Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 422 Guilliman’s Desire

at the same time.

Real universe.

Holy Terra.

Outside the library of Terra where the original body was located, a blue transport plane landed slowly.

Calgar, the leader of the Ultramarines Chapter, walked out of the cabin and prepared to meet the Gene Father.

While being introduced to the library, Calgar suddenly saw another group of people who were also preparing to meet the original body.

These people are members of the Adeptus Mechanicus at first glance. The red robes on their bodies are printed with the black and white skull logo. They are obviously members of the Adeptus Mechanicus in the Forge World of Agrippina.

"What are they here for?"

Calga passed by everyone in Agrippina's Forge World, and she couldn't help but have questions in her heart.

When those Agrippina people saw Calga being brought into the library by the waiter, they all cast dissatisfied looks at him. This look was not directed at Calga, but it was not clear why they were dissatisfied with Calga. , just turned around and continued walking towards the library door.

Calgar walked like flying and reached the deepest part of the library, where he met Guilliman, the father of genes.

At this time, Guilliman was sitting among a pile of official documents, rubbing his hair anxiously and correcting the official documents on the table with his head down.

As a Space Marine, Calgar's eyesight was astonishing. He saw a white hair hidden in the dense golden hair of the original body at a glance, and he was suddenly shocked.



Guilliman raised his head, his eyes were tired and his brows were slightly haggard.

Calga felt nervous and wanted to ask the Gene Father what happened during this time and why he became like this.

But Guilliman didn't give him a chance to ask, and asked first: "Do you know why I called you here?"

Calga lowered his head and thought.

This trip to Terra was nominally to call him to Terra to ask about the current situation of the Five Hundred Worlds.

But Calga felt that things were not that simple, and that the father of genes had other purposes.

"You noticed it, it's about the Tyrone sector." Guilliman said.

While the battle to defend Tyrone raged, the empire was not unaware of anything.

First, the Tyrone sector lost contact with the Empire.

Severe subspace storms swept around the entire star sector. The Imperial tax collection ships had no motivation to enter Tyrone without the Talon navy to pay taxes. As for other imperial ships, few dared to brave the storm and enter the sector.

The Tyrone Navy seemed to have disappeared from the universe, and no traces of activity of the Tyrone Navy ships were seen in various star regions of the empire.

Calgar already knew this, so he asked the Primarch: "Have you tried to contact the Tyron Sector? I remember you have their communicator."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guilliman pushed a pile of official documents to the ground, and a black sphere as big as a fist appeared under the official documents.

That's the Tyrone communicator.

"I have tried to contact them, and I am more sure that they need support!"

Guilliman began to describe the information he had received from the communicator.

The Tyrone War continues and is taking a bad turn.

Magnus was banished.

Huron died, but was resurrected.

Qin Mo was sucked into subspace.

The Tailong Star District, which has lost its leader Qin Mo, may split. Even if it does not split but a new successor emerges, there may be situations where the military commander does not trust the successor.

Guilliman felt that the Tyrone sector was in danger, and he was worried about Qin Mo. He sighed tiredly and leaned against the bookshelf at the back.

The bookshelf was pushed over by the original body's back, and mountains of official documents were scattered like snowflakes in the library hall.

After hearing this, Karl was silent for two seconds before speaking: "With all due respect, father, you should now provide support to the Tyrone sector through the High Lords Council."

"The Council of High Lords has upgraded the matter of supporting the Tyrone Sector to the highest priority." Guilliman was still expressionless, but it was not indifferent, but the indifference of being extremely disappointed with something, "Then in twelve years After four months, the issue of whether to support the Tyrone Sector will be put on the agenda."

Hearing this, Calga looked helpless. He now understood why the father of genes was so haggard and exhausted.

Guilliman knew that it was not that Calgar did not want to support Talon, but that he thought more about his genetic father.

