Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 421 Get away, you Slaanesh filth

Piccolo finally shut up and continued leading the way.

One person and one demon enter the golden door and come to the next ring.

As they continued to move forward, Piccolo reminded Qin Mo: "No matter what, please be vigilant and don't fall here."

"What do you mean?" Qin Mo didn't understand. In his memory, the order of the six rings in the Demon Realm of Slaanesh was unclear. He didn't know what kind of ring it was. He only knew the types of the six rings. .

Piccolo stared into Qin Mo's eyes: "Because this is the ring of debauchery."

As soon as he finished speaking, a purple light bloomed in front of Qin Mo.

Everything changed before my eyes.

A magnificent palace, with pools filled with fine wine.

Countless men and women were doing things in this palace that made Qin Mo close his eyes subconsciously.

Then a woman appeared in front of Qin Mo. Her figure was the best Qin Mo had ever seen. Even if the mimic turned into a human, it would not be as good as her, because Qin Mo's imagination did not allow him to turn the mimic into such a woman.

A woman's dress can only be described in two words: frugal.

After seeing Qin Mo, the woman was stunned for a moment, then quickly got into the mood, walked to Qin Mo and grabbed his arm.

Qin Mo looked around and saw that Piccolo disappeared at some point.

"Are you looking for a more beautiful woman?" The woman's voice was full of temptation, "But you definitely can't find it, because I am the most beautiful one here."

The woman seemed to be very experienced. When Qin Mo didn't respond, she could judge Qin Mo's preferences just by observing his every move and expression.

Then the woman knelt down in front of Qin Mo, took out a collar from somewhere and put it on her neck, and handed the chain connecting the collar to Qin Mo.

"I can feel how controlling you are."

"At your disposal and control...my tyrant."

Qin Mo looked down at the woman, and by some strange mistake, he took the chain and held it in his hand.

The woman was kneeling on the ground, with pitiful and respectful eyes in her eyes.

The chain was pulled hard, and then Qin Mo leaned down and said in the woman's admiring eyes: "Get away, you Slaanesh filth."

Horror appeared on the woman's face.

Everything in front of him disappeared, replaced by a dirty and smelly mountain of corpses.

There were no magnificent palaces, no beautiful men and women, just one freak-like monster after another.

The allure of this link is simply conceptual. Qin Mo even created an illusion for this star god who is not disturbed by spiritual energy through his preferences.

Originally, the only thing that could break through the illusion was the strongest will.

But for Qin Mo, it was not his will that helped him escape from the illusion, but his understanding of Slaanesh. He knew the essence of everything that was beautiful just now.

The big demon guarding this ring was currently entangled with the chain in Qin Mo's hand. It wanted to seduce Qin Mo personally, at least to stabilize this uninvited guest first, and then remind the big demons in other rings to come over and clean up this alien... ...In the end, stealing the chicken failed but losing the rice, and pretending to be sexy failed and ended up being trapped.

Piccolo, who had disappeared before, also appeared in Qin Mo's sight. It was looking at the Slaanesh demon army coming in front of him in horror.

The big demon who was bound by the iron chain tried to break free, but the electric current flowing from Qin Mo's wrist controlled it.

The big demon was forcibly dragged by Qin Mo and brought to Piccolo. He raised his scepter in the face of the incoming demon army.

The double-headed eagle shines golden in the dark realm of Slaanesh, and lightning and fire pour from the cracks in the ground from the sky.

Qin Mo vented his desire for destruction and turned the demon army in front of him to ashes in an instant.

The flames and lightning, under deliberate control, only destroyed the demon's body but not its soul. Their souls screamed and gathered together to spiral into the sky, but were pulled to Qin Mo before they could escape.

At this moment, Piccolo suddenly noticed something that Qin Mo himself had not noticed, that is, his power had become stronger, and the essence of the soul of the bystander was shining outside the essence of the Star God that represented productivity.

"No... don't kill me... don't eat me..." The demon gave up struggling and begged Qin Mo for mercy, "I can do anything for you, as long as you don't eat me... please... I'm willing to do anything thing……"

"Do anything?" Qin Mo said, looking to the right.

His chainsword was lodged there.

Maybe he just entered the illusion and threw it away when he took the chain from the demon.

He was not tempted, he just used a trick to seize the iron chain and trap the big devil... This was Qin Mo's thought at this time.

The chains in his hands were loosened.

The chain sword rose up into the air and fell into his empty right hand.

"Are you willing to do anything? Including dying?" Qin Mo raised his right hand high, pressed the button, and the roaring chain saw was inserted directly into the big devil's head.

The body is destroyed and the soul flies out and is devoured.

Piccolo watched the whole process silently. As a demon, he didn't feel frightened, only felt comfortable.

Once upon a time, big demons like Qin Mo slaughtered its kind and killed its masters. Now the two levels have been reversed. It is really a cycle of karma and retribution.

After killing the big demon and the demon army, Qin Mo pulled out his chain sword and prepared to move forward.

But Piccolo dissuaded him and told him what he must pay attention to next.

"I can probably guess what kind of person you are...so you must listen to what I say next."

"The next ring is the ring of domination. This ring is the nemesis of all tyrants or philosopher kings or careerists... in short, it is the nemesis of all creatures with a desire to dominate. You may see many people under the throne where you are. Bow down to you..."

"But it's all false. You must remember that it's all false. Don't succumb to the satisfaction that dominance and dominance bring."

Qin Mo didn't care much when he heard what Piccolo said. After all, he knew what Piccolo said.

If a person knows that what is in front of him is false and fraudulent, and that even if he compromises and surrenders, he will gain nothing, then it will be difficult for him to be deceived.

However, Qin Mo still fell into deep thought.

Ring of domination...

The way this ring corroded his will reminded Qin Mo of the temptation Guilliman would face next.

The Book of Insight said that a great demon went to seduce Guilliman, so I didn't look at the gate at the Circle of Gluttony.

The temptation for Guilliman was the same as in the Circle of Command, and he would see himself becoming the ruler of the highest point in the Imperium.

Under normal circumstances, there is nothing to worry about. Although Guilliman's magic resistance is negative, he is determined and can easily distinguish between what is illusory and what is real due to his sense of crisis.

But the current situation in the empire is not very urgent, and Cadia has not been destroyed, so Guilliman may not feel a particularly big sense of crisis.

After thinking for a while, Qin Mo chose to put down his worries and followed Piccolo to the next ring to meet the new test.

At this time, Qin Mo was determined to rush into Slaanesh's palace and cause destruction, and nothing could stop him.

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