just that this time the protagonists around Guilliman are not the members of the Council of High Lords, but the State Church, so whether they are other high lords or important institutions of the empire, they have to stand aside during this ceremony.

The Forge General of Mars cannot stand in front of Guilliman, let alone Vic and his team from the forge world of Agrippina.

On the day of the ceremony, Terra's continuous acid rain suddenly stopped.

On Terra's main road leading to the palace, the Ecclesiastical procession where Guilliman was marching was slowly advancing.

On the golden platform carried by the slaves of the empire, the pope of the state religion loudly proclaimed the emperor's love for his son of God, so much so that he used his mighty power to create a sunny sky for him.

Guilliman himself was not very happy. He sat on the throne with a straight face, his arm on the armrest supporting his chin, looking bored.

"The Primarch doesn't seem too concerned about the parade."

"He doesn't seem to care about anything, including the affairs of the Tyrone sector."

On the top floor of the mansion on the right side of the road, Agrippina forged the world to rule the sage Vic and the war sage Sewing stood by the window, looking down at Guilliman below.

Both of them looked unhappy.

Yesterday I went to see the original body just because of Tai Lung.

After Vic learned that the Tyrone Defense War had begun, he had been running around meeting this person and that person, trying to organize a group of reinforcements for the Om Messiah in his heart and the Kingdom of Heaven in the galaxy.

In the previous incident of the return of the original body and the gathering of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Vic did not participate. It was Agrippina War Sage Severn who came to Terra on his behalf.

So of course, Sevin didn't know how well Vick's organizational work was going.

"If we bypass the Forge General, bypass the Primarch..."

Severin said as he walked to the table in the room, sat down gracefully, and put his legs on the table, but his hand was still holding the hilt of the power sword at his waist.

"How many reinforcements can we bring to Om Messiah if we bypass them?"

Sewing's question reached Vic's ears.

The ruling sage thought for a moment and replied: "At least two hundred and seventy-nine forging worlds are resolute, and there are hundreds of other forging worlds that are wavering, as well as other forging worlds that have been instructed by the forging general not to interfere... If we bypass Primarch and General, we can only consider those two hundred and seventy-nine forge worlds."

Hearing this, the War Sage nodded slowly, remained silent for two seconds, and then asked: "It can't be the two hundred and seventy-nine forging worlds that don't even have the Titan Legion? They don't even deserve the glory of being cannon fodder for Ohm Messiah Adam. .”

"At least he's one of those people who likes to play with plasma." Vic withdrew his gaze from the street and sat opposite Sevin.

"Playing with plasma, Reza?"

"Who else would it be?"

"Okay, I'm a little relieved."

Vic and Sewyn's conversation fell into silence.

Both people are thinking about their own things.

One is thinking about how many fleets can be organized.

One was thinking about where to start in the Tyron's Gate defense area, and surrounded by the enemy, he could open a passage that would allow reinforcements to reach the interior of the sector.

"Worlds that are willing to form reinforcements with us have already sent fleets to Agrippina. When you came to Terra to accompany the so-called general who is as tall as a mountain to meet the primarch, the fleets have already begun to modify the dimensional engines. It is estimated that the modified ones are now That’s almost it,” Vic continued.

"Then what are we waiting for? The original body doesn't want to see us at all." Sewyn spread his hands, "We just took advantage of this opportunity to send reinforcements to replace the dimensional engine in the forge world that supports us. They found that this thing is easy to use. They will be used instead of being torn down after the war."

Vic listened to Sewen's words and nodded in agreement.

In fact, there was one thing that Vic did not say, that is, even if he met the original body and discussed with him about sending reinforcements, the original body would not allow Agrippina and nearly three hundred other forging worlds to send fleets.

After calculation, there is an 80% probability that the original body will not allow it. The reason is that he is afraid that this matter will lead to the second split of the Mechanicus.

Vic could figure it out because he and Sewyn had been blessed on the Celestial Engine.

The ruling sage becomes more calculating and ruling.

War Sage becomes more skilled in warfare.

"By the way, if we organize reinforcements without authorization, will we be classified as a rebellion and then have our homes confiscated by the Empire or the Order?" Sevin suddenly asked.

"I don't care." Vic's eyes were deep and his tone was low, "We have already sold the pot and sold the iron... Even if our house is confiscated, we can still find a place to live in the Kingdom of God on earth and rebuild our forging world."

Sewyn nodded with satisfaction. He could see that his old friend was far more determined than himself, which was a good thing.

While the two sages were discussing, Guilliman was also thinking about the two sages Agrippina.

Guilliman could guess why Vic and Severn wanted to see him yesterday, so he didn't see them.

No matter what the reason is, the Forge World of Agrippina is far more concerned about the situation in the Tyrone Sector than anyone else in the empire. Yesterday morning, the Forge General received a joint letter from six hundred forge worlds, requesting the general to The matter of whether to support Tai Lung was discussed at the main meeting.

The attitude of General Foundry can be imagined, it refused without hesitation.

It wasn't that Guilliman didn't want to support Talon, otherwise he wouldn't have called Calgar over and sent the Ultramarines in a circle to support Talon. He just didn't want some of the Adeptus Mechanicus to be willing to support Talon, while others planned to sit on the sidelines.

Because this is likely to cause a second schism in the order.

As for what Agrippina's Dominion Sages will do...the Forge World is all about rebellion, the color scheme of the Order's emblem, and the fact that their leader isn't called the Forge Master but instead is the Dominion Sage...Wic will definitely still be there. Support Tyrone, no matter what the opposition.

But Guilliman was willing to let it go, because he didn't believe that Vic would have much appeal, and he could only send more than two hundred battleships and nearly 100 million skitarii to survive.

Vic is just a ruling sage, he is not a forging general.

Most of the Forge Worlds who signed a letter with him asking the Foundry General to immediately put support matters on the agenda are just idlers, just thinking that Vic can get a piece of the pie for themselves when the Tyrone Defense War is over.

In addition, Vic's reputation within the Adeptus Mechanicus is almost the same as Caul's.

In short, there is no need to worry too much about this matter.

"His Royal Highness the Son of God?" The Pope of the State Church gently called Guilliman, drawing his attention back to reality from the mind-consuming balancing techniques of the various forces at the top of the empire.

"What's going on?" Guilliman looked at the Pope and asked with a straight face.

The Pope saluted respectfully: "A living saint hopes to present you with a crown."

I worked the night shift last night and wrote all night long

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