Guilliman is now the quasi-imperial regent and the most powerful person in the empire. He should think from the perspective of the empire and do things in the empire's way, instead of directly bypassing the empire and sending troops to support Talon like the lords of the Five Hundred Worlds.

He must reflect an attitude: I am the current supreme commander of the empire. No matter how I change the affairs of the empire in the future, for now I must endorse the authority of the High Lords Council. This attitude.

Because the High Lords Council was established by the Lord of the Ultramarines, the future reform of the empire will also require the cooperation of the Council.

Bypassing the Council to make decisions would make Guilliman look like an outsider.

That's why Guilliman brought Calgar over.

And Calga also understood what the father of genes meant.

"I will return to Macragge immediately, gather fleets and chapters to go to the Maelstrom to pursue Huron and the remnants of the Star Claw Chapter." Calgar said.

Guilliman nodded, he was very satisfied with his son.

A powerful warrior.

Wise leader.

Everyone knew that Huron was not in the Maelstrom at this time, but Calgar still had to lead the battle group to the Maelstrom, and then suddenly "discovered" that Huron was not in the Maelstrom halfway, and changed his route to pursue the traitor leader.

Cleaning up the portal is the responsibility of the Ultramarines. If the High Lords Council is inefficient, it should be inefficient. Anyway, the Ultramarines help the Tyrones on their way to clearing the portal.

The human spirits of the High Lords will not be unaware of the true purpose of Calgar and Guilliman, but officially this is an action to clean up the family. There is an official explanation, and those one or two who are against the original The high lords of the body cannot discuss this matter in the council, let alone use it to question whether Guilliman intends to bypass the high lords council to support Tyrone with this arrangement.

"Go, Macragge's Glory is under your command." Guilliman nodded.

"Yes." Calga saluted respectfully, turned and left.

After watching his most proud son leave, Guilliman lowered his head, picked up a document from the ground with an iron hook, and placed it on the table.

There is only one thing written on this document: the State Church requests the Primarch to participate in tomorrow's procession ceremony, surrounded by members of the State Church, to declare to the people the trust of the Son of God in the State Church.

Guilliman had no intention of participating, but he had something to ask of the Ecclesiarchy.

The people of the State Religion are good at using rituals, and Guilliman hopes that they can help find Qin Mo's location in the subspace. Even if they can't find it, they can at least predict whether Qin Mo is still alive.

So the Primarch grabbed a quill made of adamantine and wrote on the document that he would participate in the procession tomorrow.

Calga's side.

Along the way out of the library, Calga saw those people from Agrippina's Forge World again, but this time they were stopped.

A man covered in appendages came to Calgar, and behind him was a man dressed like the Skitarii Marshal, with his hand on the hilt of a power sword at his waist.

"Captain Calgar! I have long admired my name." He said hello with a smile on his face, "I am Vic, the ruler of the forged world of Agrippina."

"Sage Vic, what do you want from me?" Calgar didn't want to offend the forging world, so he listened patiently.

"Are we lucky enough to have the Primarch take a moment out of his busy schedule to grant us the honor of meeting him?" Vic asked.

Calga didn't know what the purpose of these people was in meeting the Gene Father, so he didn't answer.

At this time, the waiter of the national religion came over and said to Vic: "The Son of God has many affairs and I may not have time for the time being. Great Sage, please go back and wait. If the original body mentions the sage, I will bring the sage to meet the original body."

Calga took advantage of this moment and left.

Vic glanced at the waiter coldly, then at the library, and left without saying a word.

The general of the Skitarii following Vic was none other than the war sage Severn. This man who had gone through an unknown amount of profound transformations and was covered in iron parts that could not be identified by the waiters of the state religion left with Vic. At that time, he also bumped into the official waiter.

The Forge World group left aggressively.

The waiter whose shoulder was smashed looked at these weirdos leaving and cursed in his heart: "A bunch of reformed lunatics, after telling you whether to support Tai Lung was on the agenda, they came to ask the Son of God to ask. It's really transgressing. Damn it!"

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