Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 352 They are not normal people


"To have a place like Tai Lung in this universe is already the best gift that the Lord of Tai Lung can give us. We cannot rely on him after death."

Adam thought there was some truth to Sein's denial, but he didn't care.

Saiin had no words, he was just thinking about the deceased.

Could it be that none of Tyron's dead so far have gone to the Golden Throne? Could it be that what the priests of the Ecclesiarchy told were all lies, and that only warriors like the Astartes can return to the throne?

In short, Sain thought a lot.

The journey to Tyrone One took place in a split second for Sain, who was sent to the surface before he could finish thinking about it.

"Tell me again about your experience in subspace in detail." Adam took out the recording instrument and laid it down flat.

Sain could only tell it again.

This time he spoke in great detail, even including every feeling he had when entering the subspace.

By the way, I also took many psychological tests.

Sain was thinking that if he had become abnormal, it would be better to be eliminated instead of bringing bad things to the Tyrone sector.

After recording everything about the subspace, Adam uploaded the record and waited quietly.

Sain also waited.

Until a communication request came from Yaoen's guards.

Adam was not surprised when he saw Yao En's image, because the Soulless Ones were specifically responsible for dealing with matters related to subspace.

"Captain Sain, your psychological report analysis has come out. I checked it and found nothing wrong."

"I have applied for a one-year vacation time on Tailong 3 for you. Please take your family with you and have a good rest."

Sain didn't care whether he could take a vacation or whether he would receive special arrangements. He only cared about whether he could continue to serve as captain.

Yaoen knew this. He stared at Saiin for a while, and then said: "For more detailed arrangements, please wait for the results of my discussion with the Lord of Tailong. Even if the result of the discussion is that you cannot continue to be the captain, you will be dismissed." He will be assigned to other navy-related positions to continue serving the sector."

After speaking, Yaoen said the truth in a roundabout way: "Or, you can also choose to apply for retirement on the grounds of mental trauma caused by special experiences."

"Thank you for your offer, but I will not apply for retirement. Either I will continue to serve as captain, or I will go to the naval school to teach." Sain said.

Yaoen nodded and transmitted another string of information to Saiin.

About the honor award.

Thain and his crew perished with the Vengeful Spirit. Although he himself did not die, his contribution will be recorded and he will be duly rewarded.

Yaoen himself thought there was nothing wrong with Saiin, but he didn't know what the Lord of Tyrone would think.

Assuming that Sain cannot serve as captain, then as he said, he can go to the naval school to teach, or as a war hero to give speeches on every planet in the sector...

"In any case, thank you and your crew for your contributions to the entire human race." Yaoen saluted Sain.

"For the Emperor, for the Lord of Tyrone." Saiin nodded.

Communication ends.

There was nothing for Sain to solve at this time, but he did not get off the transport plane.

Saiin wanted to ask Adam to help him. This old friend was a marshal after all. He might be able to help him continue to be the captain, even the captain of a transport ship.

But if you think about it carefully, some things in the fleet are handled by intelligent systems, and Adam has no authority to intervene, so let's forget it.

"Goodbye." Saiin stood up and left the cabin.

"Don't forget to install a small steel cannon." Adam smiled.

Saiin turned around and raised his middle finger: "After I install the small steel cannon, I will go to your house while you are at the Admiralty."

Within a research facility.

After the communication ended, Yaoen looked at Qin Mo.

In front of Qin Mo, a ton of black stone was being shaped by logistics machinery, sometimes being formed into a spire, sometimes being reorganized into a square...

"Will Saiin continue to be the captain?" Yaoen asked.

Qin Mo thought about it carefully, then shook his head: "Keep an eye on it. You know how dangerous the subspace is. He entered the subspace directly without protection. No matter what, he can't continue to be the captain immediately. Even leaving the Tyrone sector."

"I understand." Yaoen nodded.

Qin Mo waved his hand, indicating that Yaoen should leave if nothing happened.

Yao En immediately left the research facility and closed the door.

Yaoen is not the only one who handles matters regarding Saiin. Anruida, a civil servant in the Imperial Guard, is also responsible for this matter.

Anreda did not go with the fleet to rescue the bridge of the Path of Glory. He had been dealing with the matter of the Gate of Tyrone, and now the Gate of Tyrone has been established.

A circle of galaxies outside the entire Tyrone star sector has begun to build a void defense line.

"How do you plan to arrange Sai Yin?" An Ruida and Yao En walked side by side.

"Watch and observe again," Yaoen said.

"I think it would be better to find a way to find out, develop a separate psychological test plan for him, and then order a mind-reading instrument from a medical company to find out what is going on in his mind." An Rui Da suggested.

Yao En originally wanted to say that this wouldn't work, but after thinking about it carefully, it really might work.

Chaos corrosion will change a person's mind. In the Tyrone sector, if Saiin is really corroded, it can be detected using instruments or other scientific means.

"That's it."

"We should have done this a long time ago. If we enter the subspace once and capture the captain, will the navy still be able to fight a war?"

"That's the truth."

Yao En and An Ruida hit it off.

Then Yaoen suddenly remembered that when they were in the maelstrom, Gray and the other guards who were not soulless were not affected much. He told his doubts to Andreda: "You said that Gray and the others were not soulless. But he didn’t seem to be adversely affected in the maelstrom, and Gray couldn’t even hear a whisper.”

"Maybe the guards are very strong-willed and have highly modified bodies, so they are not as susceptible to the effects of subspace like other normal people, right?" Anreda speculated.

"The guards are also human beings, why aren't they normal?" Yaoen didn't think what Anruida said was right.

But Anruida was insistent. He thought that the biggest problem in expanding the guards was not whether Qin Mo could find time for surgery, but choosing people.

After thinking for a moment, Anreda said with a deep look: "After the battle at the bottom of the nest, Gray and I faced two choices: to follow a person who seemed to be a psyker at the time in a battle full of rebels. Either seek death in the nest, or find a way to leave the nest... We chose the former, can normal people make such a choice?"

Yaoen is not from the 44th Regiment. He doesn't know what happened before he became a guard, so he wants to tell Anruida that following the Lord of Tyrone is the choice that normal people should make.

But if you think about it carefully, it would be difficult for someone in that situation not to escape.

Although you might be executed if you find a way to leave the bottom nest, you are more or less clearly dead.

Staying in the bottom nest is 100% fatal, and it will be a silent death. The Planetary Defense Force can directly treat it as a missing person and not even pay a pension.

When people who cannot predict the future are faced with these two choices, those who can choose to stay in the bottom nest can hardly be called normal people...normal people at the level of will.

"About Sain...I will go to the medical company to order instruments tomorrow." Anruida walked onto the transmission platform, "But there is one thing I need your help with. Let's go to the celestial engine together."

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