When the pope of the state religion finished speaking, the living saint who wanted to offer the crown had already walked to the golden platform.

He was an old man wearing ragged clothes and smelling bad, but he could tell from the looks of others around him that he was very respected.

Apparently this guy is an ascetic.

Guilliman was still willing to show some kindness to the Ascetics. He smiled and stood up from the throne, helping the living saint who was kneeling devoutly to his feet.

"Please let me wear this crown for you, Son of God," the Living Saint requested.

Guilliman naturally nodded in agreement.

The living saint saluted respectfully again, then took out the crown from his backpack and gently placed it on the head of the original body.

"Thank you." Guilliman nodded to the living saint, and then motioned for him to stand in front of his throne, walk with him, and accept the admiration of the people of Terra.

The procession moved on.

Guilliman sat on the throne with a solemn expression, no longer indifferent as before.

Almost everyone on Terra gathered on both sides of the road, people next to each other, adults holding children in their arms. They came all the way here to offer their respect and gratitude to the original body.

Countless flowers fell from overhead.

Among the flowers, Guilliman saw the Custodes guarding him, and the Emperor-class Titans walking slowly behind the team.

In the five hundred worlds of Ultramar, in the solar system, Talon's fleet was arrayed over the planet.



"Son of God!"

"You are the savior of the empire, you are the savior of mankind, and what you have done is greater than what your father did!"

"Master Primarch, how can I express my respect to you? Please let me kiss the upper part of your shoes!"

"The great primarch..."

Cheers filled Guilliman's ears.

Guilliman stood up and waved in response, because these cheers were not exchanged by the high lords from the common people and nobles in exchange for a throne coin in exchange for shouting a word, but the cheers of the human people who had suffered for generations before breaking away. A heartfelt cry and gratitude after suffering.

A tyrant likes to see the biggest pageant, to see endless seas of people kneeling before him.

But a ruler like the Philosopher King Guilliman only wants to see people who have escaped from the sea of ​​suffering gather on both sides of the street. There is no need to kneel down or flatter, but just stand there and say words of gratitude from the heart.

"Father, we have retaken the Badab sector."

"Lord Primarch, Terra Academy has been established. By this time tomorrow, children will be admitted for free, even children in slums."

Chapter Master Calgar and Living Saint Celestine stood in front of Guilliman, each recounting the great deeds they had established under Guilliman's command.

"Very good." Guilliman nodded with satisfaction, "We can leave when the next generation grows up, because that generation will become rational and they will live in a wealthy and safe environment and no longer suffer any suffering. , they will be full of reason, fairness, justice, and kindness.”

"Yes, Primarch," Celestine said.

Guilliman sat back on his throne.

The whole procession entered the palace.

After stopping at the golden platform, the Tyrone people came closer.

The Imperial Guards, the top brass of Tyrone's army and navy, the scholars of Tyrone...the Lord of Tyrone.

"Thank you, Guilliman." Qin Mo nodded to Guilliman, "With our cooperation, the Five Hundred Worlds and the Tyrone Sector have spread rationality to the entire human empire. It's time for me to hand over my authority to mortals, no. I know what your plans are in the future, would you like to travel among the stars with me?"

"Of course, my comrade." Guilliman jumped off the high platform, held Qin Mo's hand, and walked to the highest point of the palace surrounded by the Imperial Army and Imperial Guards.

This is where the Emperor and Primarchs watched the military parade ten thousand years ago.

Terra's high lords, nobles, and commoners gathered in the giant square below the high point.

After seeing the original body appear, everyone fell silent, waiting quietly for the original body to say inspiring words.

But before that, Guilliman looked at Qin Mo: "We will hand over power to mortals, but the threat to the empire has not been eliminated at the moment. We still need to fight and resist, so..."

As he spoke, Guilliman raised Qin Mo's hand and made an arm-raising gesture with him.

"I, Guilliman, the thirteenth son of my father, Lord of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar... Regent of the Empire!"

The Primarch's voice thundered through the palace.

"I declare this in my capacity as Imperial Regent."

"The ruler next to me from the Tyrone sector will become the new bearer of the entire empire!"

"Hail to me, the eternal friend and collaborator of the Imperial Regent, your Sealbearer!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the palace applauded fiercely for the canonization of the new seal holder.

"Sealmaker?" Qin Mo's expression turned cold and he stared at Guilliman, "Why are you so generous? Just because we are the same kind of people? Why don't we turn the empire into one country after another? , what about forming a federation?”

"No...no..." Guilliman shook his head and backed away. He suddenly realized that what he saw in front of him was not real.

Qin Mo stood there, looking at Guilliman coldly, and said words that made Guilliman feel strange at this time and familiar in the past.

"Slaanesh. It projected itself into the crown and worked its best to weave an illusion for you, one unique to you."

"I saw you sleeping in the environment for a week before you realized everything and woke up."

"You can use your own strength to break away from the illusion woven by the evil god, but I don't want to give you too much time, because you still have too many things to do."

"Time is precious, Number 13."

Qin Mo finished speaking.

Guilliman suddenly heard the sound of something shattering, then opened his eyes and found that he was still on the golden platform.

The living saint who presented the crown was standing there, his eyes shining with disbelief.

The Living Saint faced first the silence and gaze of the Primarch, and then the wrath of the Primarch.

The Emperor's sword was unsheathed, the primarch roared, and the living saint was split into two. The whole process took less than a second.

From the burning body of the living saint, a great demon crawled out, howling and annihilating in the flames of the Emperor's Sword.

But Guilliman didn't think he had killed the instigator, because the big demon was just a carrier, and the real mastermind behind it was not here.

Among the broken remains of the crown, Guilliman heard the dark prince's evil laughter. A purple subspace turbulence emerged on the broken gems of the crown, staring at Guilliman.

"Originally, I would not seduce you personally. I thought you would sleep for a few days before emerging from the illusion... There is no need to say this now."

"Everything you see in the fantasy will not come true, because the empire you and your father built will eventually be destroyed, and the entire universe will come to an end."

"I, we can fail countless times, but what about you?"

After the warp energy attached to the crown fragment completely dissipated, part of the essence projected by the Dark Prince Slaanesh completely dissipated in the real universe.

"Son of God..." The pope of the state religion reacted from the panic, walked to Guilliman and kowtowed, trying to explain how pious the corrupted living saint had been.

"The fault is not with you, Pope, nor with your national religion." Guilliman held his head high and defied the Pope, "But as long as you believe in something in the Sea of ​​Souls, one day you will be affected by the Sea of ​​Souls. The influence of other evil entities.”

After saying that, the original body sheathed his sword and turned around, walking through the state priests who came to exorcise the demon.

As he left, Guilliman recalled the vision he had just seen, and had to admit that it was indeed what he had dreamed of seeing.

As he thought about it, Guilliman recalled the troublesome things about Qin Mo. He very much hoped to know whether Qin Mo was still alive after being sucked into the subspace. If he was alive, what was going on now, and how to get him out...

Guilliman did not place his hopes directly on the Ecclesiarchy.

After learning about Qin Mo's entry into the subspace, he first went to the emperor. The emperor remained silent. I don't know if he didn't know, or because he had some malicious will towards Qin Mo and didn't want to say anything.

Then I went to find Efreni, the god-chosen god of the Eldar Death Army, and Efreni said that the soulless Star God will die when he enters the subspace. The original body might as well consider how to deal with the leaderless and divided dragons in the Tyron Sector. Integrate star sectors.

"Where are you?" Guilliman was extremely annoyed, looking up at the sky and muttering to himself.

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