Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 351 The soul returns to the throne?


While Adam was lying on the glass watching the operation, the two mutant crew members who had previously performed the operation walked out of the medical room next door.

After the operation, they were simply bandaged by the nurse.

One of the people's mutated appendages was amputated.

Another crew member with an extra mouth had to cut out a hole in his face and then replace it with artificial bones and bionic skin.

These two people had much better luck than Cain. They were even able to come out and salute Adam after the surgery and bandaging.

Adam returned the greeting and continued observing the operation.

The two crew members were also curious about what happened to Saiin and stood by the window to watch.

"The throne."

"What happened to Captain Sain? Did he enter subspace?"

"What do you think? If it didn't enter the subspace, would it mutate like this?"

The operation gradually came to an end as the three people watched.

When doctors attached a prosthetic body to Sain's head, Sain looked like a metal man.

This is not over yet. The surface of Sain's metal body is printed with bionic leather, just like the bionic leather of the guards.

"It's over." The doctor picked up a document and handed it to Sain on the hospital bed. "Sign your name. As for the bill, the Navy Department and the insurance company have already prepaid the entire process from surgical treatment to postoperative recovery. You don’t have to pay for the medical expenses.”

Saiin sat up numbly and signed his name on the document.

The latest medical prosthesis can replace a person's original physiological structure from the inside out, and it is more usable than the original physiological structure. It does not even require recovery time to allow Sain to have normal movement abilities.

Sai's numbness at this moment was entirely mental.

Afterwards, the doctors guided Sain through an exercise test, checked many physiological data, and finally let him leave the operating room.

Until he stood outside the operating room, Sain was still numb and in a daze.

He kept looking at his hands and body.

"Your wife is waiting for you on Tyrone One." Adam pushed the wheelchair towards Sain and motioned for him to sit on it.

Sain doesn't need a wheelchair, but he uses it anyway because it makes him feel like a natural person.

Natural people will not be able to move immediately after the operation...

Adam personally pushed the wheelchair and sent Sain out of the operating room and the hospital. As he walked, he said: "Remember to install a small steel cannon before going home, so that your wife will feel better when she learns that you have become a full-body prosthetic." .”

Saiin had no reaction to the joke and continued to sit in the wheelchair in a daze and numbness.

In the past and present, Sain is a naturalist. He hates excessive prosthetic modifications. He even organized a group to go to the Prosthetics Company building to protest against the company's marketing advertisements for replacing injured miners' prosthetics for free. When things got serious, the outside world suspected that Tai Lung Navy was hostile to the transformation of prosthetics.

However, it is impossible to find pure natural people who have not undergone transformation among people of high and low status in all the hives of the empire. Even Sain has been equipped with brain-computer interfaces and thinking assistive devices before.

In any case, everything except his brain has been changed, which is hard for Saiin to accept.

"What did you see in the warp?"

After leaving the hospital, the transport plane flew over and landed gradually. When landing, Adam asked Sain about his nightmare past.

"I entered the subspace two days ago and stayed in it for a while..." Sain began to talk about what he experienced in the subspace.

Several months have passed since the Battle of Cadia. The two days that Saiin said were not accurate, but considering that there is no time in the subspace, to him, only two days have really passed.

From Adam's point of view, this was good, at least Saiin did not endure the pain for several months subjectively.

"I saw Albert." Sain said suddenly.

"Albert? The leader who always longed to see the sky, but ended up dying at the hands of the Undernest gene stealers?"

"Yes. He was the regimental commander when I was still in the army. Not only him, but also many other dead people, whom I have seen or not seen..."

"Maybe it's a hallucination... You need to get some rest, man."

After hearing Adam say that it was an illusion, Sain suddenly became excited.

"It's not a hallucination!"

"I was almost eaten by something in the subspace, and then they showed up and saved me. At that time, I had not mutated, everything was normal, I definitely saw it!"

Adam was noncommittal, he only knew that subspace was a chaotic place, and anything could happen there.

Saiin stopped defending and gradually calmed down.

The transport plane roared down and the door slowly opened.

Adam pushed Sain into the cabin.

When he got up from the wheelchair and sat on his seat in the cabin, Sain suddenly asked: "Did you say that we Tyrone people will not go to the throne after we die?"

"Don't you believe in the state religion?" Adam poured a glass of wine and handed it to Sain, "You told me before that you heard the priest say that all human beings will return to the Golden Throne after death, and their souls will be protected by the emperor forever. "

"I believed it before, but now I don't think so," Sain said thoughtfully.

He saw the souls of Albert and many other dead people in the Warp. They were not in front of the Emperor's Golden Throne, but wandering in the Warp, threatened by the creatures of the Warp.

If it weren't for the spiritual power provided to them by the monthly memorial ceremonies held by the Tyrone people, perhaps they wouldn't be able to survive in the subspace.

"Perhaps the Emperor has abandoned us?" Sain said suddenly.

Adam thought it was possible, but he still comforted his old friend: "As we speak, wars are breaking out everywhere in the galaxy. Maybe too many people died. We mortals are not Astartes, so we may have to queue up slowly. Waiting to go to the Golden Throne.”

After hearing this, Saiin was silent for a long time, just nodded and murmured: "I used to think that the memorial ceremony was unnecessary..."

Every time he attended the memorial ceremony in the past, Sain would only feel sad that he could no longer see Albert, because he felt that everyone else had already returned to the Golden Throne, and it was a good thing that they were freed from the hellish galaxy. , why should living people in the real universe feel sad for them?

But after returning from the subspace this time, Sain believes that not everyone can return to the throne.

Perhaps the spiritual power of living people is the reason why the souls of the dead can survive in subspace. Otherwise, they would have to be harassed or abused by subspace creatures and would never be able to escape.

"Maybe the Lord of Tyrone can protect their souls," Adam said.

"No, it won't." Saiin shook his head.

Based on the knowledge he had learned about subspace before, Sain knew that human belief and spiritual power could affect many things.

But the Lord of Tyrone is probably the same as the Soulless One. Otherwise, in the past ten years, the beliefs of nearly 100 billion people in the entire star region have converged on him. In the subspace, there would not be only the orbital dock-like sphere to protect Able. Special their souls.

Sorry guys, the bus back to work is delayed.

Four chapters to start, two more to come in a moment

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