Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 353 The Witch of Mars

After a while.

Celestial Engine North Pole.

The hangar where the Ohm Messiah Blade Legion resides.

Yaoen and Anruida appeared on the teleportation platform together, and before them were one Titan after another.

"You know that I was arranged by the Lord of Tyrone to be the liaison of the Titan Legion after the Cadian War." Andreda and Yao En walked slowly in front of the giant war machine.

"I know." Yaoen nodded.

After the Cadian War, the Blades of the Ohm Messiah were supposed to return to their forge world Agrippina, but the ruling sage of that forge world, Vic, never mentioned the Legion, and the Legion also Don't want to go back.

Before the army and navy all set off to return to Tyron, Lord Omun of the Messiah Blade Legion of Ohm, when he learned that he was going to be sent back to the Forge World, threatened to detonate the Titan and asked the Tyronians to take him with them.

It is also said that the Vic Sage demanded that the Legion either be destroyed in the war or go to Tyron, otherwise the Blade of Ohm Messiah would have no value and meaning in continuing to exist.

There was no choice but to take them with her. Anreda later became the liaison of the Titan Legion, responsible for conveying messages to the Legion Lord Omuen or maintaining the supply supply of the Titan Legion.

"But what does this have to do with me?" Yao En asked doubtfully.

Anruida did not speak directly, but brought Yaoen to the Warmaster-class Titan.

Agrippina's Glory.

Equipped with four physical energy shield generators.

The core part was transformed into living metal, and the team of servitors responsible for maintaining the Titan were stuffed into the logistics machinery.

"Actually, I can understand the thoughts of their ruling sage." Anreda looked up at the Titan's head. "If they stay in Agrippina, they will definitely be dealt with severely by the inquisitor."

"Indeed." Yaoen nodded, and he suddenly remembered Greyfax who had followed the original body to the star area before.

Compared with Bellona, ​​the only advantage that girl has is that she is not particularly crazy.

"This Titan Legion has just received a new Titan." Anruida continued to patrol the Titans with Yao En.

The two came to a Titan larger than the Warmaster-class Agrippina's Glory.

This Titan was obviously not made by the Forge World, nor is it the property of the Forge World, because it does not seem to have so many iron skull runes, and the weapons are not similar to volcano cannons and plasma cannons, but have Tyron-style energy. and live ammunition weapons.

"Mars Witch." Anreda looked up at the Titan. "It is equivalent to the Lord of Tyrone in the army."

Andreda then began to introduce the entire Titan.

Developed and manufactured two years ago by the Agrippina Forge World and the Tyrone Sector, it must be piloted by the most talented Soulless.

The phaser energy cannons on the Titan's shoulders can shoot right through a mountain range.

The missile launcher on top of the Titan can fire four hundred missiles a minute.

There is also an ammunition factory inside Titan to supply ammunition.

And most importantly, the Titan's head is made of a medium that can use the power of Lord Tyrone, which means that it can distort the rules of physics to a certain extent, teleport at will, and can directly penetrate through huge obstacles without bypassing them. …

It can even create dense flaming meteors on the battlefield, turn glaciers into lava seas, release lightning that can wipe out all matter within several kilometers, or other powerful god-like attacks...

"It's so powerful." Yao En looked up at the Mars Witch with yearning in his eyes. He simply couldn't imagine how great it would be to drive such a Titan. "It's a pity that I'm a Guard, otherwise I would have signed up to be the driver of this Titan." member."

"Your daughter really lets you do what you want." Anruida said something that made Yaoen feel unclear. "It's a good thing you became a guard. Otherwise, your shameful soulless talent would also want to kill this Titan?"

Yaoen didn't dwell on this sentence, and just sighed: "The soulless people who can drive this Titan are definitely the pride of the city where the soulless people live."

"Are you personally proud of this driver?" Anruida asked with a smile.

"Do you even need to ask?" Yao En nodded vigorously without even thinking, "I am honored that there is someone in our soulless tribe who can pilot such a powerful Titan! I am really...I am so excited. I don’t know what to say anymore.”

Anruida smiled and nodded: "That's great. The pilot is in the hangar. You can meet him."

Just as Yaoen was thinking about what he should say to encourage and praise the soulless man when he saw him, he saw someone he absolutely didn't want to see at this time and place.

An airtight girl whose whole body was wrapped in heavy instruments walked toward Yaoen. She was very surprised when she saw him: "Dad? Are you back from the maelstrom?"

She is Yao En's daughter, Diana.

After seeing his daughter, the smile and excitement on Yaoen's face disappeared instantly.

Ten years ago, when Yaoen underwent the Guard surgery and returned to his home in a shabby neighborhood wearing his Guard armor, his eight-year-old daughter and mother ran out to greet him.

The wives and daughters couldn't believe that their husbands or fathers had become the guards around the legion commander.

At that time, Yaoen had already thought about what his daughter would do in the future... Being a woman like Dame Donna meant not only personality and career, but status and life.

Spend your life peacefully in Soulless, which is a town in name but actually larger than a city.

After the Battle of Cartier, Yaoen became more determined in his thoughts after seeing the terrifying Tiantian battlefield with high intensity of war, as well as the demons whose shapes could make people feel uncomfortable.

But now...

"I...I have to...I have to go and see the Lord of Tailong..." Yaoen did not respond to his daughter, and turned around and walked towards the teleportation platform.

Diana immediately ran over and dragged her father back to the Titan.

"This is not an order from Lord Tyrone. He doesn't want your daughters to go to the battlefield." Anreda explained for Diana, "Seven years ago, it was Diana who became obsessed with this war machine after seeing Sir Donna's knights. She even sneaked into the Undernest Fortress to ask the Lord of Tyrone to arrange a knight for him as well."

"No, how could an eleven-year-old girl enter the deepest part of the fortress? Are you kidding me?" Yaoen shook his head.

"Others can't, but your daughter can." Anruida said and sent a document to Yaoen.

This document is the result of the investigation and research on Diana given by Taiwei's Soulless Research Facility.

The above shows that Diana's soulless talent is astonishingly strong. Just by appearing within one kilometer of a normal person, she will turn the normal person into a soulless shell on the spot.

But unless the person approached by Diana is a fool, he will feel strong discomfort, and his instinct will drive him to escape further away immediately.

Seven years ago, all the garrison and defenders of the Bottom Fortress ran away, which is why Diana was able to enter the fortress.

Another study showed that if Diana knew the specific location of the psyker experimental subjects captured during the war, as long as the distance between the two sides was shortened to within twenty kilometers, the psyker experimental subjects would scream and die.

In short, Diana's talent was much better than his father's. The research facility gave him a four-word evaluation: a black hole in the soul.

The heavy equipment worn by Diana is a suppressor made by Lord Tyrone himself. The principle is to infinitely amplify the space around Diana's body through the concept of distortion range, which has the effect of preventing others from being affected by her.

"It was Diana who wanted a super cool war machine, and he named the Martian Witch himself." Anreda added.

Yaoen nodded and turned to glare at Diana: "Do you know that this Titan is not a toy but a war machine? Do you know that during the Cadian War, the intensity of the war that broke out on the moon was just right? Need to release the Titan Legion? The Titans there will explode like tanks on a low-intensity battlefield. You are going to the battlefield!"

"I understand, Father." Diana's head wearing a heavy suppressor bobbed up and down, "But Sir Donna said that there is nothing cooler in this universe than driving a war machine to kill everyone."

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