Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 338 Guilliman’s shortcomings

As the dimensional navigation resonance gradually formed, the combat team led the survivors into the bridge.

These survivors did not feel happy about surviving the disaster, but instead felt anxiety and sorrow that could not be concealed.

When she saw Guilliman, one of the survivors, a woman who had worked as a scribe for an Ecclesiarch, suddenly shouted.

"He is the Son of God!"

"He is the son of God who leads the God Emperor's angels!"

The survivors all raised their heads and looked up at Guilliman. They just thought that this kind-hearted man was tall and strong, taller and stronger than the ordinary angels of the God-Emperor, but they did not expect that he was the son of the God-Emperor mentioned in the state religion books.

"I am not the son of God, I am just the son of the Emperor." Guilliman shook his head at the woman to deny his religious status. He had a kind smile on his face, but he was extremely disgusted in his heart.

What a son of God.

What God-Emperor Angel.

There are so many people in the state religion who enjoy the highest treatment and do nothing all day long just compiling scriptures. How can such an empire not become darker and darker?

After the survivors were briefly happy, they returned to their original anxious and sad look.

"You are already safe." Guilliman comforted everyone, "We will leave this terrifying place soon and send you to a safe world."

However, what puzzled Guilliman was that what he said did not alleviate the anxiety and sorrow of these people, but instead made it worse.

Some women knelt and gazed at the top of the bridge, praying to the Emperor.

The men knelt down and gathered together, whispering worriedly.

"What are you worried about?" Guilliman asked.

"We..." The woman who called the original body the Son of God wanted to explain, but as if she suddenly realized that her time was running out, she shook her head and cried while shaking her whole body.

Guilliman turned his head and glanced out the porthole. The dimensional rift had opened. He was no longer worried about anything. He only felt that these poor people might have gone insane from fear in the demon world.

"I'm sorry...Son of God...please don't blame us..."

The woman suddenly burst into tears.

"They said... they said if we do this we can survive..."

"If we knew that we were boarding the ship of the Son of God... we would rather commit suicide than listen to them..."

"Please forgive our sins... Son of God, God Emperor!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a boy among the survivors suddenly trembled, and his eyes released purple light.

Guilliman's eyes widened. As his eyes gradually widened, his brain had already thought of many possibilities, and he immediately looked at the captain to give an order.

The captain shouted to the crew before the primarch's eyes fell on him: "Activate the Geller stance!"

The ships in the Ultramar fleet entered the dimensional rifts one after another. They had seen the purple rifts gradually opening around the Macragge's Glory, but it was already too late.

Macragge's Glory entered the subspace, stayed for less than a second, and then was sent out of the subspace to an unfamiliar galaxy.

During his stay in the subspace for less than a second, Guilliman felt like a fish in water.

"This is the center of the maelstrom!" The crew member responsible for controlling the engine checked the star map and reported loudly to Guilliman.

"The enemy ship is approaching!"

"That's... Blackstone Fortress!"

Guilliman had already seen the approaching fleet outside the porthole. In the information he read after waking up, the unique black mark represented that they were the Red Corsair Fleet.

Behind the red pirate fleet comes a black stone fortress.

"Waste code intrusion detected!"

At the same time as another report sounded, the screen next to Guilliman flickered a few times, and then a birdman with two heads appeared.


Guilliman himself didn't know why Carlos, the birdman, always made things difficult for him, whether it was ten thousand years ago or ten thousand years later.

"Stupid, extremely stupid, will you fall into this kind of trap? Hahahahahaha!"

"Two million people dedicated their souls to the trap I carefully prepared. I even had to negotiate terms with mortals... But fortunately, the efforts of my master and I were not in vain. You still fell into the trap."

Carlos's two heads spoke contradictory words.

Guilliman can probably figure out the current situation.

Carlos set up a ritual, and the survivors were just bait for the ritual to take place.

The effect of the ritual is not to cause the psyker to lose control and pull the ship into the warp, but to think and worry before sending out the battle team.

The ceremony was completed when the survivors were rescued onto the battleship.

As for the survivors, they were probably promised their lives if they held on for a while longer in the castle fortress and were taken aboard a battleship.

The survivors knelt on the ground, bleeding from their foreheads, begging the Son of God to take their lives in exchange for His tolerance for the soul.

Guilliman looked at the survivors expressionlessly, was silent for two seconds, and said to Carlos: "Let them live."

"Of course, how could I refuse a request from my Primarch?"

"No, don't even think about it."

On the screen, Carlos taps the ground with the Staff of Tomorrow. Every time he taps, one of the survivors will die.

The strange thing is that there will be a dead person behind Carlos on the screen.

The dead were burned in the blue fire, and their skin fell off, but they were not dead. They screamed loudly and asked for help from Guilliman on the other side of the screen, calling for the Son of God to use his mighty power to save their souls from hell.

Guilliman couldn't stop Carlos. He couldn't even figure out why someone would die when Carlos struck the scepter. What was the principle behind this in terms of psychic magic...

Until all the survivors were killed by Carlos.

Guilliman could only see corpses strewn on the ground, and the souls of Carlos suffering in the fire behind him.

The people in the bridge did not even dare to take a breath, not because they were afraid of the demon, but because they felt the wrath of the original body.

The rage was suffocating.

There were only screams in the bridge, Carlos's laughter, and the rattling sound of the Fist of Dominance on the arm of Guilliman's Armor of Destiny.

"You are an absolutely perfect Primarch, and I'm glad I could deceive you."

"Your shortcoming is that you like to think too much. This is your fatal weakness. And because you resist your own nature, you can't even tell whether the voice in your head comes from the heart or the whisper of the Lord of Changes in the Supreme Heaven!"

"I'm satisfied. Goodbye."

"I will go to your sampan and capture you alive. Wait for me, don't die."

Every contradictory statement made by Carlos was a mockery of Guilliman.

Guilliman gritted his teeth and stared at the screen, nodded slowly, and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: "That's great. Before you come, you should be prepared to be torn apart between your two necks by me!"

The past of all Primarchs proves the importance of acquired education. If we only focus on the nature of the Primarch at birth, Angron's temper will actually be better than Guilliman's.

I was cooling down. I sat in the duty room after dinner yesterday afternoon and felt like I had a cold. In the evening, I felt very uncomfortable and exhausted. I felt better after lunch today, but now I feel worse again.

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