Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 337 Demon World

Two weeks later.

Edge of the Maelstrom, Krakow Galaxy.

The gravitational field in the galaxy changed, and a dimensional rift appeared in the orbit of the demon world, from which an entire Ultramar fleet sailed out.

Guilliman himself and all the higher-ups in the fleet were aboard the Macragge's Glory.

Through the porthole, Guilliman could see his fleet and the demonic world close at hand.

It's almost right next to the weird scarlet planet that's blackened and has mountain lines that look like eyes.

The huge hulls of the Macragge's Glory and the Friendship would cause abnormalities on the planet, but everything is normal now. It can be seen that the laws of physics cannot stabilize the subspace in the Maelstrom.

"The Dimension Engine is in good condition."

"Recharging in progress."

"We will leave the maelstrom in three minutes."

A series of routine reports sounded in the bridge.

Although they were in the maelstrom at this time, the atmosphere in the bridge was not solemn and everyone was quite happy, including Greyfax, who was not happy to ride on the dimension engine ship.

There is chaos in the maelstrom, and it is difficult to get out of the maelstrom smoothly without a guide, but now due to the existence of the dimension engine, the entire fleet jumps directly from one side of the maelstrom to the other side, close to the edge.

You only need to wait three more minutes to completely escape from the maelstrom, and the road to Terra will be smooth and smooth without any obstacles.

"The Tyrone stuff is really easy to use. We got here faster than expected, saving at least a few months of time." The captain walked up to Guilliman and reported to him.

At this time, the navigator is not around, so the captain can tell the truth without being restrained by human feelings.

"Scan this world." Guilliman looked towards the demonic world outside the porthole.

"Augury or scanner?"

"This is a maelstrom, use it all."

After a few words of conversation, the captain immediately ordered the auspicious device and scanner to be activated.

Macragge's Flair and Friendship simultaneously released detection waves into the daemon world below.

The results of the scanner showed that the subspace energy of this world was explosive, and there were still some people in the imperial concept, not mutated or contaminated, but only a handful.

The results returned by the auspicious omen showed that the demon world was completely silent, but the scan readings similar to the concept of subspace energy were not very high. After all, this was the edge of the maelstrom, not the center of it.

"The Dimension Engine is ready." A crew member reported loudly.

But Guilliman did not order to leave immediately. Instead, he ordered the friendship industrial ship to conduct a deep scan of a fixed area of ​​​​the demon world.

The Mechanicus priest who controlled the industrial ship immediately adjusted the data of the scanner device and adjusted it to command scanning mode.

Another detection wave was released, and a holographic projection appeared in the center of the bridge.

The holographic imaging device is quickly modeling based on the data from the industrial ship, showing a picture of a certain area on the surface.

A group of people were struggling to hold on in a fortress that had several holes blown out on the surface of the planet.

Outside the fortress is an army of countless mutants and freaks.

The technological level of this demon world is not high. It seemed to be a feudal world before. The soldiers here did not hold laser guns, but cold weapons and a small number of flintlock guns.

Guilliman read the auspicious readings again and judged that the maelstrom was spreading outward. This demonic world was still normal a week ago.

"We should leave, my lord," the captain said.

Guilliman nodded, it was indeed time to leave.

There are still many corroded worlds like this, and there are still many people suffering. The Ultramar fleet is not here to fight, and it should not stay here too long.

But just when Guilliman was about to order the activation of the dimensional engine, many images suddenly appeared in his mind.

The demon world has become a hell on earth, where the survivors live a life worse than pigs and dogs. They either work as slaves for mutants or gather to resist, but this resistance often lasts less than a day.

As far as the Primarch's brain and vision could imagine, all the tragic events were happening every minute and every second.

Guilliman could deduce the general situation of the demon world without sending out reconnaissance troops to check.

At the same time Guilliman's heart was questioning him.

"You want to save this empire? But you can't even help the people close at hand. What you say and want to do sounds very grand, but for individual humans, it may be empty talk."

"Everyone here will die soon after you leave. They won't think that just a few minutes ago, two sector-sized fleets just arrived in the galaxy. They only need to send out a combat team. Kill all the enemies armed with cold weapons, or carve out a bloody path to rescue the survivors."

In just two seconds, the original body's demigod thoughts made him think of many things.

The current state of the Empire, the journey to Terra, the survivors close at hand...

Guilliman was tortured by his own mind and began to feel anxious and tormented.

At the moment, this matter is no longer a question of saving or not saving the survivors, it is being continuously added value by Guilliman and linked to his own responsibility.

Guilliman couldn't even be sure whether it was his own mind questioning him, or whether he was under the influence of psychic energy in the Maelstrom area... When he thought it was the latter, he felt like he was escaping, and even began to think about whether he was really pregnant. Responsibility, or hypocrisy just to maintain the image of a savior in the eyes of others.

The primarch's brain is like a computer, and the thought of whether to save people is like a calculation program, which is always looping in if and eles statements.

"Maybe I'm under psychic influence?"

"No, no, no, this is an evasion by blaming the problem on nothingness! Do I want to abandon responsibility? Is my nature hypocritical?"

Guilliman spent three seconds in a series of contemplations.

"My lord?" the captain called Guilliman softly.

"Wait a minute and send a combat team to rescue the survivors on the planet." Guilliman ordered.

The captain wanted to persuade him, but considering that the original body definitely thought more than he did, he immediately implemented it.

An entire combat team was teleported to the surface. They wore Talon teleportation protection devices and carried large-scale teleportation beacons, appearing directly inside the castle-like fortress on the ground.

The holographic image showed that the battle had begun. The fragile defenses of the weak survivor organization in the castle were instantly defeated, and the mutants rushed into the castle.

But the appearance of the combat team changed everything. They easily suppressed the mutant attack, covered the survivors as they gathered together and used teleportation beacons.

After observing the entire battle, Guilliman relaxed a little and his anxiety was alleviated.

Thinking back to the hesitation when I decided whether to save people, I even began to doubt that I was hypocritical... I just thought too much. In fact, there was no need to worry, it was just a matter of effort.

But although the tangle just now was unnecessary, it also made Guilliman doubt himself. The value of saving people was infinitely elevated in his heart, even to the point of proving whether it was hypocritical. Such a simple thing as saving people has even become a knot in my heart.

"Make sure every one of them is alive and bring them to me." Guilliman ordered his battle team.

The battle team and survivors then arrived aboard the Macragge's Glory.

The entire process took one minute and 43 seconds until entering the bridge.


Guilliman was very satisfied and stood up and ordered the captain: "Activate the dimensional engine and sail out of the Maelstrom!"

"Yes, my lord." The captain immediately carried out Guilliman's order.

The entire fleet's dimensional engines were activated one after another.

Since it is not a single-ship voyage, the dimension engine must be resonated to avoid the possibility of being teleported to the target location one after another and then fused together.

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